外研新标准Book 1 Module 5课文重点、难点解析


Module 5课文重点、难点解析

1. Iron doesn't rust in dry air. 在干燥的空气中铁不容易生锈。

在此处rust作不及物动词,说明主语的特征。谓语动词要用主动形式。常见的同类动词有:sell, write, dry, wash, open, move, lock等。例如:

The oranges sell well. 这些橘子很畅销。

注意区分:系动词taste, look, smell, feel, sound等后面要接形容词作表语。例如:

The oranges taste good. 橘子尝起来好吃。

2. Half-fill a test tube with water. 给玻璃试管灌一半水。

fill...with使......充满;be filled with... 用......装满


be crowded with挤满

be covered with 被......覆盖

be marked with 标上......记号

be dotted with用......点缀着

be lined with 沿着;两旁排列着

be equipped with 用......装备

3. I never used to enjoy science, but last year I changed schools, and the science teachers at my new school are excellent. 我过去从来没有喜欢过理科,但去年我换了学校,而且新学校的理科老师们非常出色。

used to do sth. 表示过去常常做某事。例如:

John used to visit his parents once a week when he worked as an assistant in the city.约翰在城里当服务员的时候,总是每周去看望父母一次。

拓展:1) be used to do sth. 被用来做某事。例如:

Wood can be used to make paper. 木材可以用来造纸。

2) be/get used to sth./ doing sth. 习惯于做某事。例如:

He was used to sleeping with the windows open. 他习惯敞着窗子睡觉。

4. The Noble Prize is the highest scientific prize there is,so we should be very proud of that。诺贝尔奖是科技领域曾有过的最高奖项,因此我们应以此为骄傲。

此处there is 是定语从句,修饰prize,表示曾有过的。例如:

The home improvements have taken what little there is of my spare time. (NMET2001)房屋装修占据了我那么少的业余时间。

5. ...as both are supposed to have good physics Departments.因为两所大学都应该有最好的物理系。

be supposed to +不定式短语,可以表示"应该""理应"含有"本来应该做某事,而事实上并非如此"之意。例如:

Everyone is supposed to wear a seat belt in the car. 坐车时每个人都应该系安全带。