Unit21名师讲义word study / exercises /grammar /revision


Unit21Body language Grammar


Collecting stamps will cost you a lot of money.集邮将花费你很多钱。

Driving a car isn’t as comfortable as traveling by train.


1. it作形式主语,当动名词短语在句中作主语时,为了保持句子平衡,我们用it作为形式主语,而将真正的主语放在句末。

It’s dangerous playing in the street.在街上玩是危险的。

It’s no good arguing with him.与他争论是没有好处的。


It’s no use doing…= It’s of no use / It’s useless + to do sth.

It’s no good doing… It’s a waste of …doing sth..

It’s very difficult doing sth.. It’s nice doing sth.

注:能用动名词作主语的句子比较少一些,主要用于no good, no use, useless, senseless, dangerous,waste等词作表语的句子。


There is no+v-ing(…是不可能的) =It is impossible to do sth. =No one can …(or we can not…)

There is no joking about such matters.这种事开不得玩笑。

There is no getting in touch with him和他取得联系是不可能的。


二、 动名词在句中作表语


My job is teaching English.(Teaching English is my job.)我的工作是教英语。

三、 动名词在句中作宾语

They have finished doing their homework.他们已经做完作业了。

Nothing can stop us from realizing the four modernizations in our country.



advise建议,admit承认,allow允许,appreciate感谢,欣赏avoid避免,consider考虑,认为,delay推迟,deny否认,dislike讨厌,enjoy喜欢,escape逃脱,excuse原谅,finish完成,forgive原谅,imagine想像,keep保持,mention提到,mind介意,miss错过,postpone延缓,practise练习,prevent阻止,resist 抵抗,risk冒险,suggest建议,understand理解,can’t help doing sth.情不自禁地做……,can’t stand不能忍受,give up 放弃,put off 推迟,leave off 停止等。

I don’t allow smoking in my room.我不允许在我房内吸烟。

She can’t stand waiting for her friend for a long time.她不能忍受长时间等候朋友。

Would you mind opening the window for me ?您介意替我把窗子打开吗?

Excuse my being late,please.=Excuse me for being late.请原谅我来迟了

Heavy rain prevented my visiting him yesterday.=Heavy rain prevented me from visiting him yesterday.昨天,大雨阻止了我拜访他。


(1)add to加上,be afraid of 怕(产生某种后果),be ashamed of为……感到羞愧,be busy(in)doing sth.忙于做某事,be clever at在……方面聪明,be engaged in从事于,be fond of喜欢,be good at擅长,be interested in对……感兴趣,be proud of为……而骄傲,be successful in在……方面成功,be sick of对……感到恶心,be sentenced to宣判,be tired of厌烦,come to谈到,depend on依靠,dream of梦想,devote…to…把……贡献,excuse…for…为……而原谅,feel like愿意 ,get to开始,hear of 听说insist on坚持,know of对……了解,keep…from…阻止……做……,persist in坚持 ,set about 动手去做, spend…on在……花费,spend…(in)doing sth.花……做某事, stop…from…阻止……做……,stick to坚持,succeed in在……取得成功,thank…for… 为……而感谢……,think of 想到.

注:insist on 表示对要求、看法、意见或主张的“坚持”;stick to 表示对“愿望、原则、决定、诺言、意见、理想或某种理论的坚持不渝;persist in 表示对某种活动坚持不懈或对某种信念固执不改。

表示“阻止某人做某事”的几个短语中stop,prevent 后的from可以省略,而keep后的from不能省,因为keep sb. doing sth. 表示”使某人一直做某事”.


There is no use/ need /harm/ hurry +in doing sth

There be/We have fun /some difficulty/some trouble/problem/pleasure/a good time/a hard time +in doing sth.


He is busy preparing his lessons.他忙于备课。

Einstein spent the rest of his life living in the USA. 爱因斯坦在美国度过他的晚年。

I had some difficulty in explaining the maths problem to him.


The little girl is interested in drawing pictures.小姑娘对画画感兴趣。

We look forward to going abroad.我们盼望出国。

Is there any hope of your team winning the match? 你们队在比赛中有希望获胜吗?

He insists on no one knowing about the experiment. 他坚持认为没人了解有关实验的情况。



The first impressions are most lasting.最初的印象历时最久。

This piece of news is encouraging.这条消息鼓舞人心。



The novel is very interesting and we are all interested in it. 这本小说很有趣,我们对它都很感兴趣。

These colours are pleasing.这些色彩令人愉快。


在系表结构中,现在分词表示主语的特性,be 为系动词,可以换作其他的系动词。而在进行进态中,现在分词表示主语正在进行的动作,在句中与助动词be一起构成谓语,此结构中的助动词be不能换成其他的助动词。

The news is moving.这消息令人感动。


His heroic deeds are moving us.他的英雄事迹正在感动着我们。(moving为现在分词,与助动词are构成谓语)

Unit21 Body language


  1.You can pass on m ________ to others by your expressions and body movements, even if you can't talk.

  2.In some Asian countries s ________ the head means “agreement”.

  3.People now c ________ over long distances by means of telephone, telegraph, radio, television and E-mail as well.

  4.The g ________ people use for “yes” and “no” are different around the world.

  5.As is known to all, love and hate are opposite e ________.

  6.The young lady went over to the window and l ________ against it.

  7.I can still remember every ________(详情)in my old dormitory room at school.

  8.From this time on the man ________(避开)fruitless discussions with such kind of people.

  9.It is d ________ to talk of your headmaster as “the old man”.

10.It was c ________ of you to go skating on such thin ice.


  1.--What's made you so happy?   -- ________ from my pen friend abroad.

  A. Heard   B. Hearing  C. Because of hearing D. For hearing

  2.I would appreciate ________ back this afternoon..

  A. you to call   B. you call    C. your calling  D. you're calling

  3. ________ one's work properly may be worse than not doing it at all.

  A. Not to do   B. Do      C. Not doing   D. Doing

  4.We never listen to Beethoven without ________.

  A. being deeply impressed     B. impressed deeply

  C. having deeply impressed     D. to be deeply impressed

  5.It was not long ________ the rain stopped and the sun came out again.

  A. when    B. until     C. before     D. since

  6.School children, ________ boys ________ girls, enjoy swimming in summer.

  A. either; or   B. whether; or  C. like; and    D. between; and

  7.--Shall we travel to Shanghai by train?

    --Why not ________ by air? That will be much faster and more convenient.

  A. trying to go  B. try to go    C. try going    D. to try going

  8.English can help ________ people and make the stay in a foreign country easy and comfortable.

  A. agree with B. communicate with  C. write to  D. belong to

  9.He spoke slowly so that he could made them ________ him.

  A. understood  B. understanding  C. understand  D. to understand

  10.Not you but I ________ invited to the pop concert.

  A. is      B. are      C. am        D. have

  11. ________ the price of daily goods going up, people can't afford to buy expensive things.

  A. With    B. On      C. By        D. Since

  12.--Not all body language, you know, ________ the same thing in different countries.

    --Yes. It is said that nodding the head ________ “No” in some Asian countries.

  A. meaning; means B. mean; is to say  C. means; meaning  D. means; is to say

13.Jack is a bright and diligent boy ________ his brother Tom is just the opposite.

  A. while    B. when     C. as      D. however

14.I would go to the concert but I ________ no time.

  A. had     B. had had    C. have     D. should have

15.The newly-built theatre is ________ the old one.

  A. as twice big as  B. twice more bigger than C. twice the size of D. twice so big as



Nodding the head means agreement, ________ _________ ____ ____means disagreement.

2、跟他争论没用。It’s no use _________ ________ him.

3、--要我帮你拿很行李吗? --不了,谢谢,我自己能行。

--Shall I carry the luggage for you?

--No, thank you, but I _____ ________ _____ ___________.


Can you explain ______ _______ how the accident happened?

5、--要我帮你复习功课吗? --谢谢你,你真是太好了。

--Would you like me _______ _______ _______ ______ your lessons?

--Thank you. That’s ______ _____ _______ ________.

6、在课堂上做鬼脸是不允许的。_______ _______ is not permitted in class.


Squirrels will store a lot of food ________ ________ ________ in order to get through the winter.


________ ______ one’s head high means the person is very proud.


Teaching methods ________ greatly ________ school _____ school.

10、关于它是如何发生的,我们很迷惑。We are puzzled ______ _______ how it happened.

11、我们应该保持文件的整齐。We should keep the files ________ _________.

12、它的确很重--你能帮我吗?It’s really heavy-can you ______ _______ _______ ______?

13、他撕掉了那个布告。He _______ _______ the notice.


We ____ _____ a lot of difficulties while working on this project.

15、健康的身体是最宝贵的。Nothing is _________ precious _________ health.

Ⅰ.1.messages  2.shaking   3.communicate

    4.gestures   5.emotions  6.leaned

    7.detail    8.avoided   9.disrespectful




1. while shaking the head 2. arguing with 3. can manage it myself 4. in detail 5. to help you with / very kind of you 6. Making faces 7. ahead of time 8. Holding up 9. vary… from …to 10. as to 11. in order 12. give me a hand 13. tore down 14. got through 15. more… than…


Unit21 Body language词语辨析

1、meet/meet with

(1).meet 意为“碰见”“遇见”“见到”。

e.g.I'm glad to meet you.很高兴见到你。

He had never met a foreigner who spoke such perfect chinese.


而meet with则强调“偶然遇到”“碰到”(come across;meet sb.by chance)

e.g.I have met with this word many times in my reading.我在阅读中多次碰到这个词。

I had not seen him for years but met with him in the street yesterday.



e.g.I'll meet my uncle at the station.我将到车站接我叔叔。

I'm to meet the seven o' clock train.我去接7点钟的火车。

而表示“遭到”“遭遇”(后接抽象名词),“受到”(=to receive)要用meet with。

e.g.He met with an accident when riding a bike.他在骑车时遇到了意外事故。

We met with a warm reception.我们受到了热情的接待。


e.g.I didn't care to meet these people.我不愿见这些人。

I must be off.I'm meeting a comrade from Beijing at six.我得走了,我6点要会见一位北京来的同志。

但表示较正式的“会见”“会晤”,常用meet with。

e.g.He met with the Prime Minister of Japan for an hour.


(4).meet 还有“应付”“满足”“适应”等意义,还可构成习语make both ends meet (使收支平衡,维持生活)。

e.g.They didn't know how to meet the situation.他们不知道如何应付这一局面。

We must try our best to meet the demand of the market.我们必须尽力满足市场的需求。

They could hardly make both ends meet in the past.过去他们简直无法维持生活。

2.tear(at)/tear down/tear up


Why did you tear the cloth when I had advised you to cut it with scissors?


He is tearing at something.他在扯什么东西。(并未言及结果)

(2).tear down短语动词,“拆毁,撕下”。

e.g.They are tearing down the old houses to make way for a new road.他们正在拆除那些旧房子,以便修一条新路。

He tore down the notice.他撕掉了那个布告。

(3).tear up短语动词“撕碎,撤销”。

e.g.She tore up the letter as soon as she had read it.她看完信后就把它撕碎了。

He told the lawyer to tear up the old contract and prepare a new one.


另外,tear up 还有“(连根)拔起”之意。

e.g.An elephant can tear up a tree by the roots.大象能把一棵树连根拔起来。

3.China/Chinese/China's/of China

代表国家的专有词“China,China's,Chinese及of China”都可修饰名词,但用法又有所不同。

首先我们对这四个词做一个分析,China既可作名词又可作形容词,作名词时意为“中国”,作形容词时意为“中国的,中国产的”;Chinese同样既可用作名词,又可用作形容词,作名词时意为“中国人,汉语,中文”,作形容词时意为“中国的,中国人的,汉语的,中文的”;China's是China作名词时的所有格形式;of China是China作名词时与of构成的“of-结构”,作名词的后置修饰语,它们都可以修饰名词,其主要区别如下:



e.g.China silk 中国丝绸 China tea 中国茶 China rose 月季花

另外,也有些词已形成单独一个词。 e.g.China town中国城,唐人街


e.g.Chinese calendar 农历,阴历 Chinese classics 中国古典文学


e.g.China ink=Chinese ink 墨

China wood oil=Chinese wood oil 桐油

但有时用China 或Chinese意义不同。

e.g.China policy 指其他国家的对华政策 American China policy 美国对华政策

Chinese policy 中国人自己所实行的政策


e.g.China Daily 中国日报 China Centre Television 中央电视台

Chinese Academy of Science 中国科学院 the Chinese Olympic Committee 中国奥委会



e.g.Chinese characters 汉字 Chinese food 中国食物


eg.Chinese dishes 中国菜 a Chinese room 中国式建筑或房间布置



e.g.China's reform 中国改革

China's foreign trade 中国对外贸易


e.g.a Chinese girl 一个中国女孩


e.g.China's chi-pao 中国生产的旗袍

Chinese chi-pao 中国式样的旗袍(不一定中国生产)

3.China's及of China

(1)China's一般用于人文或与人文有关的场合,而of China一般用于构成所有格,表示所有关系。我们一般用the map of China而不用China's map。

(2)of China还常构成一些专有名词

e.g.the Communist Party of China 中国共产党

the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国

the People's Bank of China 中国人民银行


4.would like,feel like

feel like和would like 都表示“想要干某事”。

(1)feel like 中的like是介词,后跟名词或动名词.如:

I feel like sleeping/taking a walk.我想睡/散步。

I don’t feel like walking very much today.今天我不想走太多的路了。

Do you feel like having something to eat?你想要点东西吃吗?

I feel like a cup of tea. 我想喝杯茶。

I feel like some fish and chips for supper.晚饭我想吃些鱼和土豆条。

It’s so hot. I feel like a swim.天真热,我想去游泳。

(2)would like 中的like 是动词,后跟不定式或名词。如:

What would you like to do now ?你现在想做什么?

I would like to have dinner with you.我想和你一起吃饭。

I would like to talk to you for a minute .我想和你谈一下。

Would you like some help?你需要帮助吗?

5.cause, reason


Carelessness is the usual cause of fire.造成火灾的原因通常是不谨慎。

Heat is the cause of the expansion of matter.热是物体膨胀的原因。


You must tell him the reason why you won’t accept his offer.


6.get through, go through

I tried to telephone you but I couldn’t __________.

A.put through B.get through C.go through Dcome through 答案:B

(1)get through 和 go through 表示“通过(某地、议案等);用完”时可互换使用。如:

The man was so fat that he couldn’t get/go through the door,那人胖得连那扇门都过不去。

The plan for this term will have to get/go through the leading group of the school。本学期计划得经校领导班子通过。

I have got/gone through three pairs of shoes in a month..这一个月内我穿坏了三双鞋。

(2)get through 和 go through又各有其意义:

get through :通过考试;接通电话

I got through everything except English .除英语外我别的都极格了。

I can’t get through to Beijing.The line is busy.我打不通北京的电话,占线。

go through:检查;看一遍;经历(困难,痛苦)

I went through my homework to make sure that nothing had been missed.我将作业检查了一遍,以确定什么都没有漏掉。

Go through the text from the beginning .把课文从头看一遍。

She must have gone through a lot.她一定吃了不少苦。



He gave her a loving kiss.他给了她一个深情的吻。

(2)lovely 意为“可爱的,美丽的;迷人的”。如:

The house has many large rooms and there is a lovely garden.


(3)lovable 意为“可爱的,惹人爱的”。多形容人或动物。有时可以与lovely互换。


She is a lovable child.她是个可爱的孩子。

It is a lovable kitten.它是一只可爱的小猫。


1.meet/meet with

(1)The farmer     some difficulty.His crops need water badly.

(2)I want you     some of my friends.

(3)They had to change the plan in order to     the new situation.

(4)The Chinese leaders     the foreign guests in the hall yesterday.

(5)The foreign guests     a warm welcome when they arrived.

(6)Thank you very much for coming to     me.

答案:(1)met with (2)to meet (3)meet (4)met with (5)met with (6)meet

2.occur / happen

(1)The December Ninth Movement _______ in 1936.

(2)Just as I was leaving the house it________ to me that Ihad forgotten my key.

(3)It so _______ that I had on money with ,e.

答案(1)happened/occurred (2)occurred (3)happened


(1)I don’t mean to hurt your _________.

(2)He has a fine ______ of humour.

(3)He spoke of his dead wife with deep______.

答案(1)feelings (2)sense (3)emtion


(1)Don't get into the     of smoking.

(2)It is the      for westerners to celebrate Christmas.

(3)He was in the     of going for a walk before breakfast.

答案:(1)habit (2)custom (3)habit

简析:habit表示“习惯”,“习性”通常指个人的习惯,一旦养成,便难戒除。其后常接of doing sth.。如“养成……的习惯”,get/fall into the habit of doing sth.或form the habit of doing sth.如表示“戒掉……的习惯”,可用fall/get out of the habit of doing sth.。custom表“风俗”,“习惯”,常用来指某个国家、某个地方或某个社会的风俗习惯,有时也指生活习惯,后面接动词不定式。

e.g.The western customs are different from the Chinese ones.

Unit 21 Revision

Step 1 Translate

1 匆忙的,慌忙的 2 随文化的不同而变化

3 直视着某人 4 把头靠在手背上

5 摆脱困境 6 感到闷闷不乐

7 按顺序排放 8 拆除 ;拆毁

9 使某人突然想到 10 把。。。集中于。。。

11 详细地 12 疯狂的想法

13 弯腰 14 把A 和B 搞混

15 与某人联络 16 帮某人一个忙

17 把手指放在嘴上 18 朝某人挥拳头

19 十指交叉合掌 20 耸耸肩

21 高昂着头 22 面部表情

Step 2 Grammar (-ing)



(1)两者可互换, 但表示一次性的动作多用不定式,表示一般性、经常性的动作多用动名词



你今天抽这么多烟不好。 ____________________________________________

(2) It’s no use\ good + V-ing 只能用动名词 ;It’s + adj. +(for sb.) + to do 一般用不定式

如:In a shop, it is important ____________________. (使顾客满意是重要的)

It is no use __________________________. (现在考虑它没有用)


(1)常用动名词作宾语的及物动词有:mind, finish, enjoy, excuse, imagine, keep

practice, suggest, miss, consider, prevent, appreciate, advise, avoid 等


(2)常见的跟动名词作宾语的短语有:give up, can’t help, insist on, devote to, stick to, be fond of, set about, look forward to, depend on, feel like, be proud of, be used to, prevent sb. from, succeed in, pay attention to, get to 等


(3)常用不定式作宾语的动词有:want, wish, agree, decide, begin, learn, pretend, ask, promise, plan, expect, refuse 等


(4)一些动词既可用动名词也可用不定式,意思差不多:begin, start, continue, prefer, propose等

如:I prefer_______/ ___________ (go) there this evening.


①like, love, hate,不定式作宾语常表一次性动作,动名词作宾语常表习惯性动作


②remember, forget, regret to do 要做而没做




3、作表语 动名词、不定式作表语具有名词性质,说明主语内容。主语是名词时,表示一次性的动作,表语多用不定式;表示一般性、经常性的动作,表语多用动名词。



4、逻辑主语:不定式的逻辑主语一般由for/ of 介词短语构成,而动名词的逻辑主语由形容词性物主代词(或宾格代词)和名词的所有格(或名词的普通格)来构成。

如:It is important________________________________(我们学习计算机很重要)

Would you mind ________/ ________ (I) opening the window?

_________ (Mary) being late delayed our meeting.

5、完成式 动名完成式表示的动作发生在谓语动词之前; 一些动词可用动名词的一般式代替完成式:remember, forget, regret, excuse, thank, apologize 等;动名词的完成被动式常可用其一般式来代替

如:He hated himself for not ___________ (work) hard.

She didn’t remember ________/________ (meet) him before.

He still remembers ___________/______________(praise) by a famous scientist.

6、否定式 动名词的否定式是在其前面加“not”, 动词不定式的否定式为:not +to do

如:I must apologize for _________ (not let)you know ahead of time.

She pretended ______________ (not see) me when I passed by.


(1)idea / method / habit / purpose +of +V-ing

(2)way / pleasure / time / chance/ plan/ power +of+V-ing

(3)have + difficulty / trouble / problem/ fun/ pleasure/ a good time + (in)+ V-ing

(4)There is no need / use / harm / hurry / need + (in) + V-ing

(5)On + V-ing (一。。。。。就。。。。)






Step 3 Correction

1、I don’t feel like to go to the cinema tonight.

2、She is used to live in the village.

3、We hoped he being here would make the work easier.

4、I regret having not worker harder while young.

5、I’m thinking of go to visit my aunt.

6、I began knowing about the danger of pollution.

7、Remember posting the letter.

Unit 21 Body Language

Word study

Step1 New words

1 avoid vt 避免,逃避

尽量避免危险/事故 Try to avoid ___________________

avoid doing sth

The schoolboy tried to avoid meeting with his teacher(与老师碰面).

2 contact n contact with sb / sth 接触 联系

get into contact with sb make contact with sb

be in contact with sb lose/ break contact with

他的手接触到了热的物体表面 His hand came into _______ ______ a hot surface.

Students must be brought ______ ______ _______ new ideas.

contact vt 联系 Where can I contact you?

3 lean forward / back / to the left / to the right

lean out of the window ________________

lean against/on sth

a ladder leans ________ the wall / lean the ladder ________ the wall

4 ahead of 位置/时间

在我们前面有条河。 There was a river _______ _____ us.

我提前十分钟到了。I arrived ten minutes ______ ______ time.

5 manage -- control 控制,管理,经营

The hotel is badly managed.

manage to do sth 设法做到= succeed in doing sth

was able to do sth

我及时赶到了。I ______ ______ ______ (get) there in time.

It's such a big cake. I don't think I can manage it by myself.(吃掉)

6 vary These coats vary in size /color.

vary form ... to ... The weather sometimes vary _____ very cold ______ quite mild.

vary with ... The price varied ______ the season. _____________

7 crazy be crazy about 对….狂热

The boy is crazy about the singer.

8 part vt/vi 分开,分离 n 部分

The policemen parted the crowd. ____________________

Only a part of his story is true. _____________________

9 tear down (tear tore torn) 拆毁,拆卸

A story moved us to tears(眼泪)

They are tearing down these old houses to build a new office building.

Tear sth up / tear sth into pieces / tear sth from /off sth /

10 bend

The branch bent but didn’t broke when the baby climbed along it.

Bend over / bend to

Don’t bend your knees ___ your enemy.

She was bending ____ a basin.

11 hold up / hold on /

hold up 举起,拿起/举起展示;提出(作榜样)/阻碍或延误

Hold up (打电话时用语)请等一下,不要挂上/坚持

His son was held ___ as a model of hard work.

Road works on the high way are holding __ traffic.

Could you hold ___? I'll just see if the manager's in.

The student held ___ his hand to ask the teacher a question.

They managed to hold ___ until he arrived.

12 occur

Sth occur=Sth happen 发生

They said that the accident occurred / happened at midnight.

Sth occur to sb 某人突然想到 Sth happened to sb

我想到了一个好主意。 _________________________

You look unhappy. What __________ to you?

It occurred to sb that…/ to do sth.某人想起要做某事。

Didn’t it occur to you to close the window?

Sb happened to do sth____________ /It happened that ______________

13 get through 通过,完成,到达 / go through

They managed to ____ the bill through Congress.

The thieves were ________ _________ the contents of the bag.

Step2 Fill in the blanks

avoid / contact / manage / vary / part

occur / bend… to … / bend / … occur to / go crazy with

1 You can hardly _______ meeting her because you both work in the same office.

2 A number of changes _________ in the following years.

3 She _________ the money very well.

4 You should ______ your diet.

5 She _____ _______ ______ fear.

6 Touch your toes without _________ your knees.

7 He had to ______ himself ___ his father's will.

8 She has lost ________ with her son.

9 It ______ ___ me that we should go there more often.

10 The crowd _______and let us through.

Step3 Translate

1 请尽可能地避免错误。

2 学生们必须和先进的科学技术保持联系。

3 我提前一小时到了。

4 他终于完成了他的任务。

5 一开始,工程师不得不拆卸掉机器。

6 这辆卡车堵塞了交通。

7 小张突然想去喝杯饮料。

8 我碰巧认识路。