Unit 20 习语


1.tongue twister 绕口令

2. make mistakes 犯错误

3. marry sb. 和…结婚; 给…主持婚礼

4. couple/ a couple of 一对;一双

5. make sb. Laugh 逗人笑

6. reach a wide audience 拥有很多观众

7. have …in mind 想到;考虑到

8. act the role of 扮演…角色

9. plan to do sth

10. intend to do sth 打算做…

intend that… 打算;

intend sb to do sth 想让某人做某事

be intended for 是为…设计的

intend to have done sth. 本想做某事(而没做)

11. be famous for

12. make fun of

13. It sounds funny to hear…

14. act out

15. roar with laughter 大笑

16. have …in common with

17. date back to=date from 追溯到

18. a flow of 源源不断的

19. make use of

20. be on good terms with 与某人关系好

21.cut in 插入

22.in the other direction 朝着另外方向

in the direction of 朝着…方向

in different directions 向四面八方

23. brake hard 使劲刹车

24. go up 上前去

25. lay down 放下

26.drive off 开车走掉

27.knock off 撞掉

28.shout at 冲着…大嚷

29. be on time for 按时

30. in great surprise 吃惊的

31. in (total) silence 一言不发地

32. look on…as… = regard…as… 把…看作是

33. be angry with sb 对…生气

34. make jokes about 拿…开玩笑

35. with the intention of 有…目的

36. right now = at present 目前;at once; right away 立刻

37. with certainty 肯定地

38. enrich one’s life 丰富某人的生活

39. get confused 感到糊涂


1. have some idea of 对…有所了解

2. be set in 以…为背景拍摄

3. dress sb in… 给…穿上

4. have a sense of humour 有幽默感

5. give a performance 演出

6. by chance 偶然

7. apart from = besides 除了