初三高频考点解读(Unit 7)



【考点一】 Some important inventions have changed the world ________ than others.

A. more B. much C. more much D. a lot


【知识拓展】 1)比较级句型中常用到than。如:

John is taller than any other boy in his class. 约翰比班上其他男孩都高。

2) "the+比较级+of"用于二者之间的比较。如:

Mary is the taller of the twins. 玛莉是这对双胞胎中个子较高的那个。

3)"比较级+and+比较级"表示"越来越......",其动词经常用grow, get, become 等。如:

The days became longer and longer.白天变得越来越长了。


The higher we went up the mountain, the colder it became. 我们越往山上爬,就越寒冷。

【考点二】 What you said has nothing ________ me.

A. to do B. doing with C. to do with D. to do at

【思路解析】 have / has nothing to do with ..."与......无关"。答案C。如:

Staying or leaving has nothing to do with me. 去还是留与我无关。

What he is saying has nothing to do with the answer. 他现在所说的与这个答案无关。

【知识拓展】 have / has something to do with ... "与......有关"。如:

These questions have something to do with us. 这些问题与我们有关系。

Did the matter have anything to do with you? 这件事和你有关吗?

【考点三】 I left school at the ______ of 18.

A. old B. year old C. age D. years old

【思路解析】 表示"在......岁时",用短语at the age of ...。答案为C。

【知识拓展】 就年龄提问,可以说"What age ...?","How old ...?","At what age ...?"等等。如:

-At what age did she retire? 她多大岁数退休的?

-At the age of 60. 六十岁的时候。

【考点四】 The children rushed________ of school.

A. in B. on C. out D. off

【思路解析】 短语rush out 可表示迅速来或去,out后可接of短语,故此处应选择C。

【知识拓展】 rush作名词时,表示"突进;仓促;抢购热潮"等意思。如:

I like the rush of modern life. 我喜欢快节奏的现代生活。

The traffic on the streets during the rush hours virtually(事实上) came to a standstill(停止). 高峰期间马路上的交通车辆实际上已经处于停止状态。

Christmas rush圣诞节抢购热潮