



We're going to ________ with some friends for a picnic. Would you like to join us?

A. get in B. get over C. get along D. get together

本题是考查与get搭配的短语动词,选A或B显然不对。get in是"进入"、"到达"、"收获"等意思;get over是"越过"、"走过"、"恢复"等意思。不少考生没看清上下文,便选了C,因为他们熟悉get along with是"与......相处"的意思。其实,正确答案为D。get together是"聚集"、"聚会"的意思。本句的句意是:"我们打算与一些朋友聚会野餐。你想参加吗?"与together搭配的短语动词常见的有:

1. bring together撮合

They were brought together by an accident in the street. 他们是由街上的一件意外事故而互相认识的。

2. come together again言归于好

They fought many times, but they came together again. 他们多次打架,然而他们又和好了。

3. draw together靠拢

The two ships gradually drew together until they were near enough to each other to exchange signals. 两艘船逐渐靠拢到近得可以交换信号。

4. get together聚集

When can we get together?我们什么时候聚会?

5. go together相配

Do you think the hat and dress go together? 你觉得这顶帽子和连衣裙相配吗?

6. hold together团结一致

They'll hold together in life and death whatever may happen. 不管发生什么情况,他们都将团结一致,生死与共。

7. join together连接

Can you join the broken pieces together?你能不能把这些断片接起来?

8. keep together保持在一起

The teacher told the students to keep together and not to be lost in the woods. 老师叫同学们在树林里保持在一起,不要迷路。

9. pull together齐心协力

They pulled together for the success of this experiment. 他们齐心协力争取这项试验成功。

10. put together 加在一起

Africa is a very large continent-larger than China, Europe and the United States put together. 非洲是很大的一块大陆--大于中国、欧洲和美国的总和。

11. stand together联合起来

We should all stand together to defend what we believe to be right. 我们应该联合起来,维护我们坚信的正义。

12. stick together团结起来

Every time the workers stuck together they showed their strength and won. 每当工人团结起来时,他们就显示出力量并取得胜利。

13. tie...together把......捆在一起

The two peoples are tied together by traditional friendly relations. 传统友好关系把两国人民联结在一起。