牛津七年级Unit 6 口语秀



(Amy wants to join her friend's birthday party. She is choosing a blouse in her bedroom. Jane is helping her.)

Jane: Wow, there are so many

blouses. What's your favourite colour?

Amy: I like wearing yellow blouse.

Jane: Look! Here is a yellow one.

Amy: What's it made of?

Jane: I think it's made of silk. Do you like the design?

Amy: Oh, yes. It has a V-neck. And there are many flowers on it.

Jane: Why not try it on?

Amy: OK. Let me try.

Jane: Great! It matches your skirt very well!

同学们,你们看明白上面的对话了吗?真聪明!你们说对了,是关于fashion clothes的一段对白。看来,如何用英语来谈论fashion clothes 你们已经是胸有成竹了。说起时装来,可能有的同学能如数家珍般说出一大堆的名牌,可是你们知道英国人的fashion 标准吗?

1. 黑色永不过时。英国人偏爱深色调时装,尤其以黑色为首当其冲的流行色,并且经久不衰。黑皮夹克、黑超短裙配高筒黑皮靴--一身漆黑是时尚女郎标准的时髦行头。时装店、鞋店里的黑色主题永远摆在最醒目的位置。

2. 简单即美。英国人另一穿衣原则即简单就是美,他们讲究简洁的造型配合合体的裁剪。

3. 无年龄区分。与素装女郎形成鲜明对比的是花枝招展的红装老妇们。英国的老太太都可谓"老来俏"。身着鲜艳裙装,浓妆艳抹、珠光宝气的老妇人比比皆是,似乎在与年龄较劲。西方人没有从服饰上区分年轻与年老的概念,在时装店购衣只有号型区别,闻所未闻所谓"中老年服装专柜"。老年人尽可随心所欲地打扮,使出浑身解数拼命让自己显得年轻漂亮。