初三Units 10-11疑难展示



1. [问]Well, I saw many old inventions on show.句中on show 的前面可以加were吗?

[答]可以。该句加were与否从意义上讲相同,但从结构上讲有区别:原句属于简单句,是"主+谓+宾"结构,介词短语on show作名词inventions的后置定语;而I saw many old inventions were on show. 则是省略 that 的宾语从句。

2. [问]They were all invented hundreds of years ago.英语中hundred 总是用复数形式吗?

[答]不是。当hundred, thousand, million 等前面有具体数字或several,且后接名词时,既不能在词尾加s,也不能在后面跟of;如果表示一个不具体的数量或是运用夸张手法时,常用hundreds / thousands / millions of +名词复数形式,分别表示"数以百计的"、"成千上万的"、"数以百万计的"。如:

There are about three thousand students in our school.

Thousands of trees should be planted on the mountains.

3. [问]These must be dinosaur eggs. 这句话的否定句应为:These mustn't be dinosaur eggs. 对吗?

[答]不对。此句中的must 意为"一定是;肯定是",表示肯定的推测,这时它的否定式为can't,意为"不可能;一定不"。mustn't 意为"千万不要;绝不能(做某事)"。因此该句改为否定句应为:These can't be dinosaur eggs.

4. [问]The ground must be just right -- neither too wet nor too dry.句中neither... nor... 应如何理解和使用?

[答]neither... nor... 意为"既不......也不......",是对所连接的并列成份的全部否定,其反义词组为both... and...。在使用时,我们应注意:(1)它所连接的作主、谓、宾、表、状等成份的两个结构必须平行;(2)连接两个平行的主语时,句中的谓语动词必须与离它最近的那个词保持人称和数的一致。如:

I neither smoke nor drink.

Neither you nor I am a teacher.

5. [问]Dig a hole large enough for the tree. 句中的enough 可以放在large 之前吗?


Are you warm enough in such a light jacket?

6. [问]The trees in the forests can keep rain drops from hitting the soil directly.与The Great Green Wall will stop the wind from blowing the earth away.这两句话中的keep... from doing 与stop... from doing 意思和用法一样吗?

[答]一样。keep/stop/prevent sb./sth. from doing 意为"阻止某人/某物做某事"。由于stop 和prevent 本身有"阻止"之意,因此, 二者该结构中的from可以省略;keep没有"阻止"之意,所以无论哪种结构形式,from都必须保留。

7. [问]In a few years' time those mountains will be covered with trees, too. 句中为何用in而不用after?

[答]in 与 after 都可表示"在......之后",但它们不可通用。"in +一段时间"表示"在......之后",常用于将来时;"after +一段时间"相当于"一段时间+later"表示"在......以后",常用于过去时;"after+时间点"表示"在某个具体的时刻之后",可用于将来时或过去时。