


快来"词语拾零"!1-3单元的重点单词又与你们见面了!下面我们进行精彩回放,让你们复习的时候随 "e" 而行,随 "e" 而动。准备好笔记本,出击啦!

1.【原句再现】What makes your friend so special?


【疏疑解惑】不是!此处的make是使役动词,意为"使,让......",其用法可归纳为make sb. do sth.; make sth.+adj.; make it + adj.+ to do sth.。例如:

How can I make him believe that? 我怎么才能让他相信此事呢?

What made your Mum so angry? 是什么让你妈妈这么生气?

Bill Gates wanted to make it easier for people to use the computers. 比尔盖茨想让人们更容易地操作电脑。


Don't make your mother waiting for long. 别让你妈妈久等了。

2.【原句再现】I have a most wonderful friend called Max.


【疏疑解惑】此处的called是过去分词充当后置定语,其同义表达可用named, with the name, by the name of等。此句的同义句可为:I have a most wonderful friend named / with the name / by the name of Max.

3.【原句再现】We take the bus all the way to the Palace Museum.


【疏疑解惑】此处的take意为"乘,坐",后接交通工具如bus, car, plane等,相当于go... by bus/car/plane。此外,take还有如下用法:

①take sb. / sth. to somewhere意为"把某人、某物带到某地"。例如:

Can you help me take these things to the teachers' room? 你能帮我把这些东西送到老师办公室去吗?

②It takes / took sb. + some time + to do sth.意为"做某事花费某人多少时间"。例如:

It will take you two hours to go back to the USA. 回到美国你要花费两个小时。

4.【原句再现】Luckily, the climbers helped Simon.



①help sb. with sth.例如:She helped me with my English. 她帮我学英语。

②help sb. do/to do sth. 上一句的同义句就是She helped me (to) learn English.

③help也可用作不可数名词。例如: With his help I finished the work. 在他的帮助下,我完成了这项工作。

Go to get help from the police. 去向警察求助吧。

5.【原句再现】 They kept their secret to themselves.



Don't keep thinking about that. 别老是考虑那事了。


A: Excuse me. Can I borrow this book? 打扰一下,我可以借这本书吗?

B: Certainly. Here you are. 当然,给你。

A: How long can I keep it? 我能借多久?

B: A week. 一周。


You should keep yourself busy every day. 你应该使自己每天保持忙碌。

You kept me waiting for you for two hours. 你让我等了两个小时。

He keeps a dairy to help him remember things. 他记日记帮助他记住一些事情。

6.【原句再现】You need to exercise and keep fit.



You need a NO.16 bus. 你需要乘16路公交车。

She needs to cut her weight. 她需要减肥了。

need作情态动词用时常用于疑问句或否定句,无人称或数的变化。例如:He needn't wait for me. 他不需要等我。


We are in need of money. 我们需要钱。