牛津七年级Units 1口语秀


作者:江山 刘燚

(Jim 与Lucy刚刚认识,Jim把他的朋友Jack 介绍给Lucy。)

Jim: Hello, my name is Jim.

Lucy: Hello, I'm Lucy. I come from England. I live in London. Are you from France?

Jim: No, I'm not. I come from Canada.

Lucy: Do you like dancing?

Jim: No, I love playing football with my friend, Jack. Lucy, do you know that boy over there?

Lucy: No, I don't think so.

Jim: Let me introduce him to you.


Jim: Lucy. This is my friend, Jack.He comes from America. Jack, this is Lucy.

Lucy: Hi, Jack, glad to meet you.

Jack: Glad to meet you, too.

Jim: Let's play football together.

Lucy and Jack: OK!


1. 同辈男女之间,西方人一般是将男子先介绍给女方,而中国人习惯按年龄大小来介绍,一般是男方先向女方做自我介绍。

2. 中国文化强调亲和,一般是直呼其名,或在姓氏前面冠以"老"、"小"等词,而西方人为体现民主与平等,广泛使用无等级的中性称呼语,如:Ms / Mr / Mrs / Miss + family name (姓)。