Unit 7 Living with disease


The First Period

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn and master the following:


(2)Everyday English;

a. Supporting an opinion

I think that…,because…


One reason is that…

For example,…

If we/they were to…,we/they could…

b. Challenging an opinion

Perhaps,but what if/about…?

Have you thought about…?

What makes you think that…?

Could you please explain…?

If I were you ,I would…

2. Train the students’ skill to use language.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Master the use of the following words and phrases:via,persuade,try to persuade

2. Train the students’ listening ability

Teaching Methods:

1. A quiz to check the students’ knowledge about AIDS.

2. Listening-and-answering activity to check the students’ understanding of the listening material

3. Individual,pair or group work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Steps:

Step 1:Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual

Step 2:Lead-in and speaking

T: Yesterday we learned something about English poems and we learned two funny limericks. Today we are going to learn more about them and learn to express ourselves about poetry.

T: Let’s do speaking. Please open your books on page 26.There are four circles on this page. Each circle lists some information about poems. They are topics for poems, periods of time, groups or names of poets and human feeling shown in poems. Ask your partner what kind of poetry he or she might want to read. Choose a word from each circle and explain why you want to read a poem like that or not. Work in groups or pairs. Have a discussion and make up a dialogue to express what you want to say. The useful expressions on page 27 might be helpful to you.

(Teacher shous the screen.)

S:Make up some dialogues

Step 3:Summary and Homework

T:In this period,our topic is about poems.We have talked a lot about poems.What kind of poems do you like?This is an interesting topic.After class ,go on with you topics and discussion.You can use the expressions we just mentioned.That’s all for today.Class is over.

Writing on the blackboard