

Unit One Making a difference

Language points

1. within prep. 在……范围以内

adv. 在里面;在内心

eg: I shall be back within half an hour.

Stay within hearing distance of the house.

It wasn’t within my power to help her.

Outwardly, he repented, but within, he felt no remorse.


Don’t leave matches or cigarettes on the table ____ reach of little children.

A. into B.wihout C. within D. with [C]

1).Stay within hearing distance of the house.(英译汉)

2).They finally came within sight of the shore.(英译汉)

Out of one’s reach=beyond one’s reach=without one’s reach

2.undertake vt.vi undertake something ; undertake to do sth; undertake that


1. 他负责整个计划的组织工作。

He_________the organization of th whole scheme.

2. 这种人很难把他们的工作做成功。

It is difficult for such men tosucceed in anything they_________.

3. 那工作由他们承担。 The work________ ________by them..

4. You will_______your new duties tomorrow.

A. undertook B.assume C.engage D.promise

5. I________to teach the children English.

A.undertook B.undertakes C.am undertaking D.well undertake

6. Although she had enough free time.she didn't _______to look after her sick mother.

A underline B understand C underplay D.undertake

1. undertook 2. undertake 3. is undertaken 4. B 5.A 6.D

3. curious adj. eager,interested好奇的;好求知的

curiously adv. 好奇地,奇怪地

eg:be curious about sth.对某事感兴趣,好奇

be curious to do sth.

be curious + that从句

He was curious to know what would happen他很想知道会发生什事。

I am curious why she was late for school.我很想知道她为什么上学迟到。

She is too curious about her neighbors’business.她太好管邻居的闲事。

They looked at her curiously.他们好奇地看着她

Curiously enough,he didn't like music.说也奇怪,他并不喜欢音乐。

4. similar adj. like;of the same sort类似的,相似的

eg:We have similar opinions.我们都有类似的意见。

Similar triangles have equal angles.相似三角形有相等的角。

be similar to和……相似,类似

eg:My opinions are similar to his.我的意见和他的意见相似。

【拓展】Be farmiliar to …… 被。。。。。。熟悉

Be farmiliar with……对。。。。。。熟悉

5. debate vt; vi; n debate sth ;debate about /on sth(with sb)



The question was not worth ________.


The children________who was the great Chinese scholar.


Mr.Smith and Mr.David__________with each orther________the house


The government ________the need for widening the highway.


The representatives_________the merits of the proposed constitutional amendment.

A.Discussed B.disputed C.debated D.quarrdled


He ________ ________his brother_______the terms of their father’s will.

7.The government ____the education laws.

A.is arguing B.is disputing C.is debating D. are debating


They passed the motion with _______。

6.Promise n.&v. written or spoken undertaking t0 do,or not to do sth..

(1) n. ①[C]承诺,诺言,契约

eg:He gave me a promise of helping me.他答应要帮助我。

Don't forget your promise to keep the secret for me.



give/make a promise许诺

keep a promise遵守诺言

break a promise违背诺言

eg:He made/gave a promise that he would buy a gift for me.


Everyone should keep a promise.人人都要守信。

Don't make friends with one who always breaks a promise.



He is an engineer of promise.他是有希望(前途)的工程师。

(2 ) v. ①有……的希望,恐怕(可能)会

eg:She promises to be a good wife.她渴望做个好太太。

警示】promising adj. 有希望、有前途的、前途光明的

eg:a promising actress 有前途的女演员

The weather is promising.天气可望好转。



promise sth.

sb. to do sth.

eg:They promised(us)that they would respect our decision.


Promise(me)never to trouble me again. 答应(我)绝不再麻烦我。

【警示】 在promise sb.to do sth.结构中,to do的逻辑主语不是sb.而是主句的主语,而permit sb.to do sth.中to do的逻辑主语是sb.。请比较下面两个句子:.

He promised me to come earlier.他答应我他早点

He permitted me to leave. 他允许我离开。

7. engage v. be bound by a promise to marry;take part in;employ



Mary engaged herself to a Frenchman.= Mary was engaged to a Frenchman.玛丽和一个法国人订了婚。


eg:He wants to engage(himself)in foreign trade.


Please wait a minute;he is engaged just now.


with sth.

【警示】‘‘忙于”可用be busy (in)doing sth.

eg:He was busy doing his homework.

而engage in后常用名词。

He was engaged in his homework.他正忙着(做)作业。


eg:He engaged my sister as his secretary.


【拓展】engage for保证,担保

eg:That's all I can engage for.我所能担保的仅此而已。

练习: They _______engaged for one year.Now they are engaged_______ preparation for the wedding.

A.were;to B.have been;to

C.became;in D.have been;in [ D ]

8.seek v. (1)寻找,探索,追求

eg:He is seeking an answer to the problem.


He found it worthless to seek fame.



eg:He sought his doctor's advice.他征求医生的意见。

【警示】"向某人寻求某事"seek sth.from sb.如用ask则表达为ask sb.for sth.

eg:You must seek permissions from the manager.

You must ask the manager for the permission.



eg:They are seeking to mislead us.


He sought deceive his parents but in vain.


【拓展】①seek sb./sth.out找出或找到某人/某物

eg:We sought her out to tell her of her success.


②seek after/for寻找、探索、追求

eg:He is seeking after wealth and power and position.


③be much sought after非常抢手,各方抢着要

eg:The critic is much sought after these day.


④seek one's fortune(习语)寻找致富及成功之道

练习:They______ punish him for his crime but he escaped.

A.seek to B.sought to

C.seek fo D.sought for [ B ]

9.Match v.& n. be equal to.be corresponding with;contest ,game

(1)v. ①与(某物)相配(尤指颜色)

eg:These curtains won't match your carpet.



eg:Can you match this wallpaper?



eg:No one can match her at chess.下


【拓展】 match up一致,符合

match up to sb./sth.与……同样好或相当

eg:The two statements don't match up.两份说明不相符。

The film didn't match up to my expectations.


n. ① 火柴

eg:a box of matches一盒火柴

② 比赛、竞赛eg:a football match足球比赛


match v.“和……相配;和……相称;使较量”,一般指两样东西互相匹配或两人的能力势均力敌、互为对手。

fit v. “使适合;使相配”,一般指衣服、鞋帽等合体、合身,强调大小、尺寸与某人的身材合适。

suit v.“适合于;相配”,一般指气侯、食物、花色、款式、设计等适合某人.`

This hat matches your jacket perfectly.


We must find carpets that'll match the curtain.


I can't match her at chess.我下棋比不上她。

The two pieces of furniture don't match.


These shoes fit me very well.


I don't think this jacket fits me;it's rather too small.


This climate doesn't suit her.


Rich food doesn't suit my stomach.


The color of the dress suits her very well.


练习:This hat _____ your jacket perfectly.

A.suits B.makes

C.matches D.fits [ C ]

10. predict v. tell in advance预言,预报,报告

eg:The earthquake had been predicted several months before.

这次地震早在几个月以前 就发布了预报。


predict + or --→ n.预言者、预报者、预测器

prediction n.预言,预报

Predictable adj. 可预言的,可预测的

eg:predictable behaviour可预料的行为

Do you take seriously his prediction of a government defeat.




according to + 代词(词组)

according as + 从句

eg:You will be praised or blamed according as your work is good or bad.你将依照你工作成绩的好坏而受到奖惩。

According to my watch,it is 5 o'clock.


Each man will be paid according to his ability.


练习: He will be punished according to the seriousness of his crime.(英译汉)

12.turn out 结果(是);证明(是);原来(是);后常接“(to be)+


eg:If the day turns out wet,we may have to change our plans.


The night turned out cold and rainy.


The rumor turned out(to be)true.


The plan turns out well.


Ite turned out(to be)a spy.他竟然是一名间谍。

【警示】可构成句型:It turns out that…“结果是……;后来证实……”。

eg:It turns out that she has never been marrled.


It turned out that two travellers had been killed.



(1)turn into把……变成 (2)turn back往回走、折回

(3)turn down调低、关小、拒绝 (4)turn in交还、上缴

(5)turn off关掉 (6)turn on打开 (7)turn over翻转

(8)turn to翻到、转向……,求助 (9)turn up出现、到达

练习:(1)We can go outing tomorrow.The wether will_____ fine.

A.turned up B.turned out C.turned over D.turned down [ B ]

(2)(’01全国26)We didn't plan our art exhibition like that but it_________very well.

A. worked out B. tried out C. went on D. carried on [A]

(3)We wanted to get home before dark,but it didn’t quite _____ as planted .(2004Jie jiang25)

A.make out B.turn out C.go on D.come up [B]

turn out (to be )

(4). 讲座结果很沉闷。The lecture _______ ______to be very dull.

(5). 蛋糕最后做出来很漂亮。The cake _______ _______beautifully.

(6). 新手证明是队里最出色的击球员。The rookie _______ ________ ________the best hitter on the team.


patient adj. 有耐心的,能容忍的

n. 病人

patience n. 耐心、耐性、忍耐力

eg:You should be more patient with others.你应该多容忍他人一些。

The hospital has a lot of patients.那家医院患者很多。

This kind of work requires much patience.



lose/run out of one's patience 失去耐心

We have lost/run out of our patience after three hours’waiting.


14.make a difference 产生差别;有影响;起重要作用eg:

I admit that makes a difference.我承认那与众不同。

Yousupport will certainly make a difference in our cause.



eg:It makes a difference which you choose.


It makes no difference to me whether he goes or not.


15. what if (1) 如果……怎么办,即使……又有什么关系

eg:What if they don't come? 如果他们不来怎么办?

What if he gets angry? 即使他生气又有什么关系?

What if they should be thieves? 如果他们是贼的话怎么办?

What if she finds out that you have lost her book?


What if we fail/failed/should fail?万一我们失败了,怎么办?

What if a storm should come up? 暴风雨要是来了怎么办?

What if I fail? 即使我失败了又能怎样?

(2)what if还可以用来表示“建议、邀请或要求”,从句中常用一般现在时或一般过去时。

eg:What if you join us for lunch?


(1)What is called所谓

(2)What about……怎么样

(3)What's more而且

16. laugh at

(1)因……而发笑 eg:

He laughed at the funny story.他听到那个有趣的故事而发笑。

(2)嘲笑eg:Don't laugh at a person who is in trouble.不要嘲笑陷于困境的人。

【拓展】①laugh away以笑消除 ②laugh down以笑打断/拒绝

17.punish vt.惩罚;处罚

The murderer was punished by death.


Drunken driving should be punished severely by the law.


He narrowly escaped being punished.他差一点受到惩罚。


常用于punish sb.for doing sth.结构。

His father punished him for telling lies.


The teacher punished him for cheating on the exam.



use up

run out 用光,耗尽

run out of

We used up all the bread at breakfast.早餐我们吃光了所有的面包。

Thev have used up their money.=Their money has been used up.


We are running out of water.=Water is being run out of.

=Water is running out.水快用完了。

All our supply of food has run out.


练习:(1) With drink and food_______,the prisoner had to

walk out of the cave where he was hiding.

A.run out B.run out of

C.use up D.using up [ B ]

(2)(2005山东卷32). What shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has ______?

A. given out B. put out C. held up D. used up [A]


to the point切题

when it comes to the point到了关键时刻

be on the point of doing sth.when


There is no point in doing sth. 做某事没有作用或没有意义

Point out 指出

练习:(1)一--shall we have a talk with her and tried to persuade her not to see a movie tonight?

--There is no_______talking to her.She never listens.

A.good B.value C.point D.worth [ C ]

(2)(2005湖北卷)30.He hasn’t slept at all for three days. he is tired out.

A.There is no point B.There is no need

C.It is no wonder D.It is no way (C)

(3)(2004浙江28). --- Brad was Jane’s brother!

---_______ he reminded me so much of Jane!

A. No doubt B. Above all C. No wonder D. Of course [C]


1. Imagination is more important than knowledge.



eg: He works more and better than he used to.


Some students think chemistry is more interesting than physics.



eg:The child was more frightened than hurt.


The book seems to be more a dictionary than a grammar.


2. It takes a very unusual mind t0 undertake analysis of the obvious.



eg:The journey from London to Oxford takes about an hour and a half.


It'll take a long time for her to recover from the illness.


3.…they are studying something that is too large or too difficult to observe directly,…



eg:He is too angry to speak.他太生气了,以致说不出话。

He went too late to see her.他去得太晚了而没有见到她。


(1)如果too后为glad,pleased,happy,eager,anxious,willing,ready(甘心的、情愿的),easy 等表示心情(情绪)的形容词时,该句型表示肯定意义,这时too相当于very。

eg:Mary is too willing to study Chinese.


The old man is too easy to get angry.


(2)当too前有副词only,but,a11修饰时,该句型也表示肯定意义。这时only(but,a11)too相当于very very,语气较强。

eg:I shall be only too pleased to come.我将非常高兴来。

We are but too glad to do s0.我们非常愿意这样做。

(3)如果too前有否定词never,not,即never/not too…to…的形式;或不定式前有not时,即too…not to do的形式,均表示肯定意义。

eg:This lesson is not too hard to understand.


You are too clever not to learn English well.


练习: He is_____ careless _______ find out all the errors in the composition.

A.too;to B.very;to

C.much;to D.rather;to A


一 不定式的用法

不定式由“to+动词原形”构成其否定形式是"not to do”。



to do 一般式

不定式的主动式有 to have done 完成式

to be doing 进行式

被动式最常用的是 to be done。


1.作主语:不定式短语作主语时,往往放在谓语之后,用it作形式主语。 例:To see is to believe.

It is right to give up smoking.

It is a great pleasure to talk with him.

It is important for us to learn English well.

It is kind of you to help me so much.


要想说明不定式的动作是由谁发出,可在不定式前加for sb.;但如果是形容词

careless, clever, foolish, good, impolite, kind, nice, silly, stupid 等作表语时用of sb.


eg:e wanted to go.

I find it interesting to work with him.

Most of them don't know how to solve the problem.

You can decide whether to stay at home or play football.


有些动词后如:know, decide, find out, show, learn, teach, tell, wonder 常用 动词+疑问词+不定式 的形式。

3.作定语: 一般放在被修饰的名词或代词之后。

eg:I have some books for you to read.




eg:He is looking for a room to live in.

There is nothing to worry about.

Please give me a knife to cut with.


eg:He had no money and no place to live.


(1)Have you anything to send?     你有什么东西要寄吗?

(不定式to send的动作执行者是you)

②Have you anything to be sent?    你有什么要(我或别人)寄的东西吗?

(不定式to be sent的动作执行者是已被省略的me或someone else)

4.作状语: 表示目的、原因、结果或条件   

eg:I came here to see you.(目的)

We were very excited to hear the news.(原因)

He hurried to the school only to find nobody there.(only to…常表示未曾料到的结果)

To look at him,you would like him.(条件)


目的状语还可以用in order to或so as to来表示。

eg:In order to pass the exam, he worked very hard.

We ran all the way so as not to be late.


eg:I am very glad to hear it.

he question is difficult to answer.


eg:He is too old to do that.


eg: The room is big enough to hold us.


eg:He asked me to do the work with him.

(1)在feel,hear,listen to,look at,notice,observe,see,watch,have,let,


eg: I often hear him sing the song.

He is often heard to sing the song.


eg:She could do nothing but cry.

What do you like to do besides swim?

I have no choice but to go.


eg:My job is to help the patient.


eg: To tell the truth,I don't agree with you.


eg:He didn't know what to say.(宾语)

How to solve the problem is very important.(主语)

My question is when to start.(表语)

二 不定式的省略


1. 形容词后不定式的省略。这类形容词有:happy,gIad,ready,eager,anxious等。

如:I’ ll be away on a business trip.Would you mind looking after my cat?

Not at all。I’ d be happy to.

2. 宾语补足语、主语补足语中不定式的省略。这类动词有lagk,teIl,order,persuade,advise,wish,permit,allow等。

如:The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him not to.

3. 动词后不定式的省略。这类动词有:like,love,hope,wish,mean,want,refuse,try,advise,persuade等。

如: Will you go to the theatre,Miss Brown?

Sorry.I don want to.

4. 在某些固定用法,如:ought to,have to,used to,be able to,be going to等后也可省略不定式。

如:一Alice,why didn’t you come yesterday?

一1 was going to,but I had an unexpected visitor.



go on doing sth.继续干同一件事

go on to do sth.接着干另外一件事

stop doing sth.停止干某事

stop to do sth.停下来去干某事

forget doing sth.忘记已干了某事

forget to d0 sth.忘记要干某事

remember doing sth.记得已经干了某事

remember to do sth.记住要干某事

try doing sth.试着干某事

try to do sth.设法干某事

mean doing sth.意味着干某事

mean to do sth.打算干某事

cant help doing sth.禁不住干某事

can't help(to)to sth.不能帮助干某事

regret doing sth.后悔干了某事

regret to do sth.因要做某事而感到遗憾


1. She can’t help _______the house because she’s busy making a cake.

A.to clean B.cleaning

c.cleaned D.being cleaned (上海高考题)

[解析] 考查不定式作宾语。但不可因为思雏定势的影响而选择了B项。can’t help cleaning的意思是“忍不住要打扫”。与下文矛盾。本句句意是:她不能帮忙打扫房子,因为她忙于做蛋糕。can't help(to)do stll.表示“不能帮忙做某事”。[答案] A

2. When I handed the report to John,he said that George was the person______.(上海高考题)

A.to send B.for sending

C.to send it to D.for sending it to

[解析] 宾语从句还原则完成了send the report(it)to the person。当它变成不定式作定语则成了the person to send it(the report)to。 for 引导的短语不可作定语。[答案] C

3. The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier,______ it more difficult.

A.not make B.not to make

C.not making D.do not make (全国高考题)

[解析] 所缺部分作目的状语:(目的是)使生活变得更容易。再根据一致原则,前面用不定式作表语,后面也应用不定式 作表语。[答案] B

4. Wang Tao was made_______ the dishes for a week as a punishment.

A.to wash B.washing C.wash D.to be washing

[解析] 不定式在使役动词 make 后作宾语补足语时不带to,但如果make变为被动语态,不定式就成了主语补足语,就须加上to。 [答案】 A

5. The chair looks rather hard,but in fact it is very comfortable to________.

A.sit B.sit on

C.be sat D.be sat on (全国高考题)

[解析] 不定式to sit on用作状语,要用主动形式。sit为不及物动词,故应加上一个介词on。[答案] B

6. 一--The light in the office is still on.

一-- 0h,I forgot_______.

A.turning it off B.turn it off

C.to turn it off D.having turned it off (全国高考题)

[解析] “我忘了关灯”,“关灯”这个动作并未发生.[答案] C

7. 一You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting.

一 Well, now I regret_________ that.

A.t0 d0 B.to be doing

C.to have done D.having done (全国高考题)

[解析] “我现在后悔在会上提反对意见了”,可见“提意见”的动作已发生。[答案] D

8. 一 I usually go there by train.

一 Why not______ by boat for a change?

A. to going B.trying to go ‘

c. to try and go D.try going (全国高考题)

[解析] 对方建议为什么不换一种方式,乘船试一试。[答案] D

9.In some parts of London,missing a bus means______ for another hour.(2002年上海春季高考题)

A.waiting B.to wait

C.wait D.to be waiting

[解析] mean doing sth.表示“意思是/意味着……”之意。[答案]A

10. We agreed______ here but so far she hasn't turned up yet.

A.having met B.meeting

C.to meet D.to have met (全国高考题)

[解析] agree后要求接不定式作宾语。[答案] C

11. Little Jim should 1ove________to the theatre this evening.

A.to be taken B.to take

C.being taken D. taking (全国高考题)

[解析] would like/love 后只接不定式,一般不能接动名词。Jim 和take 间存在被动关系,故用不定式的被动形式。[答案] A

12. He gave me this strange object for my birthday and I don't know_______.

A.it what to do with B.what to do it with

C.what to do with it D.to do what with it

[解析] 该题考查名词词组作用的“疑问词+不定式”的用法。根据句意和结构,空白处应填“疑问词+不定式”结构,作know的宾语。do with 在此意为“利用”、“使用”。[答案] c

13. She will tell us why she feels so strongly that each of us

has a role_______ in making the earth a better place to live.

A.to have played B.to play

C.to be played D.to be playing(2003年上海春招题)

[解析] 本题考查动词不定式作后置定语的用法。这里是不定式作定语,修饰a role。但要注意不定式的不同形式表达不同含义。to have played表示完成;to be playing表示进行;play表示将来;to be played表被动关系。根据句意“她会告诉我们为什么她这样强烈地感觉到:在使地球成为更美好的居住地中,我们每个人起到一定作用。”是表示将来。

再者要注意当动词不定式与所修饰的名词之间为动宾关系,同时与句子主语为主谓关系时,动词不定式用其主动形式表示被动意思,故排除c项。由题干从句中时态来看,为一般现在时(has arole),故此处表示“起作用”,并非已完成的动作或正在起作用,故排除A、D两项。[答案] B