


Unit 1 That must be a record!

1. settle an argument about…

2. a best-seller

3. send in

4. set down the records

5. keep track of

6. a length of 1.6 metres

7. an area of about 40 hectares

8. set a world record

9. celebrate Hong Kong’s return to China

10. stand out

11. in a row

12. in the first place

13. apply for

14. win the bid for the 29th Olympic Games in 2008

15. over the past two decades

16. be fascinated to do sth.

17. burst into cheers

18. get a better understanding of China

19. try new tricks on …

20. capture the hearts and minds of people

21. be willing to do sth.

22. centre on

23. concentrate on

24. everything/ all goes well

Unit 2 Crossing limits

1. in the name of

2. take possession of

3. masses of fuel

4. do research on a state project

5. in exchange for

6. be taken prisoner

7. under the command of

8. set sail to / from / for

9. in return

10. in darkness

11. a large sum of money

12. bring up

13. in all

14. show respect for sb.

15. do observations

16. apart from

17. adjust to these extreme conditions

18. a couple of days

19. at such a great height

20. refer to

21. run out

22. have no chance of surviving

Unit 3 The land down under

1. a 10-day trip to Australia

2. stand for

3. a highly-developed country

4. as a consequence

5. have a strong influence on

6. transform… into

7. benefit from

8. differ from

9. heal its racial wounds

10. be forced to do sth.

11. sense of responsibility

12. be connected to

13. feed … on

14. give birth to

15. cover an entire continent

16. a wealthy country

17. round up

18. all the year round

19. be delighted to do sth.

20. on an open fire

21. off the northeast coast

22. have access to water

Unit 4 Green world

1. a bunch of flowers

2. classify … into …

3. base on

4. at first sight

5. develop a lifelong friendship

6. lead a cosy life

7. have / show an appetite for

8. look out for

9. on a large scale

10. make two more voyages

11. be involved in

12. year after year

13. pass away

14. name … after

15. lead sb. to do sth.

16. calculate the distance between

17. pass on from on generation to the next

18. form the belief

19. in view

20. adapt to the new environment

21. in detail

22. be involved in

Unit 5 Getting the message

1. hand in hand

2. accuse… of

3. large amounts of money

4. appeal to their emotions

5. take sth. into consideration

6. get the messages across

7. keep an eye out for

8. make good choices

9. 9 out of ten

10. take a critical attitude towards advertisements

11. with the purpose of

12. a series of

13. point out

14. make sense

15. at a loss

16. profit by / from

Unit 6 Going West

1. be more of a leader than a follower

2. be honest with

3. lose heart

4. take it easy

5. keep up

6. common sense

7. leave behind

8. by day / by night

9. pass through

10. be on one’s feet

11. be accustomed to

12. in anxiety of

13. reach the promised land

14. come to an end

15. a relay of dog teams

16. take up to 13 days

17. tie … up

18. at stake

19. go for

Unit 7 A Christmas Carol

1. care for

2. want all day off

3. leave alone

4. bring in profits

5. open one’s hearts freely

6. this very night

7. in want of

8. be badly off

9. be concerned with

10. display one’s deep sympathy

11. have no eye for the need

12. an immediate success

13. comment on everything

14. as follows

15. take one’s place

16. twice the size of

17. toast to the New Year

18. harmony with others

Unit 8 Learning a foreign language

1. come across

2. make progress

3. mother tongue

4. communicate with

5. make sense of

6. be equipped with

7. regardless of

8. in other words

9. self-confident

10. experiment with

11. everyday use

12. pile of homework

13. thanks to

14. be familiar with

15. in my teens

16. put an end to

17. all of a sudden

18. knock down

19. at various academic levels

20. stay in touch

21. broaden one’s horizons

22. fall behind

23. be concerned about

Unit 9 Health care

1. take measures to do sth.

2. a laid-off worker

3. have an income of

4. to make matters worse

5. take a bank loan

6. put extra pressure on the family

7. keep a healthy diet

8. live in poverty

9. make ends meet

10. look forward to

11. ready-made clothes

12. cure many diseases

13. a story of hard work

14. search for

15. clean up

16. in a good mood

17. set a goal

18. be effective in

Unit 10 American literature

1. at a time

2. attend to

3. worthy of the honour

4. take pride in

5. do up

6. a tear or two / one or two tears

7. works of art

8. come into being

9. side by side

10. be burdened with

11. fix one’s eyes on / upon

12. live through

13. be good to sb.

14. make mistake about

15. be upset

16. in tears

17. at length

18. put away

19. recommend … to

Unit 11 Key to success

1. stick with

2. on one’s own

3. have a part-time job

4. take evening classes

5. for the sake of

6. in reality

7. accomplish a task

8. a long period of time

9. attach to

10. be aware of

11. as with sports team

12. keep an eye on

13. guard against

14. take … into account

15. as a matter of fact

16. work on self-improvement

17. as a whole

18. be of great importance / value

19. carry out a survey

20. by means of

21. look back

22. congratulate … on

23. do make-up

24. in demand

25. live up to

26. hand-on experience

27. take a few deep breaths

Unit 12 Education

1. make a commitment

2. to begin with

3. drop out

4. take in many more students

5. a shortage of teachers

6. result in

7. attend school

8. be of benefit

9. in other aspects

10. take a hands-on approach to education

11. concentrate on

Unit 13 The mystery of the Moonstone

1. be set in …

2. live a sad, lonely life

3. in an act of revenge

4. fasten … to

5. the loss of such a valuable jewel

6. a wedding banquet

7. be shocked to do sth.

8. have no choice but to do sth.

9. pay a high price for …

10. lack of sleep

Unit 14 Zoology

1. again and again

2. go on

3. tell … apart

4. over and over again

5. a far-away place

6. in a straight line

7. come to light

8. be awarded a Nobel Prize

9. divide … into

10. be up to 1.2 metres tall

11. feast on sth.

Unit 15 Popular youth culture

1. give a short presentation about

2. a bad side to youth culture

3. graduate from

4. get a lot of satisfaction

5. open up

6. raise money for a good cause

7. sever the local or national community

8. fit in with

9. make the adjustment to

10. a great loss to all

11. out of fashion

12. have a reputation for

13. add … to

14. a symbol of

Unit 16 Finding jobs

1. a professional football player

2. a famous mid-field player

3. have good team spirit

4. as a paid member of staff

5. up to date

6. apply to

7. take responsibility for

8. a response to a specific question

9. a addition to the company

10. make a good impression

11. create a positive effect

12. hold back

13. be careful with

14. get on well with

15. set off