Lesson 10(网友来稿)


Lesson 10

Perid: The Secong Period

Content: Lesson Ten

Properties: Tape recorder,slides

Teaching Objectives:Students should master the e-mail and the dialogue,alsosome useful exptessions and background notes.

Language Focus:I. useful exptessions e-mail,get together,taste,outside,inside,in the open air,a little delicious ,not….any more.

II. background mote,the story of Chang’s,Thanksgiving.

Teaching ptocedures:

I.Organizing the class

Greeting ang a duty report.


Show some objects to make sentences with comparative adjectives.

Then students answer questions:

1. When is the Mid-Autumn Festival?

2. What do people eat on that day?

3. What different mooncakes do we have?

4. Which kind do you like best?

5. Where will the twins spend their Mid-Autumn Day?

6. What time will they go there?


Teacher:Whave known that the twins are going to spend their Mid-Autumn Festival at Han Mei’s home.Do you think they will have a good time? Now,let’s see how they spend their festival.

Play the tape once for them to answer”They have a good time”.Then explain some difficult words and phrases.

Use a gesture to teach “hungry”.

Teacher:”I’m hungry.I need something to eat.Are you hungry,Tom?”

Tom:Yes,I’m hungry,too.

Teacher:Would you like something to eat?

Tom:Yes,please.(Give him sth.to eat?

Student:No,thank you.I’m not hungry.

Get students to practice the dialogue”Would you like…?””Yes/No,thank you.”

Show students a bag,and say “Can you guess what I have inside the bag?”Write inside on the blackboard.”Let me take it outside and see.”Write”outside”on the blackboard as opposite of “inside”.Give more examples.”We have English class inside the classroom and P.E outside.”Get students to make sentences.

Use a gesture to say”I’full.I can’t eat any more”Write”not…any more”on the blackboard,make more sentences for students to understand and follow.”I have worked forthree hours.Ican’t go on any more.””He’s twenty years old.He’s not a child any more”.


Play the tape for the students to listen and read,then act it out in groups of three.

V.Leading-in and reading.

Get students to say sth.about the Mid-Autumn Festival.Then they read the e-maol and answer questions.

1. According to Lucy,which festival in the USA is like our Mid-Autumn Festival?and in which way are they like?

2. When is the festival?

3. What special food do we eat on that day?

4. Where do people have their dinner?

5. What do American people call the moon on that day?

Play the tape for students to listen and reapeat.

VII.Exercises in class

1. To make sentences with (1) a little (2) inside (3) taste (4) get together (5) in the open air.

2. Fill in blanks

Thanks_________your letter.You want to lnow sth.________Chain?I’lltell you sth.________the Spring Festival.It’s the _________(important) festival______Chinese people.They slways have some days _____.They don’t have to go to work. The family members get ______and have a big meal _______that night.It’s also called lunar new year.

3. Complete the sentences,accoreing to the dialogue.

(1). The twins come___to han mei’s home ______the Mid-Autumn Festival in te _____.

(2). The three girls are_______ the round table ______-in the ____ air.

(3). The twins are a little ______.They are eating the mooncakes_________ nuts_______.

(4). Lucy would like to eat ___one .It’s_______than the other one.It has something ________in side.

(5). Han Mei is eating a mooncake________ __________egg inside .It’s very _______.

(6). Lilywants to have a ____________ She feels it _____ ,too.ButLucy thinks the mooncakes with nuts are the _____of all.

(7). Lucy _________eat any ________after she finishes _____ two mooncakes.

(8) ________ that day HanMei is very ____ the twins can come and the twins thank her for _______ them.


1. (1) No hurry,there is a little time left.

(2) You can find something inside.

(3) The dish tastes delicious.

(4) The more we get together ,the happier we are.

(5) The boys like playing in the open air .

2. (1) for (2) about (3) about (4) most important (5) for (6) off (7) together (8) on

3. (1) over,for,evening (2) sitting,outside,open (3) hurry,with,inside (4) another,nicer,sweet (5) with an, delicious (6) taste, good (7) can’t,more,eating (8) On,glad,asking


1. To introduce one festival.

2. Review next lesson.

IX.The design of the blackboard

Lesson 10

Mid-autumn Festival

On September 15th

in the open air

look brighter and rounder

the Harvest Moon