unit 4 unforgettable experiences


Unit 4

I.Teaching aims and demands


1>.Talk about unforgettable experiences

2>.Describe people,things and events

3>.Talk about natural disasters


1>describing emotions

Help! Don't worry. Well done. Come on!

I'm afraid to... Don't be afraid. You can do it. That's better./Keep trying.

I'm afraid. It scares me. It's all right. I'll be OK/all right.

2>describing sequences






take place;on fire;pull sb up;get on one's feet;go through;on holiday;travel agency

4.Grammar:the Attributive Clause(1)



II.Key points

1.listening and speaking

1>event n.[用法](尤指重要有意义或不寻常的)事件

2>unforgettable a. [联想]forgetful健忘的

3>seismograph n. [用法]地动仪;测震仪

4>king n.[联想]queen王后

5>host [用法]n. 主人;vt. 做...的主人,主办,主持 [联想]hostess女主人;a host country东道国

6>take place [用法]发生;举行 [注意]无被动态 [比较]take one's place;take the place of

7>create vt[用法]创造,创建,创作

8>have some difficulty with... [用法]做某事有困难

9>scare [用法]vi/vt (受)惊吓 [联想]scared

10>be caught in ...[用法]被困在;被卷入 [举例]be caught in the rain(shower)淋雨

11>on fire [用法]着火;失火 [联想]set fire (to);catch fire;put out the fire


1>roar n./v.[用法]轰鸣;呼啸

2>seize v.[用法]抓住;逮住;夺取

3>rescue v.[用法]援救;营救 [联想]save

4>disaster n.[用法]灾难;灾祸

5>advance [用法]n./v.前进,进展 [联想]in advance 提前;advanced 高级的,先进的

[举例]A month has passed and the work has not advanced.

There have been great advances in space travel in the last 20 years.

6>loud [用法]a./adv. 大声(相对于声音低而言)

[比较]aloud adv. 高声,出声地(相对于无声而言);loudly adv. 大声(多含吵闹之意,有时和loud通用)

7>Before she could think twice,the water was upon her.


[举例]She had hung up before I could say a word.

It will be three months before my friend comes back from abroad.

8>swallow [注意]v.吞咽;吞噬; n.淹没 吞咽;燕子

9>drag v. [用法]拖;拽

10>sweep down... [用法]冲倒...

11>pull sb up [用法]把...往上拽

12>struggle [用法]n./v. 挣扎;奋斗;竞争

13>get on one's feet [用法]站立起来 [同义]get to on's feet

14>look into each other's face [注意]into的用法

15>strike [用法]v.击打;打动;划火柴;敲钟

16>must have been [用法]对过去发生之事的推测;nust be doing是对现在的推测

17>flow [用法]vi.流动

18>fright n. [用法]惊骇;吃惊 [联想]frighten

19>shake [用法]v.震动;摇动 [联想]shake hands with 和某人握手

20>crack vi. [用法]发出破裂声

21>destroy vt.[用法]毁坏;摧毁

22>go through [用法]通过;经受;仔细检查

23>deadline n.[用法]截至时间;最终期限

24>fear [用法]n./v. 担心;害怕 [搭配]for fear of

25>opportunity [用法]机会 [搭配]take/seize the opportunity抓住机会

26>on holiday [联想]on vacation

27>mass n. [用法]团;块;大量 [搭配]a mass of;masses of

28>be upon... [用法]逼近;靠近

29>hear sb shouting/see sb running

Jeff shouted,seizing her arm

a strange cracking noise [注意]现在分词做补语,状语,定语的现象

30>refer to [用法]提及,涉及,指,参考

3.integrating skills

1>travel agent [用法]旅行社代理人 [联想]agency代办处;代理处

2>look up/down at [注意]up/down为副词

3>touch [用法]v./n.触摸;感动 [联想]keep/stay in touch with;

4>finally [联想]in the end;at last

5>towars evening [注意]无冠词

6>note n.[用法]笔记;便条;注释;纸币


1>What does "quake" mean as in the word "earthquake"? [注意]as的用法

2>sound like [用法]听上去像

3>make jokes [用法]开玩笑

4>easygoing [用法]悠闲的;舒适的;懒散的

5>cause damage [用法]造成破坏

6>A quake hit Taiwan.[注意]hit意为袭击