


a. recognize

作“认出”解,强调从外表上辨认出,指一时性的动作。(瞬间动词) 不同 know

= to know and remember sb. or sth. one has seen before



1. I know him, but when I saw him last night, I could hardly recognize him.


2. I recognized her voice over the phone. 我在电话里听出她的声音来了。

3. He had changed so much that one could hardly recognize him.


[注]不能说 I recognized him ten years ago. I knew him ten years ago.或I knew him ten years ago.

应该说:I got to know him ten years ago.


recognize 承认, 认可 = to accept as being lawful, real, or having value

4. They recognized the new government. 他们承认了那个新政府。

5. That's recognized method of teaching English. 那是一种得到认可的英语教学法.

6. He refused to recognize her as his lawful heir. 他拒绝承认她作为他的合法继承人。

意识到, 自认 = be ready/ prepared to admit, + that 从句

7. After the accident, he recognized that he was not fit for the work.


8. I clearly recognized from that matter he was far more clever than I was.


b. hope 与 wish

hope (vt.) + that 从句, 可以达到的希望

+ 不定式 但不能接 “宾语十不定式”.

1. We hope to see you again. = We hope we can see you. 我希望能再次见到你.

2. I hope you can help me with my maths.

希望你能帮助我学数学.(不能说I hope you to help me with my maths. )

wish 想要, 希望 = would like, want

+ that 从句, 强烈而难以实现的愿望

+ 不定式/ 宾语 + 不定式

wish后面接不定式或宾语+不定式”都可以,其意义相当广“想要’.“希望”(=would like或want).wish接that从句时一般表示某种强烈而又难以实现的愿望”,而hope表示的是可以实现或能达到的希望’.例如:

3. I wish to place an order right now. 我想马上订购.

4. I wish him to make progress. 我希望他取得进步.

5. I wish I could fly like a bird. (用 can *)


6. I hope he can do that. 我希望他会干哪件事.



7. I wish you happy. 祝你幸福.(不用hope)

8. I wish you a pleasant journey. 祝你旅途愉快.(不用hope)

在简略句中,如要表示希望某事不会发生时,应说I hope not,而不说I don’t hope so.


c. accept 与 receive


receive仅指客观上“收到”,“接到” accept是主观上“接受”,“领受”。试比较:

1. I received a present from Jack, but as I wouldn't accept it, I returned it to the sender.


2. She did receive your invitation but she refused to accept it.


3. Dr Barker replied to the invitation, accepting it.



4. I can't accept (=take) you as my secretary.


5. I can't accept(=recognize) my defeat. 我不能承认我失败了.(不能用receive)

6. He had to accept our explanation. 他只好接受了我们的解释.

7. His new theory was widely accepted/received (= recognized).


8. The young man was accepted/received (=admitted) into the organization.


[注]如果不强调主观.而把某事作为一种客观情况来叙述.则receive 也可用来表示“吸收”或“承认”.

receive 自然获得 (= get), 接待 (= welcome), 遭受 (= suffer) 瞬间动词,


It's five days since I received your letter. = I received your letter five days ago

(不能用: I have received your letter for five days. )

9. He received (=got) a good education. 他受到过良好的教育.

10.She received (=got) a doctor's degree at the age of twenty-eight.


11.You will receive (=get) a warm welcome when you get here. 你到时会受到热烈欢迎.

12.He received (= welcomed) his guests with a smile. 他向来宾微笑表示欢迎.

13.She went to the door to receive (=welcome) her visitors. 她走到门前迎接客人。

14.The soldier received (=suffered) a bad wound in the head. 那士兵头部受伤严重.

d. invite sb. to a place 表示“邀请某人去某处”,to是介词,后面可接表示活动或聚会地点的名词.

invite,b.to do sth 表示邀请某人做某事”.to为不定式符号.

1. We shall invite one of our friends to dinner tonight.


2. I was invited to give a talk at the meeting. 昨天我应邀在会上发言.

e. cost, take, pay, spend

cost v. 花费金钱,时间,劳力, 事物作主语

n. (u. c.)作名词时表示‘成本’、‘价钱”、“费用’,用作可数或不可数名词.

living costs生活费用

the cost of a book一本书的成本

What's the cost of the car? 那辆汽车得花多少钱?

take 花费时间, 事物作主语

1.The composition cost (took) me three hours. 我用了三小时才写成这篇作文.

2. How much did the radio cost you? 这台无线电花了你多少钱?(不用take).

3. The work cost them much labour. 这件工作花费了他们很大的劳动.(不用take)

4. It took them over two years to build the bridge. (少用 cost)


spend 一般用来表示花费钱或时间,主语是表示有生命的名词或代词(一般为人)。

常用”spend…onsth.”或”spend…(in)doing sth.结构。

5. I spent 50 dollars on the camera. 买这只照相机,我花了50美元.

6. He often spent his spare time (in) helping the poor.



7. I spent 20 dollars on the coat. = The coat cost me 20 dollars.

= I paid 20 dollars for the coat. = I bought the coat for 20 dollars.

= I bought the coat at the price of 20 dollars.

pay vt. 付...报酬, 付款

8. Have you paid the doctor yet? 医生的酬金付了吗?

9. You have to pay me first before I do it. 你得在我于以前先付钱。

10.When will you pay back the money? 你什么时候还这笔钱?

11.I paid 200 yuan for the radio. 买这台收音机我花了200元。

12. How much did you pay for all these things?


pay vi. 付款, 赔

13.If you have lost it, I'm afraid you will have to pay for it.


14.It was time to pay for the things on the list.


f. after all

说话人在使用after all这一短语时要强调的是尽管有前面某种情况,但后面这种情况不能不考虑.用来引出对方似乎忘了的某个重要论点或理由.这时after all大多位于句首,意思是“不管怎么说”,“毕竟”.带有‘We mustn't forget...”之意.例如;

1. Mary didn't pass the exam, but after all she had done her best.


2. I think we should let her go with her boy friend. After all, she's a big girl now.


3. It's not surprising you're tired. After all, you were up until last night.


after all含有"虽然有前面说过的话" 或 "与预料相反"之义 (用在句尾)

4. I did promise I would lend you money, but I'm sorry I can't manage after all.


5. I thought I was going to fail the exam, but I passed it after all.


g. instead 与 instead of

instead (adv.)

instead of (prep.) + n. / pron. / -ing

1.If Harry isn't well enough to go with you, take me instead.


2. Come another day instead. 改日来吧.

3. If you have no jewellery, can't you wear a flower instead.


4. Last year I went to Japan. This year I am going to Hongkong instead.


5. I will go instead of you. 我代你去.

6. If I hadn't got a headache, I'd be working instead of lying here in bed.


不能说:instead to lie

h. marry

marry vt. + sb.

在大多数情况下,marry用作及物动词,表示与……结婚”,嫁”,娶”.后面直接带宾语,从来不与with连用.有时可用get married to代替.(get married to sb.)

1. Jack is going to marry Mary. 杰克将和玛丽结婚.

2. His sister married (= got married to) a rich man. 他的姐姐嫁给了一个有钱人.

当marry不带宾语时.更为常见的说法是be/get married

3. They are going to get married. 他们将要结婚.

4. He got married last week. 他上周结婚的.

5. Is she married? ( = Has she got married? ) 她结婚了吗?

marry vi.

6. He married young. 他早婚。

7. She didn't marry until forty. 她一直到四十岁才结婚。

i. try on, put on, pull on

try on 试穿 put on 穿上 pull on 匆匆穿上

1. You tried the necklace on ( tried on the necklace) and it looked wonderful on you. (on)


2. She put on the skirt and looked more beautiful in it. (in) 她穿上裙于,显得更漂亮.

3. He pulled on his overcoat and it seemed just to cover him like a blanket.


[注]动词dress也可表示穿的动作.但dress的宾语是人的名词或代词.如She dressed herself/her baby.(她穿上衣服/她替婴儿穿上衣服.)不能说She dressed her clothes.

Wear 不能表示穿的动作,只能表示“穿着”这一状态.如She wears a red skirt today these days.(她今天/这几天穿着一条红裙子.)

wear 表示佩带饰物等

wear glasses, (戴着眼镜), wear a sword,.(佩着剑)

wear a necklace / flower / watch / gold ring... (戴着项链/花/手表/金戒指)

have on 状态,也表示‘穿着”不能用于进行时.

He had on a red hat. 弹(他戴着一顶红帽子.)

The boy has nothing on. (那孩子一丝不挂.)


j. call on和call at

call on后面接表示人的名词或代词,call at后面接表示地方或


1. I called on (=went to see) Mr Smith yesterday. 我昨天拜访了Smith先生。

2. I called at (= went to ) Mr Smith's yesterday. 我昨天去了Smith先生的家。

3. I called on the Smiths yesterday. 我昨天拜访了Smith一家人。

4. I called on the doctor's yesterday. 我昨天到了Smith家。

5. I called on the doctor/my sister yesterday.我昨天去拜访了医生。

6. I called at the doctor's/my sister's yesterday.


[注] 注意中英文表达“叫”时的差异。我们可以说I called John to come.I called to John to come或 I called out to John to come.意思是“我大声叫John来。”You may ask him to help意思是“你可以叫他帮忙”,而You may call him to help则表示“你可以高声喊他来帮忙”。You can tell him to come tomorrow一句中的tell不能用call。另外,“他的名字叫Jack”一句应说His name is Jack或

He's named/called Jack,不能说His name is called Jack。

[注] What do you call this in English? 和How do you say this in English? 两句都正确,注意两句的疑问词What和How不能换用。前一句中的call可带复合宾语,What为宾语补足语,不能用How。第二句中的say没有这种功能,How为状语。

What do you call this in English? (call + 复合宾语)

How do you say this in English? ( how 为状语)

k. well

well并不总是表示“好”的意思.有时可用来表示“很”,“相当”,指程度,常与一些特定的介词、形容词、动词连用.这时不能用very,quite或very much等词代替.下面句子中一般都使用

well,而不用very或very much.

1. Mr Smith is well past forty. 史密靳先生有四十好几岁了.

2. I can't reach it. It is well above my head. 那东西我够不着.它高出我头很多.

3. This book is well worth reading. 这本书很值得一读.

4. I don't know him well enough. 我对他了解得还很不够.

5. He is well known in this city. 他在这个城里很出名.

6. It fits you well. 你穿这很合身.

7. I didn't understand his lesson well. 他的课我听不大懂.

l. true 与 real


true 作定语, 表语 ( 真的, 不假, 符合实际的, 忠诚的)

real 只作表语 (真的, 不假, 真正的不是想象的,)

1. That necklace you borrowed from me wasn't a real / true diamond necklace.


2. It's a true / real copy pearl. 那是正本/真的珍珠。

3. Is it true that he has left for London? 他已离开去伦敦的消息确实吗?(用real )


4. This is a true story of real life. 这是一个从现实(不是想象的)生活中取材的真实故事。

5. This is a story of a true man. 这是-个根据真人所编的故事.



6. A true friend will always help you. 忠诚的朋友会永远帮助你.

7. He is always true to his friends. 他总是忠实于他的朋友。

m. be worth

adj. 不能单独使用, + n. / -ing (不能接不定式 )

be worth doing sth. (动宾关系, 但不能用被动)

1. The necklace was worth 500 francs at the most. 那条项链最多值500法郎。

2. The work is worth our while / the trouble.


3. The car isn't worth repairing. 这辆汽车不值得一修。

( 不能说..to repair, to be repaired 或 being repaired )

4. She's not worth getting angry with. 犯不上跟她生气。

5. The article is well worth reading. 那篇文章很值得-读。

[注]这种结构中的动词-ing形式在逻辑上与前面的主语具有动宾关系。但该动词不能用被动形式,不能说The car isn't worth being repaired.

[注]应该用well修饰worth,不能用quite,very或very much等修饰worth,

如句⑤。再如:It's well worth trying.(很值得-试。)

不能说It's very/quite worth trying.

* 用引导词it作“worth的主语,这种用法可与上一种用法互换使用。如:

6. It isn't worth repairing the bike. = The bike isn't worth repairing. 这辆自行车不值得修。

7. It isn't worth getting angry with her.= She's not worth getting angry with.犯不上与她生气。

8. It's worth visiting the park a second time. = The park is worth visiting a second time.


9. Don't get the box down. It isn't worth it. = worth the trouble.

worthless = valueless 毫无价值

valuable = priceless 非常贵重, 无价之宝