把握语境 巧解单项填空题





1. -There's coffee and tea; you can have ________.


A. either B. each C. one D. it


解析:此题是一道语境题,意在考查考生运用这几个代词的能力。either指两者之中的任意一个;each 修饰可数名词; one指代可数名词;it指代具体的事物。

2. -How is the man badly hurt in the accident?

-Sorry. He ________ though the doctor made every effort to save him.

A. died B. was dead C. had died D. had been dead

答案: A

解析:根据上文可知,此人伤得很严重 ,下文连词though 表示"虽然,尽管"引导让步状语从句。句意为:"虽然医生尽了一切努力来抢救他,但他还是死了"。选项B "be dead"表示状态。C、D与题意不符。只能选A。

3. I can hardly hear the news. Would you please ________?

A. turn it on B. turn it down C. turn it up D. turn it off

答案: C

解析: 此题考查动词turn 的有关短语动词。从结构上看,四个选项都符合。从意思上看,turn on 意为"打开", 可用turn on the gas, turn on the radio, turn on the tap 等;turn down 意为"把音量调小,拒绝";turn up意为"把音量调高,露面";turn off意为"关掉"。但从题干hardly hear 的暗示,只有C项才符题意。


1. -Do you think the Stars will beat the Bulls?

-Yes. They have better players, so I ________ them to win.

A. hope B. prefer C. expect D. want

答案: C

解析:根据答语已经肯定了the Stars 有更好的球员,当然就希望他们会获胜。hope to do sth.; prefer sth. to sth. / prefer doing to doing; expect sb. to do sth.正确, 而want sb. to do sth. 意思不符。

2. His parents live near the city of Beijing, but ________of them has ever been to it.

A. any B. some C. none D. neither

答案: D

解析:此题考查不定代词的用法,由于运用转折连词but ,所以需选一个否定词。从结构上看,似乎C、D 都对。上文his parents 隐含主语有两个人,所以选neither。


1. The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see ________ the next year.

A. carry out B. carrying out C. carried out D. to carry out


解析:此题较难,主句与从句之间存在修饰与被修饰的关系。关系代词that(the plan)充当see的宾语,选项来作see的宾补。而"计划"与"执行"之间存在被动关系,故选过去分词carried out作宾补,相当于"to see the plan carried out"。

2. She thought we were talking about her, ________ , in fact, we were talking about ourselves.

A. when B. where C. which D. while

答案: D

解析:此题题干较长,由两个分句组成,且句子结构完整,意思上没有修饰与被修饰的关系,而且有in fact 插入语干扰,而while 此时作连词,表示转折和对比。