


  I. Teaching aims:

  Talk about great women.

  learn how to describe people.

  Similar dialogue presentation with new words and expressions used within

  II. Teaching aids: tape recorder, pictures, slides

  Step I Warming up

  1.T ask Ss: Do you know these women? What were their name? What were they famous for?

  And then introduce the following women to Ss one by one.


Florence Nightingale    Madame Curie

(弗洛伦斯南丁格尔) (居里夫人)


Song Qingling Helen Keller

(宋庆龄) (海伦凯勒)

  slide show

  Florence Nightingale

  Florence Nightingale (May 12, 1820 - August 13, 1910) was the pioneer of modern nursing.

  Florence Nightingale was born May 12 1820 into an upper-middle class family in Britain. She, like her older sister Parthenope, was named after an Italian city. She rebelled against the expected role for a woman of her status, which was to become an obedient wife. Instead she chose nursing, a career with a poor reputation and filled mostly by poorer women.

  Madame Curie

  Marie Curie,an extraordinary woman scientist with extraordinary successes discovered a hidden power from which the world benefits much.

  During her work, Marie discovered radiation could kill human cells. She reasoned that if it could kill healthy human cells, it could dill diseased human cells and went about isolating radium for use in killing tumors (肿瘤)。

  She was able to isolate the radioactive source from a mixture called “ pitch -blend”, which was much more powerful. Marie named it radium. For this work, she was given the Nobel prize for Chemistry in 1911.

  Song Qingling

  Song Qingling (also known as Mme Soong Qingling, 1890-1981) was born into a rich Christian family which played an important role in Chinese politics in the first half of the 20th century.

  Although being one of the Vice-Chairpersons of the People's Republic, her influence in political matters was limited. Instead, she busied herself with various welfare activities, ranging from heading the Women's Federation to a number of committees involving (orphaned) children.

  Helen Keller

  Helen Adams Keller (1880~1968) is an outstanding example of a person who overcame physical disabilities. A serious illness destroyed her sight and hearing when she was very small. But she rose above (克服) her disabilities to become internationally famous and to help disabled people to live fuller lives. Because of her illness, she was unable to speak and was entirely shut off from the world.

  2. Discussion

  let Ss work in pairs and discuss women are able to do more than men or not.

  Let Ss finish the exercises:

A woman who is admired should…

Women can do ….because…

Women can no do…because…

  Step II. Listening

  1.T say to S: let us listen to a dialogue. In the dialogue, you will hear a teacher gives instructions to a group of students how to behave in a science lab.

  2. let Ss listen carefully and remember the safety instructions, and complete the exercise in the book.

  3. play the tape twice or more, and check the answers with the class.

  Step III. Speaking

  1.Ask the students to look at the three photos. And let them describe these women.

  2. let Ss describe the following women in china.

(Yang Lan) (Gong Li) (Bing xin) (Wang xuan)

  using the following useful expressions(slide show)

  She seems to me to be the kind of woman who…

  The impression she makes on me is…

  I think she is the kind of person who…

  She could be …

  She might…

  People like her…

  She looks as if…

  You can see that…

  She doesn’t seem…

  clever, pretty, intelligent, wise, brave, bighearted, generous, beautiful, openhanded(大方的), chipper(爽朗的)…etc.

  blinkered(心胸狭隘的), greedy贪婪的, lazy, weak, stupid, unkind, unfriendly, dishonest…etc.

  3. let Ss work in pairs. Student A thinks of a famous woman. One of the other students begins by asking questions about her. (slide show)


  A: Is she Chinese? B: Yes, she is.

  A: Is she a famous actress? B: No, she isn’t.

  A: Is she good at sports? B: Yes, she is.

  A: Has she ever been a world champion? B: Yes, she has.

  A: Does she play table tennis? B: Yes, she does.

  A: Is her name Deng Yaping? B: Yes, it is.


  Finish off the exercise “vocabulary” in the Workbook.