八年级上 Unit 5 Can you come to my party ?


Unit 5 Can you come to my party ?

Period 1

Teaching contents :Section A:1a , 1b ,1c ,2a ,2b.

Teaching goals :

1. vocabubary: lesson , hey , baseball game ,test , piano , guitar , aunt , concert , party .

2. Patterns: Can you come to my party ?z

Sure, I’d love to .

Sorry ,I can’t . I have to … .

3. 能力目标:学会邀请别人以及回答的方式.

4. 情感目标:培养学生礼貌用语的习惯.

Teaching procedures :

Step 1 leading in

Play the song : Happy birthday .

Say ,today it’s Meimei’s birthday .She wants to invite you to her birthday party .Can you tell me what she should say ?

Ask students to say .-

Step 2 Pre-task

Page 25 ,1a ,1b .

Ask ,Can you come to my party ?

Ask some students to answer .Ask the students who say I can’t go to say why .

Call attention to the words in Activity 1a. Read together .

Say ,look at the picture .Ask Ss to tell what they see in each scene .

Match the words with the picture and check the answers .

Say ,now listen to the recording .Write the name of each person next to his or her picture .

Play the recording .Ask Ss to complete the activity individually .Correct the answers .

Step 3 While-task

SB Page25 , 1c.

Point to the example in the box .Ask Ss to do a practice with partners .

Ask some groups to act .


One student invite some students to his/her party .The other students answer .

SB Page 26, 2a .

Point to the five sentences .

Say ,listen to each conversation and then circle the word that makes the sentences correct .

Play the recording .

Check the answers .

SB Page 26 ,2b .

Call attention to the five sentences in activity 2a ,ask a student to read these sentences to the class saying the correct word “can” or “can’t” .

Say ,now listen to the recording again .Write the number of the conversation (1 through 3) in front of the reasons .

Play the recording .Write down these answers .

Check the answers .

Step 4 Post-task

SB Page 26 ,2c .

Call attention to the points listed in activity 2b .-

Ask students to make their own conversation like the example .

As students work ,move around the room and monitor .

Ask some students to present their dialogue .

Step 5 Homework

Practice :

Invite your friends to come to your party .Write down their answers .



Period 2

Teaching contents :Section A Grammar focus , 3a , 3b , 4 .

Teaching goals :

1. vocabulary : whom , start , join , practice , math test , mall , calendar .

2. Patterns : Can you go to the mall this week ?

Can she/he/they go to movies ?

3. 能力目标:学会写请贴,会制做日程表.

4. 情感目标:学会人际交往的基本常识.

Teaching procedures :

Step 1 Leading in

Ask :How many people did you invite yesterday ?What did they say ?

Ask one student to show his answer .

Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 26 , Grammar focus .

Review the grammar box .Ask Ss to say the questions and answers .-

Talk about the two ways people give reasons for saying no to an invitation .

Call attention to “has to” and “have to” ,under the words write “I’m ing , and she’s ing .”

Step 3 While-task

SB Page 27 , 3a .

Call attention to the invitation .Ask questions about it .eg.What kind of invitation is it ?

Call attention to the dialogue .Ask a pair of students to read it to the class ,saying blank each time they come to a blank line .

Ask students to fill in the blanks according to the invitation .

Check the answers .

SB Page 27 , 3b .

Ask two students to act the conversation you just completed .

Call attention to the blank invitation card .

Complete this card .-

Ask some pairs to present their conversations to the class .

Step 4 Post-task

SB Page 27 ,Part 4 .

Read the instructions for this activity to the class .

Read the dialogue with a student .

Point out Eliza’s calendar on page 27 and Lu Qing’s calendar on Page 87.

Ask students to make conversations.

Discuss the answer with the class .

Step 5 Homework

1. Make your own calendar .

2. Make an invitation .



Period 3

Teaching contents: Section A 1a,1b,1c,2a,2b,2c.

Teaching goals:

1. vocabulary:Sunday ,Monday ,Tuesday ,Wednesday , Thursday ,Friday ,Saturday ,tomorrow .

2. Pattern: Can you play tennis with me ?

What’s today ?

3. 能力目标:能训练地用英语和别人进行交际.

Teaching aids :

Step 1 Leading in

Ask the student who is on duty to say something to the class .

Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 28 ,1a , 1b .

Show the days of the week in a large monthly calendar .

Point out the days of the week at the top of the calendar and ask a student to read these words aloud .

Ask a student to point out today’s date ,tomorrow’s date ,the day after tomorrow’s date and yesterday’s date .-

Complete activity 1a ,check the answer .

Ask students to write the words today ,tomorrow , yesterday and the day after tomorrow in the correct spaces on the calendars in their books .

Step 3 While-task

SB Page 28, 1c .

Call attention to the example in the box .Ask two students to read it to the class .

Ask Ss to work in pairs .

Ask :What do you want to do on Monday , Tuesday … ?

Write down your answers .

Make some conversations with your partner .

Ask some Ss to present their conversations .

SB Page 28, 2a, 2b .

Point to the picture .

Listen to the conversation .Can Vince play tennis with Andy ?Circle “yes” or “no” .

Play the recording .Ask what can Vince do today .

Pay attention to the list of five activities ,and the three -

lettered words .

Point out the sample answer ,say, Number 1 is b ,that means that Vince is playing soccer tomorrow .

Play the recording .

Correct the answers .

Step 4 Post-task

SB Page 28, 2c .

Help student find partners .Say ,one student is Andy ,the other is Vince .

Ask the pairs to practice for a few minutes like the example.

Ask some pairs to present their conversation .



Period 4

Teaching contents :Section B 3a, 3b ,3c ,4, selfcheck .

Teaching goals :

1. vocabulary: e-mail message , invitation , science , match ,whole ,come over to ,till

2. Patterns: Thank you for your invitation. I’m sorry I can’t . I have to … .

3. 能力目标:学会以“邀请”为主题的书面表达形式,弄懂E-mail 的写作法.

4. 情感目标:理解“义务”涵义.

Teaching aids : tape , tape-recorder , cards .

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Leading in

Show an article to the class .

Say ,this is a e-mail message .

Call attention to the form .

Read the article individually .

Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 29 ,3a .-

Say ,there is another e-mail message .

Ask a student to read it to the class .

Call attention to the blank calendar .

Say ,Now read it again .Then complete Sonia’s calendar .

Check the answers .

Step 3 While-task

SB Page 29 ,3b .

Point out the e-mail message .Ask a student to read it aloud .

Say ,Fill in the blanks in the e-mail message ,use “I’m+verb+ing” or “I have to +verb”.

Ask students to complete the activity on their own .

Ask some Ss to present the answers to the class .

SB Page 29 ,3c .

Say ,now write your own e-mail message to a friend .say why you can’t visit next week , give some reasons you wish .

As Ss work ,move around the room monitoring their work.

Ask some Ss to read their message to the class .-

Step 4 Post-task

SB Page 29 ,Part 4 .

Read the instruction to the class.

Complete the calendar on Page 88 .

Say ,now go around the class .Ask Ss if they can come to your party at the time you are free .

Step 5 Exercise


Then ask some students to present their answers .

Check the answers .

