2005年英语词根词缀[上学期] 新人教版



说明:* 表示重要;在重音模式标注中,一个“-”代表一个音节。

1. *a- [Latin] 1) see ab-

[Greek] 2) not, without [an- before a vowel]: amoral, anarchy, acentric, asocial, apolitical, anarchism

[English] 3) at, on, in, intensive: aback, afloat, abed, ablaze, aloud, asleep, abreast

2. *ab- away [a- before m, p, v; abs- before c, t]: abdicate, abduct, abjure, abominable, avert, abstract, absorb, abnormal, abuse, abaxial

3. *–ability n. of adj. ending in –able: stability, changeability, adaptability(重音a’bility)/[biliti/

4. *–able [often -ible after t, s]1) that can ~: perishable, changeable, adaptable 2) that can be ~ed: provable, expendable, readable, irresistible 3) full of ~: knowledgeable 4) [added to stems]: capable, probable(通常不影响重音,但’reconcile→irrecon’cilable)

5. *-ably adv. of adj. ending in –able: peaceably, comfortably, suitably (通常不影响重音)

6. *ac- see ad-

7. *–ac 1) characteristic of: elegiac, demoniac 2) of, relating to: cardiac 3) affected by, having: maniac (both adj. and n.) (重音’- - ac)/Ak/

8. –acal =-ac adj. maniacal (重音’- acal)/[k[l/

9. acantho- thorn [acanth- before a vowel]: acanthoid

10. –acea用于动物纲名、目名: Crustacea(重音’acea)/eiFi[/

11. –acean 1) adj. of words ending in –acea or –acea (=aceous) 2) a member of the stated category: Crustacean(重音’acean)/eiFi[n/

12. –aceae 用于植物科名: Pinaceae (重音’aceae)/eisii:/

13. –aceous 1) adj. of words ending in –acea or –acea: Crustaceous 2) adj. [added to stems]: curvaceous, herbaceous (重音’aceous)/eisi[s/

14. –acerb- bitter, violent: acerbic, acerbity, exacerbate

15. aceto- 醋酸 [acet- before a vowel]: acetic, acetate

16. *–acious adj. characterized by, inclined to, full of: tenacious, fallacious, rapacious, sagacious, veracious (重音’acious)/eiFi[s/

17. *–acity n. of words ending in –acious: tenacity, sagacity, rapacity, veracity (重音’acity) /Asiti/

18. *–acle n. thing: spectacle, obstacle, manacle, tentacle, pentacle (不影响重音)

19. acou- listen: acoustic, acouophone

20. acri- sour, sharp: acrimonious, acrimony

21. *acro- 1) pointed: acrocephaly 2) topmost: acronym, acrobat, acrophobia

22. actino- of rays: actinotherapy, actinogram

23. acu-, acut- sharp: acute, acupuncture, acumen

24. *–acy n. [esp. of adj. ending in –ate] quality, position, condition: accuracy, obstinacy, determinacy, privacy, intimacy (不影响重音)

25. *ad- motion towards, addition to, nearness to, intensive

[ab- before b]: abbreviate

[ac- before c, k, qu]: acquit, accept, accustom, account, accredit, accompany

[af- before f]: afforest, affright, affix, affirm

[ag- before g]: aggravate, aggression, aggrandize

[al- before l]: alleviate, allude

[an- before n]: annotate, annex, announce

[ap- before p]: appoint, appropriate, appraise, appease

[ar- before r]: arrest, arrive, arrange, arrear

[as- before s]: assess, assault, assimilate, assure, associate

[at-before t]: attire, attest, attune, attract

[a- before sc, sp, st]: ascend, aspire, astringent

[ad- before h, j, m, v] admonish, adhere, adjacent, advertise, adjust, admixture, adventure

26. –ad [Greek] 1) the name of certain collective numerals: dyad, monad 2) the title of any of certain poems: Iliad 3) any of certain plants: cycad

[Latin] 4) adv. towards, in the direction of: caudad (不影响重音)

27. *–ade 1) the act of ~ing: blockade 2) result or product: arcade 3) participants in an action: brigade 4) drink made from: lemonade (重音: ‘ade)/eid/

28. adeno- gland or glands [aden- before a vowel]: adenoma, adenoid

29. adip- fat: adipose

30. *aer-, aeri-, aero- air: aerate, aerogram, aerospace, aerosphere, airy, aerial, aerodrome, aerolith, aerial, aerify, aerology

31. *af- see ad-

32. *Afro- African: Afro-American

33. *after- coming behind or later: aftertaste, aftermath, aftercare, afterlife

34. *ag- see ad-

35. *–ag-, -ig-, -agit- (frequentative), -act- do, drive, make: agent, agenda, activate, agitate, enact, actual, activism, activity, counteract, exact, exacting, inactive, inaction, interact, react, transact, agency, agile, agility, litigate, navigate

36. *–age n. 1) action, condition, or result of: marriage, cleavage, usage, shrinkage 2) amount or number of: acreage, mileage, percentage 3) cost of: postage, freightage, wharfage 4) place of: steerage, village, anchorage 5) collection of: peerage, package, wrappage 6) home of: hermitage, orphanage 7) loan words from French: savage, voyage (不影响重音)

37. –agog-, -agogue 1) leader: demagogue 2) a substance that induces the secretion of: galactagogue (重音’- agogue)

38. –agon- contend agony, agonize, antagonist, protagonist

39. *agri-, agro- [agr- before a vowel] field: agriculture, agrarian, agrology, agricorporation, agronomy, agrobiology, agro-town, agrestic, agrochemicals

40. –ain n. 1) person: villain, captain, chieftain 2) thing: quatrain (不影响重音)

41. *–aire n. 1) person: millionaire, doctrinaire 2) thing: questionnaire (重音’aire)/Z[/

42. *al- [Arabic] 1) used in words of Arabic origin: algebra, alchemy

[Latin] 2) see ad-

43. *–al 1) adj. of, like, or suitable for: hysterical, theatrical, personal, national, natural, exceptional 2) n. the act or process of: arrival, rehearsal, recital, appraisal, overthrowal 3) 醛: furfural 4) 巴比土酸盐: barbital (重音:一般不影响重音,但如果前面拼写是双辅音或发音是双元音,重音则为’ – al; 另外,若前面为ic,则重音为’ - ical)

44. alacri- quick: alacrity

45. alb- white: albino, album, albumen

46. –algia pain: odontalgia, nostalgia, neuralgia (重音’algia)/AldVi[/

47. ali- another, other: alias, alibi, alien

48. *–ality: n. of adj. ending in –al: mentality, morality, logicality, formality, technicality (重音’ality)/Aliti/

49. *–ally adv. of adj. ending in –al: actually, politically, climaticaaly, heroicaaly, conditionally

50. *-alter- the other: adultery, adulterate, alternate, alternative

51. *–alt- high: altitude, exalt, alto, altar, altimeter, altimetry, altocumulus

52. *–am-, -amor-, -amat- love: amity, amorous, amatory, amour, paramour, amateur, amateurish

53. *ambi- both, around: ambidextrous, ambience

54. *–ambul- walk: ambulance, preamble, somnambulism, ambulant, perambulate, ambulate, noctambulant

55. –amen- as one wishes: amenity, amenable

56. –amic- friend: amicable

57. amphi- two: amphibian, amphitheater

58. –ampl- large: ample, amplify, amplifier

59. amylo- 淀粉: amyloid

60. *an- 1) see a- 2) see ad-

61. *–an n. and adj. 1) (one) belonging to or having some relation to: diocesan 2) (one) born in or living in: Mexican, African, European 3) (one) believing in or following: Lutheran, Mohammedan (通常不影响重音,但’ean /i:[n/)

62. *ana- 1) up, upward: anadromous 2) back, backward: anagram 3) again: Anabaptist 4) throughout: analysis 5) according to, similar to: analogy

63. *–ana sayings, writings, anecdotes, facts, or objects of: Americana, Victoriana (重音’ana)/ana/

64. *–ance n. 1) the act or process of: discontinuance, resistance, attendance, guidance 2) the quality or state of being: forbearance, vigilance 3) a thing that ~s: hindrance 4): a thing that is ~ed: utterance (通常重音’ - - ance,但如果前面拼写是双辅音或发音是双元音,重音则为’- ance)

65. –ancill- maidservant: ancillary

66. *–ancy =ance [but different words may take different endings]: buoyancy, expectancy, occupancy, conservancy, elegancy, militancy (通常重音’ - - ancy,但如果原词末尾发音是双辅音或双元音,重音则为’- ancy)

67. –and see -end

68. *–andr- male, man: polyandry, androgynous, android

69. –androus having the stated number of stamens: monandrous

70. –ane 1) 饱和烃: methane, ethane 2) 某些环状化合物: cyclohexane

71. *–aneity n. of adj. ending in –aneous: spontaneity, spontaneity, contemporaneity (重音’eity)/i:[ti/

72. *–aneous adj. of a certain quality: extraneous, spontaneous, instantaneous, miscellaneous (重音’aneous)/eini[s/

73. angio- blood vessel: angiomatosis

74. *Anglo- Britain: anglophile, Anglophobia, Anglo-American

75. *–anim- 1) spirit, breath, life, mind: animal, animate, inanimate, animism, unanimous, magnanimous, longanimity, exanimate, reanimate, animated 2) hostility: animosity

76. *–ann-, -enn- year: annual, annuity, biannual (twice a year), annals, anniversary, annalist, annuity, annuitant, superannuate, biennial (once very two years), perennial, millennium

77. *-ant [adj. or n. of n. ending in –ance or –ancy] 1) adj. that has, shows or does: defiant, radiant, vigilant, determinant, assistant, repentant 2) n. a person or thing that: occupant, accountant, insurant, informant, coolant, stimulant (通常重音’ - - ant,但如果前面拼写是双辅音或发音是双元音,重音则为’- ant)

78. *ante- before, in front of: anteroom, antecedent, antenatal

79. –anth- flower: anthology, chrysanthemum

80. *-anthrop- humankind: anthropology, philanthropist, paleoanthropology, anthropoid, misanthropy, anthropotomy

81. *anti- [ant- before a vowel] against, the opposite: Antarctica, antibiotic, antihero, antiwar

82. api- bee: apiary

83. apo- [ap- before a vowel or h] away from: apogee, apology, apostasy, aphelion

84. –apt- fit, suitable: aptitude, adapt

85. *–aqua-, -aque- water: aquarium, aqueous, aquatic, aqualung, aqueduct, aquiferous

86. aquil- eagle: aquiline

87. *–ar 1) adj. of, relating to, like, of the nature of: singular, polar,similar, insular, nuclear 2) n. the agent of a particular action =-er: registrar, scholar, beggar, liar, pedlar (不影响重音)

88. –arbitr- judge: arbitrate, arbitrary

89. arc- arch: arcade

90. *arch- chief: archenemy, archbishop

91. *–arch- rule, ruler: monarch, monarchy, anarchy, autarchy, gynarchy, oligarchy, patriarchy, matriarch, plutarchy

92. archaeo-, archeo- ancient: archeology, archeologist

93. -ard-, -ars- burn: ardent, ardor, arson

94. *–ard, -art person or thing [often derog.]: braggart, tankard, drunkard, laggard, Spaniard, coward, wizard (不影响重音)

95. *–arian n. or adj.1) (one) characterized by or having: octogenarian, centenarian 2) (one) believing in: Unitarian, utilitarian, vegetarian 3) (one) associated with: antiquarian, agrairian(重音’arian)/e[ri[n/

96. *–arium place or container: aquarium, planetarium, sanitarium, ovarium (重音’arium)/e[ri[m/

97. *-arm- arms: armament, armistice

98. *-art- art, skill: artifice, artifact, artisan

99. arteri- of artery: arteriosclerosis

100. arthr- of joints: arthritis

101. –articul- joint: articulate, articulation

102. *–ary: 1) adj. relating to, connected with: ordinary, contemporary, military, urinary, imaginary, elementary 2) n. a person or thing connected with: adversary, dictionary, secretary, notary, missionary, dignitary (通常重音British: ‘- - ary, American: ‘- - ‘ary, 但如果前面拼写是双辅音或发音是双元音,重音则为’ - ary)

103. –ase enzyme: amylase /eis/

104. –asper- rough: asperity, exasperate

105. –ast person (corresponding to words ending in -asm): enthusiast, gymnast(重音’- - ast)

106. *–aster-, -astr- star: asteroid, disaster, astronomer, astrology, astrodog, astronaut, astrophysics, astral, asterisk, asteroid

107. –aster person of the stated kind (derog.): poetaster, medicaster, philosophaster

108. *–ate v. 1) to become: evaporate, maturate 2) to cause to become: invalidate, rejuvenate, differentiate 3) to form or produce: ulcerate 4) to provide or treat with: vaccinate, hypenate 5) to out in the form of, or form by means of: delineate 6) to arrange for: orchestrate 7) to combine, infuse or treat with: oxygenate (通常重音’- - ate /eit/)

109. *–ate adj. 1) of or characteristic of: collegiate, corporate, roseate 2) having or filed with: passionate, proportionate, affectionate 3) roughly corresponding to p.p ending in –ed animate, determinate (通常重音’- - ate /it/)

110. *-ate n. an office, function, agent, official or group of officials: potentate, directorate, advocate, candidate 2) the land, territory, or dominion of: priorate, sultanate 3) a person or thing that is the object of: legate, mandate 4) [in chemistry] slat made from any of certain acides with names ending in –ic: nitrate, carbonate, borate 5) [in chemistry] a result of some process: distillate (通常重音’- - ate /it/)

111. –athlon an sports event or activity for collecting money: decathlon, talkathlon

112. *–atic adj. of n. ending in –ate, -cy, -m or after a root: climatic, ecstatic, aquatic, systematic (重音’atic)/Atik/

113. *–ation n. of v. ending in –ate or –te [action, condition or result]: animation, invitation, variation, quotation, examination (重音’ation)/eiF[n/

114. *–ative adj. of n. ending in –ation: speculative, illustrative (重音与原动词同,但如果前面拼写是双辅音或发音是双元音,重音则为’ - ative)

115. *–ator doer: educator, instigator (重音与原动词同)

116. *-atory 1) adj. of some n. ending in –ation: explanatory, derogatory, preparatory 2) n. place: conservatory, laboratory, lavatory (通常重音英音’ - atory,美音’ – a’tory;英音la’boratory,美音’labora’tory )

117. atmo- air: atmosphere

118. -atroc- cruel: atrocity, atrocious

119. atropho- atrophy: atrophoderma

120. –audac- bold: audacity, audacious

121. *–audi-, -audit-, audio- listen: audio, audit, audition, auditorium, audible, inaudible, auditor, audiometer, audiology, audiovisuals

122. *–aug-, -auct- increase: augment, auction, auctioneer

123. *–augur- sign, herald: augury, inaugurate, augural, inauguration

124. aur- ear: auricle, auricular

125. *Austro- Austrian: Austro-Hungarian

126. *–author- right, author: authoritative, authorship, authority, authorize, unauthorized

127. *auto- [aut- before a vowel] self: autism, autograph, autobiography, autarchy

128. –auxili- help: auxiliary

129. –avi- bird, flight: aviation, aviator, avian, aviary, aviculture

130. –avuncul- uncle: avuncular

131. *back- backward: backslide, backfire, backpedal, backdate

132. bacteri- bacteria: bactericide

133. -barbar- savage: barbarous, barbarism, barbaric

134. baro- pressure: barometer, barometric, baroscope, isobar

135. –bas- low: abase, basement, debase

136. basi-, baso- of the base, of alkalis: basophilia

137. *–bat- beat, strike: battle, combatant, noncombatant, combat, battle

138. bathy- deep, sea: bathysphere

139. *be- 1) treat in the stated way [added to n. and adj.]: befriend, belittle, becalm, befool 2) around: besiege, beset 3) furnish with, cover with: besprinkle, becloud, bedew 4) wearing: bespectacled, bewhiskered 5) completely, thoroughly: bedeck, besmear 6) away: bereave, betake, behead 7) about [added to other verbs, making them into vt.]: bethink, bemoan, befall

140. beat- happy: beatific, beatitude

141. *–bel-, -bell- war, fight: rebel, rebellious, bellicose, belligerent

142. *bene- well, good: benediction, benefactor, benefit, benevolent

143. benzo- 苯: benzene

144. *bi- two: bicycle, binary, bilingual, biweekly

145. *–bi-, -bio- life: biology, biography, amphibian, autobiography, biotic, antibiotic, biosphere, biochemistry, bioclean, bioelectricity

146. bili- of bile: bilirubin

147. *biblio- book: bibliography, bibliophile, bibliomania, Bible

148. blasto- 胚,芽: blastoderm

149. *-bon- [positive] good; -melior- [comparative] better; -optim- [superlative] best: bonus, ameliorate, optimist, optimize

150. *–bound: 1) kept in the stated condition: snowbound 2) moving in the stated direction: westbound (不影响重音)

151. brachy- short: brachydont

152. –brad-, -bras- scrape: abrade, abrasive

153. –brady- slow: bradycardia

154. –brev- short: brief, abbreviate, brevity, debrief, breviary

155. bronch- 气管: bronchitis

156. *by- of less importance: byproduct, bypass, byroad, byname

157. *caco- bad, ugly: cacophony

158. *–cad-, -cid-, -cas- fall: cadence, occasion, accident, incident, decadence, coincide, casual, casualty, occident, incidental, coincidence, deciduous

159. –calci- calcium: calcify, calcine

160. –calcul- calculate: calculation

161. –calor- heat: calorie, calorify, calorific, calorimeter

162. can- dog: canine

163. *–cant-, -cent- song, sing: canto, incantation, decant, accent

164. –cap-, -capac- contain: capable, capacity

165. *–capt-, -cept-, -ceive-, -ceipt-, -ceit-, -cip-, -cipi- take: captive, accept, deceive, deception, recipient, anticipate, conceivable, incipient, receipt, deceit, conceit, interception, incept

166. *–capit- head: capital, decapitate, capitalize

167. –carcer- prison: incarceration

168. *–card-, cardio-, -cardia heart: cardiotonics, carditis, tachycardia, carditis, cardiac, electrocardiogram, tachycardia, epicardium, endocardium

169. *–carn- flesh: carnal, carnivore, incarnate

170. carpo- fruit: carpophagous, carpology

171. *cata- [cat- before a vowel]1) down, downward: catabolism 2) away, completely: catalysis 3) against: catapult 4) throughout: cataphresis 5) backward: cataplasia

172. -caten- chain: concatenate

173. caus- burn: causalgia

174. –caut- careful: cautious, precaution

175. *–ced-, -ceed-, -cess- 1) yield: cede, concede, concession 2) go: proceed, precede, exceed, excessive, supersede, precedent, unprecedented, procedure, process, procession, success, succeed, intercession

176. cel- sky: celestial

177. –cele swelling: hydrocele

178. –celebr- : celebrity, celebrate

179. –celer- fast: accelerate, decelerate, celerity, accelerometer, decelerometer, acceleration

180. celio- abdomen: celiotomy

181. cell- cell: cellular, celluase, cellue, celluate

182. *cent- 100: century

183. *centi 1/100: centimeter

184. –centesis 穿刺术: cardiocentesis (重音cen’tesis)/s[nti:sis/

185. *centri- center: centrifugal, concentric, eccentric

186. cephal- head: cephalalgia

187. cerato- horn or horny: ceratoid

188. -cerebr- brain: cerebration, cerebritis

189. –cern-, -cret- see: discern, secret

190. cero- [cer- before a vowel] wax: ceraceous, cerate

191. *–cert- certain: certify, certificate, ascertain, certitude, certifiable, certification, incertitude

192. –chem-, chemo- chemistry: alchemy, chemophysiology

193. chiro- hand: chirospasm

194. chloro- 绿色,氯气: chlorosis

195. cholo- bile: cholochrome

196. chondr- 软骨: chrondritis

197. *–chrom-, -chromat- color: chromosome, chromatic, monochrome, polychrome, photochrome, homochromous, panchromous

198. *–chron- time: chronology, chronicle, anachronism, chronic, synchronal, synchronize, synchronoscope, chronometer, isochronism

199. chrys- yellow: chrysanthemum

200. *–cid-, -cis- kill, cut: incisive, decide, excision, suicide, decision, concise, precise, incision, incisor, excision, circumcise, insecticide

201. –cinct- gird, surround: cincture

202. cine- of films or the film industry: cinecamara

203. *circum- around: circumlocution, circumspect, circumference, circumfluence, circumaviate

204. *–circ- circle: circular, circus, circulate, encircle, circuitous

205. cirri- [cirr- before a vowel] tendril: cirrose, cirrus

206. cis- on this side of: cisatlantic, cisalpine

207. citr- lemon or orange: citrate, citrus

208. *–civ- citizen: civil, civility, uncivil

209. –civil- of citizens: civilize, civilian, civilization

210. *–clam-, -claim cry, shout: exclaim, exclamation, declaim, reclaim, proclaim, declamatory, clamor, clamorous,acclaim

211. *–clar- clear: clarify, declare, clarity

212. –clim- zone, region: climate, climatic, acclimatize

213. *–clin-, -cliv- slant: acclivity, declivity, recline, decline, inclined, inclination, declension, disincline, isoclinal

214. *–clud-, -clus-, -clos- close [v]: conclude, disclose, seclusion, recluse, occlude, preclusion, exclusive, include

215. *co- see con-

216. cocci-, cocco- 小球状,浆果: coccus

217. –coct- cook, make: decoction

218. *–cogn-, -cogit- cogitate, cognitive, recognize, recognition, cognize, incognizable, precognition

219. *col- see con-

220. –col neck: collar, accolade

221. –colon- farmer: colonial, colonize

222. *com- see con-

223. *con- together, intensive:

[co- before a vowel] co-ed, cooperation

[col- before l] collaborate, collocate

[com- before b, m, p] compose, combine, communicate, commiserate

[cor- before r] correct, corrupt, correlation, corrugate

[otherwise con-] contend, consign, concentric, contemporary

224. –concil- reconcile, conciliatory

225. *contra-, counter- against: contraception, contradiction, counteract, counterbalance, counterattack

226. copi- abundance: copious

227. copro- garbage: coprology, coprolite

228. –copul- link: copulate, copula, copulative

229. *–cord- heart: cordial, accord, concord, discordant, record

230. –coron- crown: coronation

231. *–corp-, -corpor- body: corpus, corporeal, incorporate, corporation, corpulent

232. –cosm- universe: cosmos, cosmic, microcosm, cosmology, acosmism, cosmopolitan, macrocosm

233. –count- tell: account, accountable, recount

234. *–cracy rule: democracy, autocracy, bureaucracy, plutocracy, theocracy, monocracy, mobocracy (重音’ - cracy)

235. *–crat ruler, supporter: democrat, autocrat, bureaucrat, technocrat (重音’- - crat)

236. *-cratic adj. of n. ending in –cracy: technocrat, aristocratic (重音’cratic)

237. *–craft skill: woodcraft, statecraft (不影响重音)

238. cranio- skull: cranial, craniology, craniotomy, cranium

239. –crem-, -cremat- burn: cremate, crematorium

240. –cre- create: creation, creative

241. *–cred- believe: credit, incredible, credulous, creditable, discredit, accredit, credential

242. *–cresc-, -creas-, -cret-, -crue increase: crescent, decrease, concrete, accretion, accrue

243. *cross- across: cross-cultural

244. –cruci- cross: crucify, excruciating, crucifixion

245. cryo- cold, freeze: cryobiology, cryogen, cryometer, cryophilic, cryosurgery, cryogen, cryogenics, cryoprobe, cryoscope

246. crypto- [crypt- before a vowel]: crypto-Communist, cryptic, cryptogenic, cryptogram, cryptology

247. crystallo- 结晶: crystalline

248. *–cub- lie down: cubicle, incubate, incubation, incubus, concubine, concubinage, decubitus

249. –cus- cause: accusative, excuse, accusation

250. *–cult- till [v]: cultivate, culture, culture, cultural, agriculture, arboriculture, pisciculture, mariculture

251. –cumul- accumulate: cumulative, accumulator

252. cupro- of copper: cupric, cupronickel, cuprous

253. –cupid- greedy: cupidity

254. –cur- care: secure, procure, curator

255. *–cur-, -curs-, -cour-, -course run: precursor, course, discourse, recur, occurrence, discursive, current, currency, excurse, excursion, concourse, succor, cursory, incursion, concur, recur

256. –custod- guard: custody

257. *-cy quality, condition, state, position: infancy, idiocy, captaincy, bankruptcy (不影响重音)

258. cyano- 青紫: cyanuria

259. *–cycl- circle: cyclist, bicycle, tricycle, cyclone, cycloid, hemicycle, autocycle, recycle, cyclotron, recyclable

260. cysti- bag, bladder: cystitis

261. -cyt- empty container, cell: histocyte, cytochemistry

262. –damn-, -demn- condemn: damnabe, indemnity

263. *de- 1) away from, off: debar, derail, deduct, defer, define, detrain, dethrone 2) down: degrade, decline, decadent, depress, devalue 3) wholly, entirely: defunct 4) reverse the action of; undo: defrost, decode, desalt, deforest

264. *deca- decem- ten: decathlon, decagon, decameter

265. *deci- 1/10 decimeter, decimate, deciliter

266. –decor- beauty, grace: decorate, decorous

267. *demi- half: demigod, demi-fixed

268. dendr- trees: dendroid, dendrolite, dentrology

269. –dent- tooth: dentist, dental, dentistry, denture, dentoid, trident, indent, denticle

270. –dens- dense: condense, density

271. deoxy- 脱氧: deoxidize, deoxygenate

272. –derm-, -dermat- skin: dermatosis, dermatitis, dermal, dermatitis, hypoderm, dermatology

273. des- =dis- [medical]: desinfection

274. desmo- 丝带状: desmobacteria

275. –dexter-, -dextr- right hand: ambidextrous, dexterous, dexterity, dextrorotation, dextral

276. *di- 1) see dia- 2) see dis- 3) two: disyllable, dioxide

277. *–di- day: diary, diarist, dial, meridian, antemeridian, postmeridian

278. *dia- [di- before a vowel] across: diagonal, diameter, dialogue

279. *–dic- declare: dedicate, abdicate, indicate

280. *–dict- say: diction, predict, indictment, dictatorship, contradict, contradiction, contradictory, benediction, edict, Dictaphone

281. *dif- see dis-

282. –digit- finger: digital, digitalize

283. -dign- worthy: dignity, dignitary

284. *dis- [in words of Latin origin; di- before b, d, g, l, m, n, r, v; dif- before f] 1) away, apart from: dismiss, disperse, dispel, differ, divulge, digression 2) deprive of, expel from: disbar, disfrock 3) cause to be the opposite: disable 4) fail, cease, refuse to: disallow, disappear, dissatisfy, discontinue, disbelive 5) do the opposite of: disjoint, disintegrate, disarm 6) not [added to adj.]: dishonest 7) opposite off, lack of [added to n.]: disease, disunion, disorder, discomfort

285. –disc- learn: disciple, discipline

286. –dat-, -dit- give: dative, tradition, edit, editor, extradite, extradition

287. –doc-, -doct- teach: doctor, doctrine, doctorate, doctrinism, doctrinaire, indoctrinate, docile, indocile, document, docent, documentary

288. dodeca- twelve: dodecagon, dodecastyle

289. dolich- long: dolichofacial

290. -dolor- pain: dolorous

291. –dom- house: domestic, domesticate, domicile, dome, domicile, domiciliate, domesticity

292. *–dom state, realm, condition: freedom, stardom, martyrdom, wisdom, serfdom, kingdom (不影响重音)

293. *–domin- master: dominate, predominant, domineer

294. –don- give: donate, pardon, donor, donee, condone, condonation

295. –dorm-, -dormit- sleep: dormitory, dormancy, dormitive, dormant

296. dorsi-, dorso- of, on, or long the back: dorsal, dorsum, dorsovelar

297. *down- downwards: downstairs, downpour, downfall

298. –drom- run: aerodrome, motordrome, hippodrome, prodrome, syndrome, dromometer

299. –dub-, -dubit- doubt: dubious, indubitable

300. *–duc-, -duct- lead: conduce, conduct, deduce, induce, seduce, product, educate, educable, introduce, introductory, misconduct, produce, abduct, aqueduct, viaduct, reduction

301. *du- two: duplicate, dual, duality, duel, duad, duplex, duet, duplicity

302. –dur- hard: duration, endure, obduracy

303. *-dyn-, –dynam- power: dynamic, dynamite, aerodynamics, dyne, dynast, dynasty, electrodynamics, hydrodynamics, dynamo, adynamic

304. –dynia pain: gastrodynia

305. dys- bad [medical] dyspepsia, dysuria, dysphonia

306. *e- see ex-

307. *–ean adj. of n. ending in –pe, -re, etc: European, epicurean, Mediterranean (重音’ean)

308. *ec- see ex-

309. eco- of ecology: ecosystem, ecological

310. –ectasis expansion: bronchiectasis (重音’asis)

311. ecto- outer: ectoderm

312. –ectomy cut: appendectomy

313. –ed- eat: edible, edacious, inedible

314. *–ed 1) past participle: stopped 2) provided or characterized by: spectacled, moneyed, gifted, bearded, skilled 3) adj. from verbs, nouns and adj ending in –ate: cultured, liberated, fixed, confirmed, retired (不影响重音)

315. -edi- build: edify, edifice

316. *–ee 1) someone who is ~ed: referee, trustee, addressee,interviewee, employee 2) someone who ~s: absentee, refugee, retiree, devotee 3) person: townee, grandee 4) thing: goatee, settee (重音’ee)/i:/

317. *–eer 1) n. person engineer, auctioneer, pamphleteer, volunteer, mountaineer 2) v. domineer, commandeer, profiteer, electioneer (重音’eer)/i[/

318. *ef- see ex-

319. *–ego- I: ego, egoist, egoistic, egocentric, egomania, egotist

320. *–eity: n. of adj. ending in –eous: spontaneity, homogeneity (重音’eity)

321. *-el n. person or thing: model, runnel, parcel, personnel, sentinel, novel

322. *electro- electricity: electrocute, electromagnet

323. *-em-, -am-, –empt- take, buy: example, exemplar, exemplary, exemplify, sample, sampler, exemption, redeem, exemptible, redeemable, redemption, irredeemable, peremptory, redemption, exempt

324. –emia blood: anemia, leukemia (重音’emia)

325. *–emper-, -imper- command: emperor, empire, emperorship, imperious, imperial, imperative, imperialism

326. –emul- equal: emulate, emulous

327. *en- [em- before b, m, p; sometimes in-]: 1) to put or get into or on: enthrone, enplane, encase, entrap, embody 2) to cover or wrap with: enrobe, embalm, embank 3) to make, make into or like, cause to be with [added to n, and adj.]: empower, enrich, enliven 3) intensive: encourage

328. *–en 1) become or cause to become [added to n. and adj.] v: weaken, whiten, deepen, broaden, soften, quicken 2) adj. made of: wooden, woolen, leaden, waxen, earthen (不影响重音)

329. *-ence act, fact, quality, state, result or degree: conference, excellence, existence, insistence, dependence, confidence, innocence, despondence (通常重音’ - - ence,但如果原词末尾发音是双辅音或双元音,重音则为’- ence)

330. *-ency =-ence (but used with different words): urgency, persistency, frequency, efficiency, emergency, insolvency (通常重音’ - - ency,但如果原词末尾发音是双辅音或双元音,重音则为’- ency)

331. –end: [also -and] n. mostly mathematical terms: dividend, multiplicand, minuend, addend, subtrahend, legend, errand (不影响重音)

332. endo- inner: endocrine, endogamy

333. –enne used in n. denoting female: comedienne, tragedienne (重音’enne)/en/

334. *-ent [adj. or n. of n. ending in –ence or –ency] 1) adj. that has, shows or does: existent, dependent, confident, excellent 2) n. a person or thing that: president, resident, patient, detergent, solvent (通常重音’ - - ent,但如果前面拼写是双辅音或发音是双元音,重音则为’- ent)

335. entero-: intestines: enteritis

336. ento- inner: entoderm

337. entomo- insect: entomology

338. *–eous adj.: homogeneous, courageous, righteous, courteous (重音’- eous)/i[s/

339. *epi- above, beyond, before, after, between: epidemic, epidermis, epitaph, episode

340. –epistol- letter: epistle, epistolary

341. *–equ-, equi- equal: equality, equilibrium, equable, equivalent, equivalence, equate, equation, equidistance, equator, equilibrium, equatorial, equanimity, equivocal, equivocation, equilateral

342. equ- horse: equine, equestrian

343. *–er 1) comparative: bigger, earlier 2) agent of an action, person or thing [also –ar, -or]: reader, washer, lighter, silencer, boiler 3) wind: norther, souther 4) someone related to [-yer after w]: hatter, banker, tinner, lawyer, sawyer 5) resident of some place: New Yorker, Icelander 6) repeated or continuous action: clatter, sputter, stutter, chatter(不影响重音)

344. *–ern 1) adj. of n. of directions: eastern, northern 2) place: cavern, saltern, lectern (不影响重音)

345. –err- wander: error, erratic, errant, aberrant, inerrable, aberration

346. *–ery 1)place: fishery, brewery, tannery, monastery 2) act: bribery, surgery, robbery 3) product or goods: pottery 4) state or condition: slavery, drudgery(不影响重音)

347. erythr- red: erythremia

348. *es- see ex-

349. *–esc- becoming: acquiescent, convalescent, crescent, adolescent

350. *–esence the process of becoming or beginning: obsolescence, adolescence (重音’escence) /es[ns/

351. *–escent: 1) giving off light or showing a color: phosphorescent 2) adj. of n. ending in –escence: convalescent (重音’escent) /es[nt/

352. *–ese n. or adj. f nationality or language: Chinese, Vietnamese, officialese (重音’-ese)/i:z/

353. –esque adj. arabesque, Kafkaesque (重音-esque)/esk/

354. –ess indicating being a female: waitress, poetess, goddess (不影响重音)

355. *–est 1) superlative: biggest 2) old form of 2nd person singular [or -st]: wanderest, dost (不影响重音)

356. *–et n. diminutive: eaglet, packet, circlet(不影响重音)

357. –eth old form of 3rd person singular [or -th]: riseth, doth (不影响重音)

358. *ethno- nationality [ethn- before a vowel]: ethnography, ethnic

359. *–etic adj. of n. ending in –esis or –y: mimetic, pathetic, antipathetic, epileptic, theoretic, energetic (重音’etic)/etik/

360. *–ette female or diminutive: novelette, cigareete, typette(重音’ette)/et/

361. *–ety n. piety, propriety, sobriety, gayety, variety(重音’- ety)/[ti/

362. *eu- good: eulogy, eulogize, euphonious, euphemism, eugenics, euphonious

363. –eur person: amateur, litterateur, saboteur (重音’eur)/[:/

364. *Euro- European: Europarliament

365. *–ev- age, time: primeval, medieval, longevity, coeval

366. *ex- 1) forth, from, out 2) beyond 3) away from 4) thoroughly 5) upward 6) without, not having

[e- before b, d, g, j, l, m, n, r, v]: egregious, elated, emissary, elongate

[ec- before c, s]: eccentric, ecstasy

[ef- before f]: effect, effeminate, effluence

[es- in words of French origin]: estrange

[otherwise ex-]: expectorate, expect, execute, expose, extract, export

367. *ex- former: ex-president, ex-wife, ex-premier

368. exo- outer: exocardia, exosphere, exogamy

369. *extra- [positive]; extern- [comparative]; extreme- [superlative] out: extraordinary, extralegal, extracurricular, external, extremist

370. *–ey see –y

371. –fabul- speak: fabulous, fable, confabulate, fabulous, effable, confabulation

372. –fac- face: surface, deface, facial

373. *-facil- easy: facility facile, facilitate, difficult

374. *–fact-, -fect-, -fic-, -feat-, -feas-, -fit do, make: factory, benefactor, beneficiary, benefit, feasible, affect, suffice, indefeasible, proficiency, manufacture, malefactor, facsimile, factual

375. *-faction n. of some v. ending in –fy: satisfaction, liquefaction, rarefaction, stupefaction (重音faction)/fAkF[n/

376. *–fall-, -fals- deceive: fallacy, infallible, fallacious, falsify

377. –fam- 1) fame: famous, infamous, infamy 2) hunger: famished, famine

378. *–fashion in the stated manner: Indian-fashion

379. –fatig- tire out: indefatigable, fatigue

380. -febri- fever: febrifuge, febricula

381. *–feder- alliance: federation, federal, confederacy, antifederal, federalize

382. –felic- happy: felicity, felicitation

383. *–femin- woman: feminine, effeminate

384. *–fend-, -fens- strike: offensive, defend, defense

385. *–fer-, -lat- bring, carry: refer, confer, relate, translate, transfer, difference, conference, offer, prefer, preferable, aquiferous, superlative, sublate, collate, collation, ablate, prolate

386. –feroc- fierce: ferocious, ferocity

387. *–ferous that produces: auriferous, carpoferous

388. ferro- iron: ferroheme, ferroalloy, ferromagnetic

389. –ferv- boil, glow: fervid, fervor, perfervid, effervesce, effervescent, fervent

390. –fest- celebration: festival, festivity, festal

391. fibr- fiber: fibrination, fibrosis, fibrous

392. *–fic adj. specific, beatific, pacific, terrific, horrific (重音’- fic)/fik/

393. *–fication n. of v. ending in –ify: signification, intensification, classification, simplification (重音-fi’cation)/fikeiF[n/

394. *–fid- faith: confidence, fidelity, confide, confidant, affidavit, perfidy, perfidious, diffidence, fideism, infidel

395. *–fier agent of an act [of v. ending in -fy]: signifier, amplifier, pacifier(不影响重音)

396. –fil- thread, line: file, defile, filar, filament, profile

397. *–fix- fasten: transfix, fixture, prefix, suffix, affix

398. *–fig-, -fict- shape, make: figure, configuration, disfigure, figurative, fiction, fictive, nonfiction, disfiguration, transfiguration

399. –fili- son: filial, affiliate

400. *–fin- end: final, confine, confinement, definitive, definite, finalist, finis, finale, finish, definite, infinite, infinitive, finitude, infinity, undefined, confinement

401. –firm- firm: confirmation, reaffirm

402. –flamm- flame: inflammable

403. –flat- blow [v]: inflate, inflationary, deflate, inflationary, conflation, reflate, flatus

404. flav- yellow: flavonone, flavescent

405. *–flect-, -flex- bend: reflect, deflect, reflex, reflection, inflection, flex, flexible, flexuous

406. *–flict- strike: inflict, conflict, affliction, inflictive

407. *–flor-, -flour- flower: flora, florist, florid, flourish, efflorescence, floret, deflower, defloration

408. *–flu- flow: affluent, influence, confluence, fluency, influenza, fluid, refluence, defluent, superfluous

409. fluoro- [fluor- before a vowel] 氟,荧光: fluoroscope, fluorite

410. *–fold of the stated number or times: manifold, twofold,fourfold (不影响重音)

411. –foli- leaf: defoliate, foliage

412. *for- 1) apart: forsake, forgive, forgo 2) restrain: forbid

413. *fore- before, in front of: forewarn, forecast, forehead, forearm, foretell, forefather, forerun

414. –form- form: deform, reform

415. *-form of the stated form: gasiform, dentiform, cubiform (不影响重音)

416. foster- adopt: foster-child

417. *–fort- strong: fortify, fortress

418. *-frag-, –fract- break: fraction, refractory, fragile, fragment, fragmentary, fracture, refractor

419. *Franco- French: Francophone

420. *–frater- brother: fraternity, fraternal

421. *–free without: carefree, addictive-free

422. *–friendly convenient for: user-friendly, printer-friendly

423. –frig-, -friger- cold: frigid, refrigerator, fridge, frigidity

424. –fruct- fruit: fructify

425. –frustr- in vain: frustrate

426. *–fug- flee: fugitive, refugee, fugacious, centrifugal, fugacity, insectifuge, febrifuge, lucifugous, subterfuge

427. *–ful 1) adj. full of : beautiful, bashful, shameful, peaceful 2) amount measured by ~: mouthful, spoonful, dishful (不影响重音)

428. –fulmin- thunder, explosion: fulminate

429. *–fus- pour: infuse, transfuse, confusion, refusal, diffuse, interfuse, perfuse, profusion

430. *–funct- perform: function, perfunctory

431. *–fund-, -found- bottom: profound, profundity, found, foundation, fundamental, fundament

432. –furi- rage: furious, infuriate

433. -furt- theft: furtive

434. *–fy cause to become: pacify, beautify, intensify, glorify(不影响重音)

435. galacto- milk: Galaxy, galactic

436. galvano- electricity: galvanize, galvanism

437. *–gamist n. bigamist, polygamist, bigamist, misogamist (重音’- gamist)/g[mist/

438. *–gamous of the stated kind of marriage: polygamous, bigamous, monogamous (重音’ - gamous)/g[m[s/

439. *–gamy: marriage: polygamy, bigamy, monogamy (重音 ‘- gamy)/g[mi/

440. gastr- stomach: gastronomy, gastritis

441. *–gen-, -gener-, -genet- 1) birth: gene, genesis, genetic 2) kind [n]: generic, general, generous

442. *–genarian n. and adj. octogenarian, sexagenarian (重音’arian)

443. –genic producing: ketogenic

444. genito- of the genitals: genitalia, genitourinary

445. *-geo- earth: geology, geography, geometry, geometrician, geopolitics, geothermal

446. *–ger-, -gest- carry: belligerent, congestion, gesture, digestion

447. gero- old people: gerocomia, gerontology

448. *giga- gigant- huge: gigantocyte

449. –glaci- ice: glacial, glaciology, glacier, glaciation, subglacial, preglacial

450. -glob- globe: globular, globalism

451. –glor- glory: glorify, vainglorious

452. –glossia tongue: macroglossia

453. gluc-, glyc- sweet: glucose

454. –glyph- carve out: hieroglyph, anaglyph

455. *–gon- angle: pentagon, diagonal, trigonometry, hexagon, octagon, polygon

456. *–gony birth: cosmogony

457. *-grad- step, go: gradual, graduate, retrograde, degrade, upgradable, downgrade, gradine

458. *–gram, -gramme picture: ideogram, telegram, program, diagram, cryptogram, phonogram, hologram, seismogram (重音’- - gram)/gr[m/

459. *–graph- record, draw: telegraph, photograph, graphics, autograph, biography, monograph, polygraph, micrograph, macrograph, seismograph, barograph, stereograph, cyclograph, holography (重音’- -graph /gr[f/ )gra’phic /grAfik/ ’ - graphy /gr[fi/)

460. –gran- grain: granary, granivorous, granule, granular

461. *–grat- gratitude: gracious, gratis, ingratiate

462. *–grav- heavy: gravity, aggravate, gravitate, agravic, grave, gravid, gravidity

463. *Graeco- Greco- Greek: Greco-Roman

464. *–greg- flock [v]: segregate, congregate, aggregate, gregarious, egregious, congregation

465. *–gress- go: aggression, aggressive, Congress, transgress, progress, progressive, retrogress, congressional, digress, egress, ingress, regress

466. –gubern- govern: gubernatorial

467. –gust- taste: gusto, disgust

468. *–gyn-, gynae-, gyne-, gynaec-, gynec- woman: gynecology, misogyny, androgynous, monogyny, polygyny, philogynists

469. gyro- circle: gyrate, gyroscope

470. *–habit- live, dwell: inhabit, cohabit, inhabitant, habitat, habitation, conhabitant

471. haem-, hem-, hemat- blood: hemochrome

472. hagio- saint: hagiography

473. –hal- breathe: inhale, inhalant, exhale, inhalator, halitosis, exhalation

474. hamart- wrong: hamrtoplasia

475. –hap- chance, luck: perhaps, happen, happy, mishap, hapless, haply

476. haplo- simple: haplosis, haploid

477. –haust- draw water: exhaust, exhaustive

478. *he- male: he-wolf, he-man

479. –head head, origin: beachhead, springhead

480. *hecto- 100: hectogram, hectometer, hectowatt

481. helio- sun: heliolatry, heliocentric, perihelion, aphelion, heliosis, heliotherapy, heliotropism

482. *Hellen- ancient Greece: Hellenic, Hellenize

483. *hemi- half: hemisphere, hemicycle

484. hepat- liver: hepatitis

485. *hepta- [hept- before a vowel] seven: heptagon, heptode

486. *–her-, -hes- stick, cling: adhere, cohesive, coherence, hesitant, inhere, inherent, cohere

487. *–hered-, -heret- heir: inheritance, heritage, hereditary, heredo-immunity

488. *hetero- different: heterogeneous, heterosexual, heterodox, heteromorphic

489. *hexa- [hex- before a vowel]six: hexagon, hexameter

490. –hibern- winter: hibernate

491. *–hibit- hold: inhibit, prohibit, exhibitionism, exhibit

492. hiero- holy: hieroarchy, hieroglyphic, hieroglyph

493. *–high of the stated height: knee-high

494. –hilar- cheerful: hilarity, exhilarate

495. hippo- horse: hippopotamus

496. *holo- [hol- before a vowel] all: holocaust, holistic, holograph, holophone

497. *homeo-, homo- the same: homophone, homosexual, homophone, homonym

498. *-hood period, condition,state, quality: childhood, likelihood, neighborhood, falsehood(不影响重音)

499. –horr- horror: horrify, abhorrence, abhor, horrific, horrendous

500. –hort- urge [v]: exhort, exhortation

501. –hospit-, -host- guest: hospitable, hospital, hotel, hostage, inhospitable, hospitality, hostile

502. –hum- ground: inhume, exhume, inhumation, humble, humility, humiliate, posthumous

503. *hydro- water, hydrogen: hydropower, hydraulic, hydroplane, hydrosphere, hydrology, hydropathy, hydrophobia, dehydrate, hydrate, hydrolysis, hydrant

504. *hypo-, hyp- below, decrease: hypothermy, hypothesis, hypotension, hypothermia

505. *hyper- extreme: hypersensitive, hypermilitant, hyperslow

506. hypno- sleep: hypnotic, hypnosis, hypnotize, dehypnotize, hypnotist, hypnotherapy

507. hypso- high: hipsotherapy

508. *–i n. or adj. Israeli, Iraqi, Pakistani(重音’- i)/i/

509. *–ia 1) name of countries: India, Liberia 2) name of diseases: pneumonia 3) certain Greek and Latin words: militia, intelligentsia, utopia 4) generic names: reptitia(重音’- ia)/i[/

510. *-ial [variant of -al]: presidential, spatial, managerial, adverbial, palatial, differential (重音’ – ial, -tial /F[l/, -erial /i[ril/, -orial /o:ril/ )

511. *–ian [variant of -an] n. or adj. Canadian, Romanian, grammarian, theologian (重音’ - ian)/i[n/

512. –iasis disease: urolithiasis (重音’iasis)/ieisis/

513. –iatr- medical: iatrotechnique, psychiatrist

514. *–ibility: n. of adj. ending in –ible: combustibility, irresistibility (重音i’bility)/ibiliti/

515. *–ible [variant of -able]: combustible, irresistible, extensible, sensible

516. *–ic 1) adj. of, having to do with: volcanic, organic, metallic 2) like, having the nature of: angelic, basic, specific, idyllic 3) produced by, caused by: anaerobic 4) producing, causing: analgesic 5) consiting of, containing: dactylic 6) showing, affected by: lethargic, allergic 7) adhering to: Gnostic 8) science: rhetoric, arithmetic, logic 9) n. person: critic, sceptic, heretic, mechanic(重音’ – ic /ik/,但是’Catholic, ‘lunatic, a’rithmetic, ‘heretic)

517. *–ical adj. =-ic: logical, economical (重音’ - ical)/ik[l/

518. *–ice 1) quality, act or condition. avarice, caprice, service, malice, edifice 2) person: novice, apprentice (通常重音’- - ice /is/,但ap’prentice)

519. ichthyo- fish: ichthyology, ichthyoid, ichthyphagous

520. *–ician n. person: logician, musician, physician, magician (重音’ician)/iF[n/

521. *–icious adj. of n. ending in –ice: avaricious, capricious, malicious (重音’icious)/iF[s/

522. *–icity n. of adj. ending in –ic: specificity, lucidity, specificity(重音’icity)/isiti/

523. *–ics study, discipline: economics, physics, mathematics (重音’- ics)/iks/

524. *–id adj. of Latin origin: languid, placid, livid, fervid, frigid (通常重音’- id)

525. *–ide 化合物: oxide(不影响重音)

526. *–idity n. of adj. ending in –id: frigidity (重音’idity)/iditi/

527. *ideo- thought, idea: ideology, ideogram, ideal, ideality, idealistic, ideate

528. idio- of oneself: idioglossia, idiom, idiosyncrasy, idiosyncratic, idiomatic, idiopathy, idiograph

529. *–ie, -y name of endearment: doggie, birdie, lassie(不影响重音)

530. –ier n. person or thing: cashier, brazier, dossier, glazier, frontier (通常’ – ier /i[/,但ca’shier)

531. *ig- see in-

532. –igni- [-ign- before a vowel] fire: ignite, ignition, igneous, ignitable, preignition

533. *il- see in-

534. *–ile 1) adj. agile, hostile, fragile, juvenile, senile 2) n. missile, projectile (通常重音’- - ile 英音/ail/, 美音/[l/)

535. *–ility n. of adj. ending in –ile: agility, fragility, servility, mobility(重音’ility)/iliti/

536. *im- see in-

537. *in- 1) [into, onto, towards, intensive] v. 2) [not] adj. of Latin origin

[ig- before n] ignoble

[il- before l] illustrate, illegal, illogical, illiterate

[im- before b, m, p] imperil, imbibe, impossible, immoral, impassive, impotent

[ir- before r] irrigate, irritate, irresistible, irregular, irruption

[otherwise in-] indict, invade, inhuman, incorrect, incapable, inject, inhuman

538. *–in, -ine some special substance: insulin, vitamin, penicillin, morphine(通常重音’ - - in/ine)/in/

539. *Indo- Indian: Indo-European

540. *–ine 1) see –in 2) adj. alkaline, clandestine, canine 3) abstract nouns: doctrine, medicine, famine, discipline 4) person, usually denoting female: heroine, libertine, concubine (通常重音’ - - ine) /ain/ or /in/

541. *infra- [positive] below; inferior- [comparative] ; infern- [superlative]: infrastructure, infrared, infrasound, inferiority, infernal

542. *–ing 1) present participle: stopping 2) material: bedding, wrapping, flooring, clothing 3) occupation: banking, accounting, printing 4) thing: holding, footing, carving, building 5) adj. surprising, exciting (不影响重音)

543. *–insul- island: insular, insulin, insulate, peninsula, insularism

544. *–integr- whole: integrity, integrate, disintegration, integral, integer

545. *inter- [positive] between, mutual; interior- [comparative]; intim- [superlative]: international, intercontinental, interject, interpersonal, interchange, interact, intermix, interior, intimacy

546. *intra- within: intradepartmental

547. *intro- inward: introduction, introspection, introvert

548. *–ion 1) n. of certain v.: communion, opinion, union, election 2) thing: medallion, accordion, cushion(重音’- ion)/i[n/

549. *–ious [variant of -ous]: spacious, laborious, contagious, curious (重音’- ious)/Fi[s/

550. –ir- anger: ire, irate

551. *–isation, ization n. of v. ending in –ise or –ize: modernization (重音i’sation)/aizeiFn/

552. *–ise, -ize cause to become: modernize, institutionalize (不影响重音)/aiz/

553. *-ish 1) of or belonging to a nation or people: Spanish, Irish 2) like or characteristic of [usually derog.]: devilish, boyish, womanish, knavish 3) somewhat: blusih, grayish 4) about [colloq.]: eightish 5) v.: vanish, punish, establish (不影响重音)/iF/

554. *–ism doctrine, state, practice: alcoholism, naturalism, Maxism (不影响重音)/iz[m/

555. *iso- the same in every part: isotherm, isobar, isomagnetic, isotope, isogon

556. *–ist 1) person (corresponding to words ending in -ism): pessimist, modernist; 2) adj. characteristic of: impressionist (不影响重音)/ist/

557. *–istic adj. of n. ending in –ism: optimistic, simplistic (重音’istic)/istic/

558. *–it- go: committee, exit, obit, obituary, visit, initial, ambition, initiate, initiative, transit, transitory, circuit

559. *Italo- Italian: Italo-French

560. *–ite 1) n. stalagmite, appetite 2) adj. 3) v. ignite

561. –iter- repeat: reiterate

562. –itiner- journey: itinerary, itinerant

563. *–ition n. of v. ending in –ite or –ete: competition, ignition, recognition (重音’ition)/iFn/

564. *–itive adj. or n. of n. ending in –ition: cognitive, addictive (重音同原动词)/itiv/

565. *–itis: infection: bronchitis, hepatitis, nephritis (重音’itis)/aitis/

566. *–itor doer [of v. ending in –ite or –ete]: competitor (重音同原动词)/it[/

567. *–itude, -tude n. of Latin origin: magnitude, latitude, attitude (重音’ - itude)/tju:d/

568. *–itudinal, -tudinal adj. of n. ending in –itude or –tude: attitudinal, latitudinal (重音’tudinal)/tju:dinl/

569. *–ity, -ty quality: reality, verity, longevity, sincerity (重音’- ity)/iti/

570. *–ive adj. or n. of n. ending in –ion: permissive, active (重音同原动词)/iv/

571. *–ivity n. of adj. ending in –ive: activity,productivity, relativity (重音’ivity)/iviti/

572. *–ization see -isation

573. *–ize see –ise

574. *–jac- lie at a certain place: adjacent

575. *–ject- throw: abject, deject, reject, eject, projection, projector, projectile, inject, injection, interject, subject, object

576. –joc- jest: jocose, joke

577. –jubil- wild shout: jubilee, jubilation

578. *–judic- judge: adjudicate, judiciary

579. –jug- yoke: conjugal

580. *–junct- connect: adjunct, conjunction, injunction, disjunction, disjunctive

581. *–jur-, -juris- right, law: jurisdiction, juror, abjure

582. *–just- just, fair: justice, adjust, injustice

583. *–juven- [postive] young; minor-, minus [comparative]; minim- [superlative]: juvenile, rejuvenate, minority, minimize

584. juxta- near: juxtaposition

585. karyo- core: karyokinesis

586. *kata- =cata-: katabolism

587. kera-, kerat- 角: keratitis

588. keto- 酮: ketogenic

589. *kilo- 1,000: kilogram, kilowatt, kilocalorie, kilometer

590. *–kin n. diminutive: lambkin,manikin, napkin (不影响重音)

591. *–labor- labor: laborious, collaborate

592. –lacrym- tear: lachrymal, lachrymose

593. –lact-, -galact- milk: ablactation, lactic, lactary, lactate, lactifuge, galaxy, galactic, agalactia

594. –langu- weak: languid, languor

595. –lapid- stone: dilapidate, lapidary

596. *–laps- fall: lapse, collapsible, relapse

597. laryng- throat: laryngology

598. *–lat- 1) wide: latitude 2) see –fer-

599. –later- side: bilateral, lateral, multilateral

600. –latrous of worship: idolatrous

601. –latry: worship: idolatry

602. –laud-, -laus- praise: laudable, laudatory

603. –lavat-, -lot- wash: lavatory, lotion

604. –lax- loose: relax, laxity

605. *-le 1) v. denoting repeated action, esp. of a small or trivial kind: winkle, twinkle, wriggle 2) n. usually diminutive: shuttle, handle, girdle 3) adj. from verb stems: brittle 4) onomatopoeia: sizzle, gurgle (不影响重音)

606. *–led taking ~ as the leading force: export-led (不影响重音)

607. *–leg- 1) [also –legis-] law: legal, legitimate, legislature, legislation, legislate, extralegal, legality, legalist, illegakize 2) appoint: delegate, relegate 3) choose, read, gather [also –lig-, -lect-]: legible, intelligence, select, eligible, elect, elitism, intellect, intellectual, collect, collection, elegant, neglect, neglectful, negligence, lecture, dialect, idiolect, legendary

608. *–lence n. of adj. ending in –lent: turbulence, fraudulence (重音’ - - lence)/l[ns/

609. –leni- mild: lenity, lenient

610. *–lent full of: virulent, fraudulent, turbulent (重音’ - - lent)/l[nt/

611. lepto- small, thin: leptosome, leptocephalic

612. *–less without: selfless, homeless (不影响重音) /l[s/

613. *–let diminutive: riverlet, bracelet (不影响重音) /lit/

614. leuc-, leuk- white: leukemia

615. *–lev-, -lieve, -lief lift: elevate, alleviate, relieve, lever, elevator, levitate

616. levo- left: levorotation

617. *–liber- free: liberal, liberate, libertine

618. –libr- book: library, librarian

619. –lid-, -lis- bump: collide, collision

620. –lig- bind: oblige, obligation

621. lign- wood: ligneous

622. *–like like, suitable for: gentlemanlike, womanlike (不影响重音)

623. –limin- threshold: eliminate, preliminary

624. *–ling diminutive: duckling, underling, yearling,weakling (不影响重音)

625. *–lingu- language: bilingual, linguist, linguistic, multilingual

626. –liqu- liquid: liquor, liquidate

627. *–liter- letter: literary, literal, literate, literacy, illiteracy, anti-illiteracy, transliterate, obliterate

628. –lith-, -lite stone: monolith, lithography, aerolith, aerolithology, Paleolithic, Neolithic, megalith, lithic, lithiasis, zoolite

629. *–loc- place: collocate, allocate, local, location, localize, locomotive, relocate, dislocate

630. *–log-, -logue word, logic, discipline: logical, monologue, sociology, dialogue, eulogy, eulogize, apology, prologue, epilogue, neologism, philology (重音’- - logue /l[g/, ‘- logy /l[dVi/)

631. *–loger n. of certain n. ending in –logy: astrologer (重音’ - loger)/l[dV[/

632. *–logian n. of certain n. ending in –logy: theologian (重音’logian)/lCdVi[n/

633. *–logic, –logical adj. of n. ending in –logy: geologic, geological, anthropologic (重音’logic, ‘logical)/lCdVik/, /l[dVikl/

634. *–logist: n. of most n. ending in –logy: Sinologist, biologist (重音’- logist)

635. *–long- long: longevity, longitude

636. *–loqu-, -locut- speak: loquacious, eloquent, grandiloquent, eloquence, soliloquy, obloquy, loquacity

637. *–luc- light [n]: lucid, elucidate, translucent, lucent, elucidate, noctilucent

638. *–lud-, -lus- play: delude, allude, illusory, elusive, collude

639. *–lumin- light, lamp: luminous, illuminate, illuminance, luminary, luminosity, relumine

640. *–lun- moon: lunar, sublunary, lunatic, lunacy, sublunary

641. –lup- wolf: lupine

642. –lustr- light up: illustrate, illustrious

643. *–ly 1)n → adj. friendly, brotherly 2) adj. → adv. slowly, helpfully(不影响重音)/li/

644. –lysis dissolution, relaxation: analysis, catalysis, paralysis

645. –lyst analyst, catalyst

646. –lytic, -lytical adj. of n. ending in –lysis: analytic, analytical (重音’lytic, ‘lytical)

647. –machin-, -mechan- machine: machinery, mechanism

648. *macro- big: macrocosmic, macroeconomics, macroworld, macroscale

649. –macul- stain: immaculate

650. *–magn- [positive] big; major- [comparative]; maxim- [superlative]: magnify, magnifier, magnitude, magnanimous, magnificent, magnate, majority, maximum

651. *mal-, male- [positive] bad or badly; pejor- [comparative]; pessim- [superlative]: maltreat, malcontent, malpractice, malnutrition, malfunction, malediction, pejorative, pessimist, pessimism

652. –malacia 软化: cerebromalacia (重音’lacia)

653. *–man-, -mans- stay, dwell: remain, mansion, immanent, manor, permanence, remanent

654. –mancip- slave: emancipate

655. *–mand-, -mandat- command: demand, mandate, mandatory, countermand

656. *mani-, manu- hand: manicure, manuscript, manufacture, manacle, maintain

657. *–mania craziness: monomania, megalomania (重音’mania)

658. *–maniac person suffering from mania: monomaniac (重音’maniac)

659. *–maniacal of mania or a maniac: megalomaniacal (重音ma’niacal)

660. *–manship qualities associated with a profession: sportsmanship, craftsmanship

661. *–mar-, -mer- sea: marine, submarine, mermaid, mariner, antisubmarine, maritime

662. –marit- husband: marital

663. *–mascul- man: masculine

664. *–mater-, -matr- mother: maternity, matricide, matron, matriarchal, maternal

665. –materi- mater: material, materialize

666. –matur- ripe: maturity, immature

667. *–medi- middle: mediate, medium, intermediate, immediate, mediator, medieval, Mediterranean, median

668. *-medic- physician: medical, medicine, medication, medicinal, medicable, medico, medico-legal, Medicaid

669. *mega- million, large: megabyte, megacity, megaphone, megatanker, megahertz, megaton

670. megalo- huge: megalomania

671. mela-, melan- black: melancholy

672. –memor- mindful: memorize, immemorial, memorial, commemorate, commemorative

673. –mens- 1) month: menses, menstruate 2) measure: immense, immensity, mensuration, commensurate, mensural

674. *–ment- mind: mental, mentality, mention, mentionable, comment, commentary, commentator, amentia, demented

675. *–ment: v. → n.: government, instrument, development (不影响重音)

676. –merc- trade: commercial, mercantile

677. *–merg-, -mers- dip, sink: emerge, submerge, immerse, emergence, immerge, immersion, submergible

678. meso- middle: mesoderm

679. *meta- [met- before a vowel]1) change in position or form, alteration, transposition =trans-: metathesis, metasomatism 2) after [in medical terms =post-]: metaphysical 3) behind, at the back of [in anatomical terms, =dorso- ] metanephros 4) going beyond or higher, transcending: metalinguistics, metahistory, metacriticism 5) between: metope 6) in chemical terms: metaprotein

680. *–meter, -metr- measuring, or instrument or science for measuring: geometrical, symmetry, barometer, speedometer, trigonometry, thermometer, metrology, seismometer, photometer, optometer, audiometer, diameter, perimeter, gasometer, spirometer

681. *meteoro- meteor or climate: meteoroid, meteorology, meteorite

682. metho- 甲基: methane

683. *–metry: measurement: geometry

684. *micro- 1) small: microphone, microscope, microprint, microsystem 2) 1/1,000,000 micrometer

685. *mid- middle: midsummer, midlife, midnight

686. *–migr- move: migration, immigrant, emigrant, transmigration, migrant, intermigration

687. *–milit- army: militant, military, militia, militarism, militarize

688. *mill- 1,000: millennium

689. *milli- 1/1,000 millimeter, milliliter, milligram

690. *–min- hang: imminent, prominent, eminent, preeminent

691. *mini- small: minibus, miniskirt, minister, minify, minim, minimum, miniature, diminish

692. -ministr- servant: miniter, administer

693. *–minut- small: minute, diminutive, minutiae

694. *–mir- wonderful, strange: mirror, miracle, admire, mirage, miraculous

695. *mis- bad, wrong: mistake, misunderstanding, misconception, misuse, misprint, misspelling, misfortune, misrule, misremember

696. *–misc-, -mixt- mix: miscellaneous, promiscuous, mixture, miscible, immiscible, promiscuity

697. –miser- unfortunate: miserable, commiserate

698. miso- [mis- before a vowel] hate: misogyny, misanthropy

699. *–mit-, -mitt-, -miss- send: remit, remittance, admission, missile, dismiss, dismissal, dismissive, transmit, transmission, promise, missionary, intermit, intermittent, intermission, emit, emission, emissary

700. *–mob-, -mot-, -mov- move: mobile, motion, remote, remove, movement, demobilize, demote, promote, motive, motivation, motor, mob, immobile, mobilize

701. *mock- imitation: mock-trial

702. –mod-, -moder- measure, way: modal, mode, modulate, moderate

703. –molli- tender: mollify

704. *–mon-, -monit- warn: admonish, premonition, monument, monitor, admonition

705. *mono- [mon- before a vowel] single: monologue, monarch, monotone, monoplane

706. –monstr- show: demonstrate, demonstrative

707. *–mony event or state: hegemony, matrimony, patrimony, ceremony

708. –morb- sick: morbid, morbidity

709. –morph- shape: amorphous, morphology, geomorphic, anthropomorphous, homomorphic

710. –mors- bite: remorse

711. *–mort- die: immortal, mortuary, postmortem, mortician, mortal, mortality

712. *–most most: northernmost, utmost (不影响重音)

713. *multi- many: multitude, multinational, multidirectional, multiracial, multiparty

714. –mur- wall: mural, muralist, extramural, intramural, intermural, immure, immurement

715. *–mut- change: mutable, mutability, mutual, mutant, mutation, permutation, commutation, commute, commuter, transmute

716. myco- fungus: mycology

717. myria- 10,000, many: myriad, myriapod

718. myrmeco- any: myrmecology

719. myxo- 粘液: myxoderma

720. mytho- myth: mythology, mythopoeic

721. narco-, narcot- numb: narcolepsy, narcotic, narcosis

722. –narr- tell: narrative, narrate

723. *–nasc-, -naiss-, -nat- birth: natural, nation, prenatal, renascent, renaissance, native, nativity, neonate, natal, prenatal, postnatal, connate, cognate

724. -naut- sailor: astronaut, nautical, aeronautics

725. *–nav- ship: navy, naval, navigate, circumnavigate

726. –navig- steer: navigation, circumnavigate

727. –nebul- fog: nebulous, nebula

728. *necro- death: necromancer, necrophobia

729. –necrosis death: angionecrosis (重音ne’crosis)/nikr[usis/

730. –necrotic adj. of n. ending in –necrosis

731. –neg-, -negat- say no: negate, abnegation

732. –negoti- business: negotiate

733. -negr-, -nigr- black: Negro, denigrate, Negroid, negrophile, nigrify, nigritude

734. *neo- new: neoclassic, neonatal, neogamist, neocolonialism, neorealism

735. nephr- kidney: nephritis

736. –nerv- sinew: nervous, unnerve

737. *–ness adj. → n.: selfishness, coldness,bitterness (不影响重音)

738. *neuro- [neur- before a vowel] nerves: neurology, neurosis, neural, neuritis, neurasthenia, neuroma, neuropathy

739. –neutr- neither: neuter, neutral

740. *–nex-, -nect- link: annex, connect, disconnect, annexation

741. –nik person keen on something: beatnik, peacenik (不影响重音)

742. *–nihil- nothing: nihilist, annihilate, nil, nihility

743. *–noc- injure: innocent, innocuous, noxious, nocent

744. nocti- [noct- before a vowel] night: noctambulism, noctiphobia, noctiflorous

745. **-nomic adj. of n. ending in –nomy: astronomic, economic

746. *–nomin- name: nominate, nominal, nomination, nominee, ignominy, ignominious

747. –nomy a field of study: astronomy, economy, autonomy, agronomy

748. *non- 1) not: nonsense, nonexistence, nonsmoker, nonconductor, nonstop 2) nine: nonet

749. –norm-, -nom- normal: abnormal, paranormal, anomaly, enormous, normalize, subnormal, supernormal

750. *–not- mark: notice, notable, annotate

751. *–nov- new: novelty, innovate, renovation, novice

752. nucleo- nuclear: nucleogenesis, nucleonic

753. –nupt- wedding: nuptial

754. –nud- naked: nudity, denude

755. –null- not any: nullify

756. *–numer- number: numeral, enumerate, numeric, numerable, innumerable

757. –nunc-, -nounc- announce: pronunciation, denounce, renunciation

758. –nutri- nourish: nutrition, nutrient, nutritional, innutrition, nutriology, nutriment, nutrimental