g1Unit 20 For Fun Unit 20 For Fun



1. 单元词汇及短语

interview, have in mind, create, play on words, fluent, intention, extremely, determine, force open, in the other direction, lay down, in(geat)surprise, in(total)silence look

.on/upon…as…,recognize, loudly, as well as

2. 单元句型

(1) What do you think is the most important thing in your job ?

(2) Still,I don’t think everybody will find my kind of humour funny .

(3) Funny plays ,often have characters that are stereotypes of nationalities that are stereotypes of nationalities or people doing certain jobs .

(4) Dating back to the Qin Dynasty (221BC~207BC),the traditional crosstalk shows ,or Xiang Sheng shows have made people all over China roar with laughter for centuries .

(5) Their talk includes rhythm and rhyming words ,as well as tongue twisters, which often make the audience applaud.

(6) I was so angry that I went up to tell them what I thought of him .

(7)I cycled in front of him ,got off my bicycle and laid it down on the road in front of his car so that he couldn’t drive off .

(8)The interview went well and I remember the last time we met I did most of the talking .

(9)I told the company about my work experience and answered their questions as I could .

(10) I was pleased that the manager had decided not to be angry with me for having been so rude.


The-ing form: used as the attribute and object complement .




1.in all, at all, above all和after all

in all意为“总共”,at all多用于否定句,用来加强语气,above all意为“最重要的”,after all意为“毕竟”,“到底”。如:

There were 50 students in the class in all.这个班总共有50个学生。

He did not mind about it at all. 他对此一点儿也不在乎。

Above all you should work hard. 首先你应该努力工作。

After all he is a child of six years old.毕竟他还只是一个六岁的孩子。

2.the other. other和another

other无范围,泛指“其他的;另外的”,常与no, any, many或some等连用;the other特指两方中的“另一方”,或两部分中“另一部分”,如果other前有名词所有格或物主代词,则不用the; another泛指“其他的,另外的”,常用于三者或三者以上的情况,后接单数名词或“数词+复数名词”。如:

Mary is here, but the other girls are still out in the playground.玛丽在这里,但是其他女孩还在运动场。

I have no other choice. 我没有选择的余地。

I have many other things to do.我还有其他很多事情要做。

Give me another chance, please.请再给我一次机会。

3.hear, listen to

hear一词为“听见了(什么)”,强调其结果;而listen to则强调有意要“听”,“听”的倾向或动作。如:

I want to listen to you, but I hear nothing. 我想听你说什么,但我什么也没听到。

I heard her sing in the next room just now. 我刚才听见她在隔壁屋里唱歌。

4.know, know of


Do you know how to drive?你会开车吗?

She knows about computers.她对计算机很内行。

(2)know of意为“听说过”,“知道有(某人、某事)”。如:

Do you know of any way to get wine stains out of cloth?你知道有什么方法可以把衣服上的酒渍去掉吗?

5. neither, either

(1)neither 意为“既不是……, 也不是……”, “两者都不……”, 后面跟单数动词的肯定式。它可以单独使用, 后面也可跟名词或“of +the /these /those/所有格代词或人称代词”结构。如:

I tried both keys but neither (of them) worked.两把钥匙我都试了, 但(两把)都不行。

Neither of them knew the way. /Neither boy knew…他们俩/两个男孩都不认得路。

I’ve read neither of these (books).这两本(书)我都没看过。

(2)either 意为“两者之一”,“两者中任何一个”。它后面跟动词单数形式。同neither 一样, 它可以单独使用,或跟名词/代词及 “of +the/ these /those/所有代词或人称代词”结构连用。如:

(3)“either+否定动词”可代替 “neither +肯定动词”,但neither 是主语时除外。

I haven’t read either of these (books).这两本(书)我都没看过。

(4)虽然either 不能作否定句的主语,但它可作肯定句或疑问句的主语或宾语。这种用法是强调二者之中任何一个皆可以。如:

You can have either soup or fruit juice.汤和果汁你任意喝哪一种都行。

You must either go at once or wait till tomorrow.你要么马上走, 要么等到明天。

It’s urgent, so could you either phone or telex?这事非常紧急,所以你或是打电话或是发传真,好吗?

Either (of these) would do.这两个中任一个都可以。

Would you like either of these?你喜欢二者中的任一个吗?

6.in time, on time

in time 表示“及时”,指在约定的时间之前发生。on time 表示“准时、按时”,指正好在约定的时间发生。如:

We hope you will arrive in time to attend the meeting.我希望你能及时赶来参加这个会议。

They were just in time for the bus.他们正好赶上了汽车。

The train came on time.火车正点到站。

I’ll write to your father if you aren’t here on time tomorrow.倘若你明天不准时到的话,我就要写信告诉你父亲。

7.go on to do, go on doing

go on to do 指“做了一件事后,接着做另一件事”。 go on doing 指“继续做原来做的事”。如:

After he had finished his maths, he went on to do his physics.做完数学后,他接着去做物理。

Go on doing the other exercise after you have finished this one.做完这个练习后, 接着做其他的练习。

8.accept, receive

accept 表示主观上“接受”,“接纳”。receive 表示客观上“收到”,“遭受”,“接受”,与主观愿望没关系。如:

I received a gift, but I didn’t accept it.我收到了一份礼物,但我没有接受它。

The pop star received a warm welcome at the stadium.哪个流行歌星在体育馆里受到热烈欢迎。

9.farther, further

两者都是 far 的比较级,可用作形容词或副词。farther 意为“更远”,一般表示距离;further 也有“更远”之意。凡用 farther 的地方,一般都能用 further 来代替。另外,further 还有“进一步”,“更多”,“此外”的意思,用来表示程度,此时,不可用 farther 代替。如:

Shanghai is farther/further from Beijing than Tianjin.上海比天津离北京远。

No further explanation is needed.不需要做更多的解释。

The children were so tired that they could not walk any farther/further.孩子们累得实在走不动了。

10.offer, provide 和 supply


(1)offer 既表示主动慷慨地给别人提供某物,也可表示无主动之情地提供。常用于 offer sb. sth. 或 offer sth. to sb. 的固定搭配中。如:

Two days later I received a letter offering me the job.两天后我收到了一封信,给我提供了这份工作。

The guesthouse offers all kinds of food to foreign visitors.这个招待所供应外宾各种食品。

(2)provide 用于表示无主动慷慨之意地为人或物提供需要或有用的东西,仅仅是出于某种责任。常用于 provide sb. with sth. 或 provide sth. for sb. 的固定搭配中。如:

The children are provided with good food and clothing.孩子们有良好的衣食供应。

It is the duty of the government to provide homes for the old.政府有义务为老年人提供住所。

(3)supply 通常指定期“供应”,强调替代或补充所需物品。常用于 supply sb. with sth. 或 supply sth. to/for sb. 结构。如:

Cows supply us with milk.母牛供给我们牛奶。

Our task is to supply vegetables all year round.我们的任务是一年四季提供蔬菜。

11. recognize,



Admit指“准入,接纳”“承认”有“被迫承认”,之意。表示“准入”时后常接in,into或to表“承认”时后直接跟从句,名词,代词,动名词等,但admit sb.to to sth(允许某人做某事)admit doing sth(承认做某事)不同。



①I could hardly ________her when I happened to meet him in the street yesterday.


②Taiwan is _____as part of China.


③I’m sure you’ll come to ____mistake some day.


④He had to _____he had broken the glass as I had someone as an eye-witness(目击证人)。



①recognize ②recognized

③realize ④admit

12.ordinary, common, usual ,normal

●Ordinary与common基本同义,但ordinary侧重于“平凡”,“普通”,指随时可以碰到,不值得惊奇。有时可互换如:common/ordinary people等。

●Common “普通的”,“平常的”,“共有的”指时时发生,人所共有的、。固定搭配in common(with…)以…人共有。

●Usual用来指“通常”、“惯常”往往从集体风俗或个人的习惯来看。固定短语as usual(跟往常一样)。

●normal“正常、常规的”如:the normal baby temperature正常体温,习惯短语。

Return to normal(恢复正常) bring… to normal (使…恢复正常)。


①Snow is ___the northern part of our country.


②In____with other boys ,he likes playing.football.


③Her marks show she is a /an ____student.


④He came later than ____today .


⑤All the things have returned to ____after 20 hours’ hard work..


答案①common ②common ③ordinary ④usual ⑤normal







①He was ____for a moment ,then began to answer.


②Please stand_____ for a while and I’ll take a picture of you.


③They lived a _____life in the countryside.


④At the exciting news ,he couldn’t keep_____.


⑤The city is ____after yesterday’s riots(骚乱)


答案①silent ②still ③quiet ④calm ⑤calm

14. aloud, loud及,loudly

●aloud adv.强调“出声”但不强调声音的大小,往往与read及think等连用,没有比较形式。

●loud adj. adv.强调“声音大”常与speak, talk, laugh, say, shout等连用,而且置于这些词之后,有比较级形式,修饰名词、动词,

●loudly adv.不能修饰名词,只能修饰动词,放在前后均可,有“喧闹”的意思。有时可以与loud互换。


①______noise may cause damage to our bearing.


②In order to be heard ,the teacher should speak _____ and more clearly.


③The teacher asks students not to talk ___before class


④-What did you say ?你说什么?

-Oh, nothing,I was just thinking____.


答案①loud ②louder③loudly ④aloud

15.add to ;add…to… 及add up to

●add to 增加

●add…to …把…加到上去

●add up 加起来

●add up to 加起来等于

①The bridge _____the beauty of our city.


②_____the figures and tell me the result.


③Five____six makes eleven


④His whole schooling____no more than one year.


答案:①Adds to ②add up ③added to ④added up to

16.also, too, either,as well及as well as




① I have been to BeiJing .He has also been there.


②He also wants to go there .


2)too也用于肯定句,比also更通俗,和also ,as well有时可相互替换,既可放在句中,也可放在句未。固定说法如Me,too .=The same to me.我也一样。

You,too =The same to you 你也一样。

eg.He studies hard + and his sister studies / hard.,too / ,So does his sister .


I too, want to go with you.我也想跟你一起走,


eg.He didn’t know it +and I didn’t know/ it either/ and neither/nor did I


4)as well在口语中用得最广,用法基本同too一样。

eg.I like singing and dancing as well.


5)as well as是并列连词,意思“不仅…而且…”另外还有一种意思“跟…一样好”,到底是哪一种意思,要看上下文。


①The girl is lively as well as healthy.


②I speak English as well as French.



“not only …but (aslo)…”与as well as 意思相同,但强调重点不一样。

“as well as”强调前面的词,而not only …but also…强调的各词,如充当主语时,谓语动词应与强调的各词在人称和数上保持一致。


①she is clever as well as beautiful.=She is not only beautiful but also clever.


②You as well as the student are kind to me.


另外:as well as连接两个动词不定式时,如第一个有to,第二个就省略。

eg. We expect her to do the housework as well as look after the children.



(1)What do you think is the most important thing in your job?


What do you think是一个由what引导的宾语从句,其实我们可以把do you think看作是一个插入语。

eg. Who do you think is the best student in our class?


Why do you think she burst into tears?


(2)still,I don’t think everybody will find my kind of humour funny.


【注】本句英语汉语在表达上的区别。英语中有些动词如think,velieve,suppose,guess,imagine,expect等,当他们后面跟一个具有否定意义的宾语而宾语从句中的谓语动词用肯定式,这种现象叫做否定转移(transferred negation)

eg .①I don’t think his idea is correct.


(不说I think his idea is not correct)

②I don’t believe it will rain tomorrow, will it?



1)否定前置时,主语必须是第一人称,I 或we.

2)对于否定前移的回答,肯定用yes,I think so或I believe so .等。

否定用no,I don’t believe so 或I believe not .两种形式,但hope的否定只能说I hope not


eg.①We don’t think you will go there ,will you?


②They think it is not going to rain, don’they?


(3)Funny plays ,often have characters that are stereotypes of nationalities or people doing certain jobs.


1)that are stereotypes of nationalities or people doing certain.是由that引导的定语从句,修饰characters.关系词that,在句中充当主语,不能省略。

2)Doing certain jobs是现在分词短语作后置定语修饰people,它相当于一个定语从句,who do certain jobs.


eg.The old man lying on the ground is a pianist

=The old man who lies on the ground is a pianist.


(4)Dating back to the Qin Dynasty(221 BC-20BC), the traditional crosstalk shows or Xiang Sheng shows, have made people all over China roar with laughter for centuries.


1)句中dating back to the Qin Dynasty 是现在分词短语,在句中作伴随状语。

2)have made people all over China roar with laughter 中的make 是“使、让”的意思,make sb./sth. do…让/使某人或某物去做某事。

eg.①She made her children wash their hands before eating.她要孩子们在吃东西前洗手。

②Rain mades plants grow.雨水使植物生长。


① Her children were made to wash their hands before eating.

② Plants are made to grow by rain.

【注】使/让某人去做某事,还可以说have /let sb. do sth.(这个句型一般不用被动语态形式。)

(5)I was still so angry that I went up to tell them what I thought of him.



Eg.①He worked so hard that he was praised.他工作如此努力以致他受到称赞。

②He was so tired that he couldn’t move.

=He was tired enough to move.

=He was too tired to move.


(6)I cycled in front of him got off my bicycle, and laid it down on the road in front of his car so that he couldn’t drive off.


句中so that 引导目的状语从句。

eg. He got up earlier so that he could catch the first bus.


【注】so that 多用来引导目的状语从句,有时候也可以引导结果状语从句,它们区别在于:

1)从句中有无情态动词。从句中有情态动词can, could, may, might, would, should等,表示从句谓语动作得发生在主句谓语动作之后,so that引导的是目的状语从句。So that从句中无情态动词,主从句之间的关系是因果关系,从句是结果状语从句。如:

eg.He made good use of time, so that he finished the work in time.


2)so that引导结果状语从句时,主从句之间常要停顿一下,用逗号把它们分开,而且状语从句则无需如此。

(7)I remember the last time we met I did most of the talking.


The last time可引导时间状语从句,后面常省略that.

eg.The last time you came here, I happened to go out.



the first(second,last) time,each(every)time,by the time,next time 等。

eg.① Next time you come to Beijing, please bring your son here.


②Every time I saw you, you were busy at work.


(8)The interview went well and I told the company about my experiences and answered their questions as well as I could.


As well as I could是一个由as…as 引导的比较状语从句,谓语动词answer省略了,以避免不必要的重复。“as+adj./adv.+as+主语+can/could”结构常可以用“as+adj./adv.+as possible”来代替,如本句的as well as I could可用as well as possible代替。又如:

① He was running as fast as he could(as fast as possible).


② You must speak English as often as you can (as often as possible).


(9)I was pleased that the manager had decided not to be angry with me for having been so rude.我很高兴,经理决定不因为我曾经粗暴无礼而生我的气。

For having been so rude是状语,说明be angry 的原因,其中having been 是-ing形式的完成式,表示动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前,(粗鲁行为在经理作决定之前)。

eg.①He doesn’t remember having ever promised that(=He doesn’t remember that he promised that).他不刻曾经答应过那件事。

②Jim was punished for having killed the dog(=Jim was punished because he had killed the dog.)吉姆因为杀死了那只狗而受到了处罚。

③ I was sorry for having wasted so much time =I was sorry that I had wasted so much time.




A.单个的现在分词作定语一般放在被修饰的词 的前边,分词短语作定语放在被修饰语的后边。

eg.①a sleeping child正确睡觉的孩子

②The man sitting by the fire is Tom’s father.火炉旁的那个人是汤姆的爸爸。


An encouraging speech鼓舞人心的演讲


A speech is encouraging.(表主动)

A boy sitting beside me 一个坐在我旁边的孩子(表示动作的状态)

A student talking in class 一个上课讲话的学生(表经常性的动作)

A person watching TV 一个正在看电视的人(表动作的正在进行)


eg. I’d like a cup of boiling water.

=I’d like a cup of water which is boiling.


Have you ever seen a flying fish?

=Have you ever seen a fish that can fly?


3) 现在分词作宾语补定语


eg. I saw a boy coming .我看见一个男孩在游泳。


在see; hear; feel; notice; observe; look at; listen to ; get等动词后,既可以用现在分词作宾补,也可以由不定式作宾补,两者含义不同,用在现代分词,表示动作正在发生(处于发生的过程中,还没有结束)有不定式表动作发生了(即动作的全过程结束了)。

eg.①I saw a boy coming.(正在来)

②I saw a boy come just now.(来过了)

③I hear someone knock at the door five minutes ago.(5分钟前敲的)

4)现在分词 作宾补与作状语的区别


eg.They stood there watching the game.他们站在那儿看比赛。(现在分词短语作状语。)

I watched them playng the chess.我看见他们正在下棋。(作宾补)


have+宾语do sth.让…去做

have+宾语doing sth.使…处于某种状态,让…动作持续

have+宾语done 动作由别人来做,遭遇…之祸

eg.①I’ll have you stay here for two weeks.我要让你在这儿待两天。

②Don’t have your child staying at home for a whole day.不要让你的孩子在家待一整天。

③I’ll have my flowers watered.我要让人来浇花。




a drinking cup (= a cup used for drinking) 饮水杯

a sleeping car (= a car used for sleeping) 卧铺车

a living room (= a room used for living) 起居室



There is a swimming pool near our school.我们学校附近有个游泳池。

I have something important to tell you.我有要事要告诉你。


The swimming pool has just been repaired.游泳池刚修好。(动名词,表用途)

I have nothing to say.我无话可说。(不定式与 nothing 逻辑上有动宾关系)




Barking dogs seldom bite.爱叫的狗很少咬人。

There is a good-looking man in front of the shop.在哪个商店前有位英俊的男子。


Will the people sitting at the back please keep quite?请坐在后面的人保持安静好吗?

(3)如果分词修饰由 some/any/no+thing/body/one 所形成的不定代词或指示代词 those 时,分词则位于它们的后面。

Anyone smoking will be punished.正在吸烟的任何人都将受到惩罚。

Anyone agreeing should sign your name here.凡是同意的人要在此处签名。



The men working on the site were in some danger.这个工地干活的人处境有些危险。(表主动,表进行)

=(The men who were working on the site were in some danger.)


The man who broke the law was arrested.犯了法的那个人被捕了(先犯法,后被捕)

此句不能用breaking the law 来代替 who broke the law.


(1)当一个及物动词的现在分词在句中作定语时,既要表示进行意味,又要表达被动意味时,要用现在分词的被动语态,即 being done 的形式。

The matter being discussed here must be kept between ourselves.这里正被讨论之事必须保密。

=(The matter which is being discussed here must be kept between ourselves.)

Have you seen the bridge being built over the river?你看见在那座河上正修的桥了吗?

=(Have you seen the bridge which is being built over the river?)



系。通常位于一些感官动词和使役动词的宾语后面,强调它的动作性,因此常把分词译成动词。常用的感官动词有:hear, listen to, see, watch, notice, look at, feel, find, leave 等,使役动词有 make, have, let, get, keep。

I found him helping her with her English.我发现他在帮她学英语。

现在分词helping 短语在句中作宾语 him 的宾语补足语,表示谓语动作发生时,helping 的动作正在进行,且与宾语之间有逻辑上的主谓关系。




1.Hello, this is Jim Green,/Jim Green speaking.喂!我是Jim Green。

2.Good morning, Guangming Trading Company.早安,光明贸易公司。

3.Guangming Trading Company. Can I help you?光明贸易公司。有何事情?


1.May I speak to Mr. Green, please?请Mr. Green 听电话,好吗?

2.I’d like to speak to Mr. Green, please.麻烦一下,我想跟Mr. Green 讲话。

3.Please connect me with…;或 Please give me…请给我接……


1。Who’s calling/speaking, please?请问,您是哪位?

2.May I have your name, please? 请问,您尊姓大名?

3.May I ask who’s calling, please? 请问, 您是哪位?

4.Who is that, please? 请问, 您是哪位?


1.May I have your name again, please?再次请教您尊姓大名?

2.Excuse me, may I have your name again?对不起, 再次请教您尊姓大名.

3.Your name again, please? 再请问您尊姓大名.


1.Could /Would you please spell your name, please?请拼出您的姓名好吗

2.How do you spell your name, please?请问您的姓名怎么拼?


1.Just a moment/one moment/a minute/a second.请稍等。

2.Hold on a minute, please. 请稍等一下。

3.Would you hold on the line, please?请别挂断。


1.What can I do for you ?请问有何指教?

2. May I ask what your business is?请问您有什么事?

3. May I ask what you want to speak to him about?请问您有什么事要跟他说?


1. I’m afraid you have the wrong number.恐怕您把电话打错了。

2. What number are you calling?您打什么号码?

3. There’s no one by that time.我们没这个人。


1.Whom are you calling?您要找哪位?

2.With whom do you wish to speak?您想找哪位?

3.We have several Zhangs.我们这有好几位姓张的。

4.What is his given name?他的名字叫什么?


【1】 He was very nervous(紧张的).I noticed his hand_______.

A.to shake B.shake

C.shaking D.shaken


1) notice有名词的词性,意思是“通知;布告”,如:There is a notice on the wall.

2) Notice作为及物动词,意思是“注意,看到”,可接名词、代词或从句作宾语;它还可以带复合宾语,即notice sb./sth. Do/doing sth…。其中不带to的不定式do sth.强调整个过程;现在分词doing sth.强调动作的进行,这与动词see,watch,hear等词的用法相似。根据句意和句子结构应选择C项来强调动作的进行性,即当时的情景。D项是过去分词,与宾语无被动关系,因为shake在这里用作不及物动词,意思是“发抖”。

答案 C

【2】 Why not try_______ the back door if they can’t hear you on the front door?

A. to knock at B. to knock on

C. knocking down D.knocking on

精析 try这个动词在使用中做及物动词有两种形式:一种是try to do sth.“想要(尽力)做某事”;另一种是try doing sth.“试做某事(看结果如何)”。根据句子的意思,“在敲前门听不见的情况下,你为什么不试着敲一下后门呢?”因此,正确答案为D。还应注意:“knock at”相当于 “knock on”; ‘knock down”的意思是 “撞到”。

答案 D

【3】 I need________ there by bike,but something is wrong with my bike.It needs_______.

A.going;to be repaired B.going;being repaired

C.to go;to repair D.to go;repairing

精析 动词need,require,want作“需要被”解,而且主语多是事物且其后跟动词做它的宾语时,必须用动名词或不定式的被动式。这时,动名词的主动式表示被动意义。如:The window needs(requires,want)cleaning(to be cleaned).

答案 D