Uint10 the world around us




fur 毛皮;毛;软毛jungle 热带丛林wolf 狼giraffe 长颈鹿 tour旅行;游历;旅游 act 扮演;担当;表演;表现measure 尺寸;措施;测量 ;侧度original 最初的;原始的;独特的deed 行为;事实;功绩battery 电池respond 回答;响应valuable 贵重的;有价值的spot 斑点;地点 devote 投入于;献身common 共同的;普遍的energy 精力;活力;能量 reduce 减少;缩减;简化amount 数量 package 包裹;包 harmful 有害的;伤害的 flat 平的;平坦的;公寓住宅;单元住宅 material 材料;原料poster 海报;招贴 topic 话题;主题organize 组织;组织起来attractive 吸引力的;有魅力的

brief 简洁的;扼要的


in danger 在危险中;垂危 die out 灭绝;逐渐消失take measures 采取措施make a difference 有关系;有影响devote ….to 献身于…;专心于…..at present 现在;目前set free 释放in the wilds在荒野 take turns 轮流 keep… from doing 阻止….take sb on a tour 携带某人旅游first of all 首先 at (the) least 至少make a list of 列表be used to 习惯于the number of ….的数字 Adapt to 适合 care about 留意;在乎living things 有生物 throw away 扔掉

end up 竖着;结束;死


(1) We don’t always do as we say.

(2) The animal or plant has to either adapt to the change or find a new home.

(3) The good news is that there is a lot we can do to help.

(4) There would be no living things without air, water and energy.


The way to express causes and of effects.

eg. What causes pollution?

(1) What can we do to help endangered animals?

(2) Let’s see what that means.

5.语法 review Direct and indirect speech


1. 通过对话,使学生熟练掌握并运用有关原因和结果的日常交际用语。

2. 指导学生阅读课文,培养阅读理解能力。

3. 指导学生读写,培养学生的笔头表达能力。

(三)德育渗透点 通过学习课文,让学生了解环境保护的重要性。

(四)美育渗透点 培养学生爱惜身体,珍惜生命的良好情操


1. Steve Jones is an environmental expert who tries to keep animals and plants from becoming endangered.斯帝夫是一位环境专家,他致力于阻止动植物遭遇危险。

句中keep sb./sth. From doing sth. 阻止/妨碍…做…

You’d better keep your son from smoking.你最好阻止你的儿子吸烟。

The heavy rain kept us from finishing our work on time.


They were kept from catching the train on time by the heavy traffic.


注意: stop/prevent…from doing sth。 其中from可以省略,但是用于被动不能省。

It is the best way to prevent such a thing happening again.


There was nothing to stop her from doing so.没有什么能够阻止他她这样做。

They have done their best to prevent children going to that kind of place.


2. We human beings could not survive without all the plants and animals around us.


句中,cannot ….without 是在双重否定句表示肯定。



We can not decide without seeing your samples.没见到你方的作品,我们不能做出决定。

You cannot make bricks without straw.巧妇女难为无米之炊。

There will be no rain without wind.

3. Many of the earth’s plants and animals have already died out.


Die out 灭绝;逐渐消失;渐渐止息。

The fire died out.火灭了。

This kind of bird is dying out 这种鸟逐渐绝种了。


Die away逐渐停止;逐渐消失

The noise of the motorcar died away.摩托车的 噪声消失了。

Die back 植物枝叶枯萎

Die down逐渐减弱,逐渐模糊

After the excitement of the audience died down, the speaker restarted his speech.


Die hard (旧习惯等) 难改掉,难消失

Olds habits die hard. 旧习难改

die off 相继死去

As the window was still middle-aged, her relatives all died off.


4. We must learn to act in ways that do not harm other living things.



注意way 的用法:

(1) Way (意为“方法”) 经常不用介词。 例如:

I think you’re putting it together in the wrong way.我认为你把它装错了。

Do it any way you like. 你爱怎么干就怎么干。

注意: 在有关从句的句子里,我们在way后面常用that 来代替in which。 例如:

I like the way (that) she organized the meeting. 我喜欢他组织会议的方法。

(2)way 后面可跟“带to 的动词不定式”结构,也可跟“of+-ing”结构。两者之间没有重要区别。例如:

There’s no way of prove he was stealing money. There is no way of proving he was stealing money.无法证明他在偷钱。

(3)不要混淆in the way 和on the way: in the way是用来谈障碍-----阻止你到想到去的地方的人或物:on the way意为“在途中”。试比较:

Please don’t stand in the kitchen door, you’re in the way.

Let’s not stop too often on the way.

5. If we know more about what causes endangerment, we may be able to take measures before it is too late. 假如我们多了解一点关于我们面临危险的原因,也许我们还来得及能够采取措施。

(1)take measures与take steps意义相同,是“采取措施”是意思

We should take measures to protect our environment.我们应该采取措施来保护环境。

The government took strong measures against dangerous drivers.


(2) take one’s measure 给某人量尺寸(做衣服): 估量某人的品格,能力等

(3)注意before 的用法

The fire lasted about four hours before the firefighters could control it


The teacher asked us some questions before he came to the new lesson.


6. Animals and plants must have a habitqat or home which is comfortable and clean, and where there is enough food and other resources.

7. they are all used to their environment.他们都适应了他们的环境。

(1) be/get used to sth./ doing sth 适应…: 习惯做… 例如:

I have been used to the weather of the south.我已经适应了南方的天气。

He is used to living in the big city.他不习惯住大城市。

(2) used to do sth 过去经常做什么

He used to go to school on foot.他过去常步行上学。

As a child, he did not use to work on the farm.孩子时他不常在农场里干活。

注意:would 也表示过去的习惯动作,是“常常,总是”的意思。例如:

He would sit for hours doing nothing.过去他常常坐几个小时什么也不做。

He would come to see us on Sundays.过去星期天他经常来看望我们。

(3) be used to do sth被用来做什么

Wood can be used to make paper.木材可以用来造纸。

Bamboo is often used to be building materials.竹子是用来做建筑材料的

8. The animal or plant has to either adapt to the change or find a new home.


(1) 句中adapt to是适应之意。

The animals has adapted to its new environment.这个动物已经适应了他的新环境。

We should try to adapt the children to the new studying conditions.


(2)adapt/adjust/fit/suit/match 的区别:


You should adapt yourself to the new environment.你应该适应新环境。


You can’t see through the telephone until it is adjusted to your eyes.


Fit 多指“大小合适”, 引申为“吻合”。 如:

The shoes fitted me well.这鞋我穿正好。

Suit 多指“合乎要求,口味,性格,情况”等。如:

No dish suits all shoes.众口难调。

9. …has devoted himself to protecting the milu deer… … 致力于保护麋鹿….

Devote oneself to sth./doing sth be devoted to sth /doing sth。例如:

The professor devoted himself to the research into a new kind of medicine.


Some students are devoted to defending their motherland.


10. …the number of milu deer has grown every year. 麋鹿是数量逐年增加。

The number of “….的数目”, 例如:

The number of the endangered animals and plants is increasing year by year.


注意:a great/large/small number of 许多,大量,若干/少量

A number of boys are playing football on the playground.许多学生在操场上踢足球。

Only a small number of students are fond of the book.只有少数学生喜欢这本书



1. Know something about the endangered animals.

2. Practise “question and answer” after discussion.

3. Do listening practice.

(二) 教学过程

Step1 Presentation

1. A picture of tiger

Let students know that the tigers have no place to hide and to hunt for food when farmers cut down trees. Many of them are killed for their fur and bones.

2. Pictures of the Tibetan antelopes.

Peaceful life

Running happily

But many of them are hunted and killed for their wool.

Live a pleasant life

Enjoy their dinner.

However, what is the poor panda feeling now?

Suggested answer

Sad, disappointed


From the three pictures, what else can we learn?


The number of the pandas id getting smaller and smaller because there are few areas left where pandas can live and people sometimes kill pandas to sell the fur.

Step2 Question and answer

From the brief introduction above, we know that many of the world’s animals and plants are in danger. Now please discuss the following questions and give the reasonable answers to them.

Four or five students form a group. And then get some of them to give heir answers.

1. Do you know about any other endangered animals? Why are they in danger?

2. Why is it important to make sure that animals do not die out?

3. What can we do to help the endangered animals?

Step3 Listening

1. Ask the students listen to the tape and then try to fill in the form with the correct information.

1 2 3

What is the pollution?

What are the causes?

What are the effects?

2. What can we do to solve the problems of pollution?

Get the students to do the work with their partners, trying to think of some good solutions to the problems.

Problems Ways to deal with causes Ways to deal with effects



(三) 随堂练习


(1).SARS is very ____(危险). Once one of us is infected by it, we will all be in ______(危险)now.

(2). The teacher told us about the ____(遭受危险) animals in class.

(3). Are you afraid of _____(狼).

(4). What ____ (导致)pollution?

(5). can you think of some _____(解决方法) to the problems?


thing reason cause leave kill polluted destroy die out used to in danger

Ever since life began, the earth is the home to many different kind s of living ____. However, many of these are ___. There are many ____ for animals dying out. First, many animals have been ___ for food. Second, many places where animals _____ live have been _____. ______ rivers and lakes have also been a ___ of death. One examples of an animal _____ is the tiger. In1900 there were about 100,000 tigers in Asia. But in 1970 there were just 5,000____. Today there are probably no more that 400 tigers left in China.

Suggested answer

1.(1). dangerous danger (2). endangered (3). wolves (4). causes (5). solutions

2. things dying out reasons killed use do destroyed polluted cause in danger left

Step4 Assignment

Make sentences with the follow expressions:

1.cut down 2. no longer 3. in danger 4. die out 5. know of 6. think of


(一) 明确目标

1. Study this lesson to improve the students’ speaking ability.

2. The students are trained to explain English words in English.

3. Enable the students to use direct and indirect speech freely.


1. Let the students talk about the living conditions of animals.

2. Get the students to how to express themselves in English.


Step1 Presentation

T: All of us have seen many kinds of animals in zoos. Here are some pictures of animals. The teacher presents some pictures of a tiger, a tiger, a panda, a kangaroo, a giraffe a monkey and an elephant.

Step2 Dialogue

Now a reporter for the magazine national wildlife is writing an article about the animals in zoos and he is going to interview some animals to find out something about the advantages and disadvantages of living in zoos. Work together with your partner. Suppose one of you is the reporter and the other is an animal. Take turns making dialogues by asking and answering questions. Here is an example for you to follow.


Reporter: Mr Tiger, where did you live before you were brought to the zoo?

Tiger: I lived in the forest.

Reporter: How long have you lived in the zoo.

Tiger: For nearly two years

Reporter: Do you like living in the zoo?

Tiger: I hate living here. Reporter: Why?

Tiger: Because I have no freedom an d no friends here, and I always feel lonely. Besides, there is not enough fresh meat for me to eat.

Reporter: Do you prefer living in the zoo or living in the jungle? Why?

Tiger: Of course in the jungle, where I could go anywhere I liked, I had many friends. I led a happy life there.

Reporter: If you could say something to all humans, what would you tell them?

Tiger: ___________________.

Reporter: Thank you very much for telling me so much.

Tiger: You’re welcome.

Class! Please make similar dialogues with your partners by introducing other animals

Step3 Words study

1. Look at the words in the box and pick out those with the prefix “re-“that means “again”.

recycle refuse regard reuse repair review


Re--+ cover recover

Re--+fill refill 重新加盖 Re-+fit refit 再注满

Re-+ form reform重新装配 Re--+ join rejoin重新加入

Re --+read reread再读 Re--+spell respell再拼 Re--+write rewrite改写

2. Deal with exercise2 here is the suggested answers.

(1) in danger (2) first of all (3) died out (4) take measures (5) make a great difference

Step4 Grammar revision

Revise the indirect and direct speech

1. Pictures of milu deer

2. Read the short passage about milu deer and try to say something about them. Get student to change some of the sentences from indirect speech into direct speech.

1) “Do you know what kind of animal the milu deer is” professor Stevenson asked the students.

2) “The milu deer were very common in china a long time ago” Professor Stevenson said.

Step5 Assignment

Make up two short dialogues according the two pictures below.

Period 3

(一) 明确目标

1. Get the students to know about why we human beings need to keep animals and plants from becoming endangered.

2. The students are trained to improve their reading ability and comprehension.


1. Get the students to know about the text by fast reading and intensive reading.

2. Get the students to grasp the main idea by understanding some of the key words and phrases

(三) 教学过程

Step1 Revision

1. Check up the homework. Get some pairs of students to act out their dialogues assigned in the last lesson.

Step2 Pre-reading

T: today we’re going to about animals and plants as well as us human beings. Here are some questions before reading the text and discuss them with your partner.

1. How do human beings need to survive?

3. What do plants and animals need to survive?

4. What do animals do to survive in places where it is very hot or cold, where there isn’t much water, or where it is different to find food?

Write the key words or the important points suggested by the students on the blackboard.

Step3 Fast reading

Read the text as quickly as possible and try to decide which of the following sentences is true.

1. We live a longer life; we can not harm other living things.

2. It is too late for us take measures to keep animals and plants from dying out.

3. We can help to keep animals and plants from becoming endangered by creating more room for living things. Suggested answer Only No.3 is true.

Step4 Detailed reading

1. Read the text carefully and try to ask and answer the following questions in pairs.

(1) What must we do if we to live a better life?

⑵What’s the good environment for animals to live in?

⑶Why do animals and plants become endangered?

⑷What can we do to protect animals and plants from being endangered?

⑸A species can become endangered when its habitat is changed or destroyed. Can you think of things human beings to that may destroy or cause changes in a habitat?

2. Try to get the main idea of each paragraph.

Paragraph one :Many animals and plants have died out and some others are in danger.

Paragraph two Why do animals and plants become endangered?

Paragraph three What can we do to keep animals and plants from being endangered?

Step5 Listening

Play the tape of the text for the students to listen to listen to. Get them to pay much attention to the pronunciation, stress and intonation. Get the students to read the text aloud.

(四) 总结扩展

Step6 Language study

Let the Ss pay attention to the following useful expressions:

⒈The expert tries to keep animals and plants from becoming endangered.

⒉We could not survive with out all the animals and plants around us.

⒊Many of the earth’s plants and animals have died out.

⒋We may be able to take measures before it is too late.

⒌They are all used to their environment.

⒍The animal or plant has to either adapt to the change or find a new home.

⒎A special may die out If humans or other animals use too much of a plant or kill too many animals.

⒏The good news is that there is a lot we can do to help.

⒐We can help by creating more space for animals and plants.

Step7 Assignment

Make sentences with the following words and phrases.

1. without 2. before 3. keep …from 4. die out 5. be used to

6. adapt to 7. take measures 8. by doing sth

period 4

(一) 明确目标

1. Let the students learn more about the protection of environment by reading and writing.

2. Try to develop the integrating skills of the students, especially reading and writing.

(二) 整体感知

1. Get to know how t protect environment.

2. Let the students know what the recycling is

(三) 教学过程

Step1 Leading in

Check up the homework, getting the students to know how to make correct sentences.

Step2 Reading

Read the short passage carefully and try to get the main idea.

Recalling is very important for living things.

Step3 Discussion

Work in groups of four and talk about how to recycle energy and water.

Step4 Practice

Deal with the practice at page 69. Encourage the students to use their head, working at the practice.

Step5 Writing Read the information at page 70 and do as follows.

1. Go over the requirements for writing at page 70 and make sure the students know what to do.

2. Tell the students what they should do before writing.

3. Get the students to write a poster with the given information.

(四) 总结扩展

Step6 Checkpoint 10Grammar: review direct and indirect speech

(五) 随堂练习

Read the following sentences and try to judge which is right and which is wrong. Please correct the wrong ones, if any.

1. He has devoted all his life t protect the rare animals, south china tiger.

2. The number of the milu deer have grown year by year.

3. Many of the rare animals and plants are now in the danger.

3. We should take possible measures to keep animals and plants and plants from being endangered.

5. In fact, nature is far better for recycling than we human being.

6. Do you prefer living in the wild t olive in the zoo?

7. Human beings often throw away things used only once.

8. He told me the other that he went to Japan 5 years before.

Step7 Assignment

Describe an animal you like such a cat and a dog with about 100 words.