人教新课标 高一下知识归纳(U13)



a. suggest 提议,建议

[搭配]suggest + n. / + doing sth./ (to sb.)that + 主语 + should do

(l)They suggested another development program to the government.


(2)May I suggest going there by train?


(3)She suggested (that) we (should) }lave lunch at the new restaurant.


(4)I suggested to him (that) he (should) join the club activities.


[用法] suggest

suggest 表示 “建议” + 名词, 代词, 动名词.

(1) He suggested a visit to the museum tomorrow.

(2)Did he suggest anything to the boss?

(3) I suggest putting the meeting off.

(4) She suggested sending for a skilled worker to get the machine repaired.

suggest + 疑问词引导的不定式或宾语从句, (可用 should, could,不能用 would)

(5)He didn't suggest what to do (where to go, how to deal with it).

(6) He didn't suggest where I should (could) park my car.

(7)What do you suggest we should (could) do?

suggest + that 引导的宾语从句, 从句中用 (should ) + 动词原形.

should 可以省略, 不能用 would, must 等其它情态动词.

(8) The doctor suggested that the new hospital (should) be set up on the hill.

(9)She suggested that the class meeting not be held on Saturday.

在现代英语中, 表示 suggest 具体建议的 that 从句中, 常省略 should,

否定式也可用 don't, doesn't 代替 should not.

(10)I suggest you ask Mr Wu.

(11)I suggest that you don't (not, should not) ask him home for the vacation.

suggest 在脸上表情让人知道他在生气, 并非 "建议".

此时, that 从句中的谓语动词用 was, 不用 should be.

Suggest 的名词形式为suggestion,

(12)Does any one have a suggestion? 有谁要提出建议吗?

(13)His speech was full of suggestion. 他的演说充满了暗示.

名词 suggestion 后表示具体建议的表语从句, 同位语从句同样应用

should + 动词原形, should 可省略.

(14)His suggestion was that the debts (should) be paid off first.

(15)They made a suggestion that the patient (should) be sent to hospital without delay.

suggest 表示 "暗示", "表明", 即 "并未明言, 但看了或看了之后不禁

想到"的意思. 其主语往往代表事物, 而不是人.

(16)His pale face suggests bad health.

(17)Her expression suggested that she was angry (= suggested anger.)

b. contain vt. 包含,包括;<能)容纳,(能)装入

(1)The jar contains sugar. 那个罐子里装的是糖。

(2)The box contains child’s toys.那个箱子里装了那个孩子的玩具。

(3)This book contains a lot of illustrations.这本书中有很多插图.

(4)The auditorium will contain 3000 people. 这座礼堂可以容纳3000人.

(5)How much does this bottle contain? 这个瓶子容量是多少?

[比较] contain与include


(l)The parcel contained a dictionary. 那包裹里装的是-本字典.

(2)The parcel included a dictionary. 那包裹里包括一本字典。

c. hurt vt 使……受伤/疼痛.伤害……vi.受伤,疼痛

(l)He jumped from the top of the wall and hurt他从墙上跳下扭伤了腿。

(2)Be careful not to get hurt. 小心不要受伤了。

(3)I’m all right and I'm not hurt. 我没事,没受伤。

(4)These shoes are tight and hurt me(my feet).这双鞋紧得使我(的脚)感到疼痛.

(5)My injured left leg still hurts.我受伤的左腿还疼。

(6)He (His remarks) hurt her feelings.他(他的话)伤了她的感情。

d. a11 the time一直,始终,老是

(1)She kept crying all the time 她一有哭着。

(2)I cough all the time.我老是咳嗽。

e. ripe adj.(果实、谷物等)熟的,成熟的;(人等)老练的

(1)ripe oranges/grain地成熟的柑橘,谷物

(2)The apples are ripe enough to be picked.苹果已经热得可以采收了。

(3) a ripe judgment 纯熟的判断

(4) He is ripe in experience. 他经验丰富。

[拓展] ripe的反义同为green(指果实,谷物等不成熟或无经验),例如:

(1)These tomatoes are still too green to pick. 这些番茄还未成熟.不能采摘.

(2)I'm not so green as to believe that. 我不至于那么不成热,而去相信那件事.

f.keep up with不落在……后面,跟上

(1)He walked so fast that she couldn't keep up with him.


(2)keep up with the changes in fashion. 跟上时尚的变化,跟上潮流。

g. be good / bad for 对。。。。。。有好处/坏处

(1)The cream is good for insect bites. 这药膏对于昆虫蜇伤有效。

(2)Watching much is bad for our eyes. 电视看得太多对我们的眼睛有害.

h. base on/upon 以。。。。。。为基础(根据)

(l)You should base your conclusion upon careful research.


(2)This story is based on facts. 这故事是有事实根据的。

i. choose vt. 挑选,选择,决定

[搭配] choose + sth

+ between / from + sth.

+ sb. sth. = choose sth. for sb.

+ to do sth.

+ that 从句 / wh-从句

(1)He chose a reference book from the library. 他从图书馆中选了一本参考书.

(2)There are too ninny cakes to choose from. 蛋糕太多了,不知要选哪个好。

(3) I want to choose her a nice present. 我想要挑选一件精美的礼物送给她。

=I want to choose a nice present for her.

(4)She chose to stay at home because she had a cold.


(5)He choose that his son (should) change his school. 他决定让他的儿子转学。

(6)You may chime what you like. 你可以选择你喜欢的东西。

(7)Have you chosen where to go for your holiday yet?你想好了要去哪儿度假吗?

j. short adj. 缺乏的,短缺的,不足的

(1)short weight/measure 重量/材积不足

(2)I'm short of money this week. 我这星期缺钱。

(3)I need filly dollars, but Pm ten dollars short. 我需要五十美元,但还差十美元。

k. refuel vt. vi. 给(飞机、汽车等)补给燃料;给(人等)增加营养、能量

(l)Please refuel the car. 请给小车加油。

(2)We need Io refuel every day. 我们得每天都增加(些)能量。

l. best of all adv. 尤其;特别;最

(1)My father loves golf best of all. 我的父亲特别喜爱打高尔夫球。

(2)Best of all,they taste great! 最重要的是,它们味道特好。

m. had better (not), should (not), ought(not) to 的用法

had better(not)


后接不带 to的不定式,否定形式为had better not

(1)We had better go now. 我们最好现在就走.

(2)You'd better get some rest. 你最好休息一下。

(3)You'd better not eat fruit that isn't ripe. 你最好别吃没有熟的水果。

Should (not)

意为“应该”多指主观上有责任,有义务干某事,语气比 must稍弱,也比

ought to弱。其否定形式为should not(shouldn't)。

(1)We should speak more English. 我们应该多讲些英语。

(2)Everyone should know some first aid. 每个人都应掌握一些急救的知识。

Ought(not) to


ought not to(oughtn’t to)十动词原形.

(1)You ought not to write carelessly. 你不应当写得这样潦草。

(2)Oughtn’t we to give him a chance to try? 我们难道不应该给他一个尝试的机会吗?