初一 U19 Food and drink(1)


初一 U19 Food and drink(1)


⒈What day is it today? 或者说:What day is today?

⒉What’s the date today?

⒊Who is on duty doday?

⒋Is everyone here today? 或者说:Are we (you) all here today?

⒌Who is not here today? 或者说:Who is not at school today?


⒈It’s Monday today. 或者说:Today in Monday.

⒉It’s February 21,2000. (It’s February the twenty-first,2000)

⒊Wei Fang is an duty today.

⒋Yes, everyone is here today. / Yes, we are. 或No, we aren’t.

⒌Li Lei is not here today. / Li Lei is not at school today.

在问完以上这些问题之后再加上一个新的句子:I have a new watch, today?

给同学看:This is my new watch. Do you like it?

I have a new watch. Do you like it?是本单元的重点句型之一。


I have a new watch. 我有一块新表。We have some new books. 我们有一些新书。

They have two children. 他们有两个孩子。You have a god teacher. 你们有一位好老师。


She has a sister. 她有一个妹妹。He has a little dog.他有一只小狗。

Tom has a happy family. 汤姆有一个幸福的家庭。


Ⅱ. 本单元中出现了可数名词和不可数名词的用法,先请看下列单词:

rice(米饭,大米) tea(茶) bread(面包) milk(牛奶) meat(肉) water(水) orange(桔汁)


比如:a bowl of rice一碗米饭 a cup of tea一杯茶

two bowls of rice两碗米饭 three cups of tea三杯茶

a piece of bread一片面包 a bottle of milk一瓶牛奶

some pieces of bread几片面包 many bottles of milk许多瓶牛奶

a glass of water一杯水 a bottle of orange一瓶桔汁

two glasses of water两杯水 four bottles of orange四瓶桔汁


比如:I have some bread and a glass of milk. 我吃了一些面包和一杯牛奶。


⒈There are some bread on the table.

⒉Is there any water in the glass?





A:Can I help you?

B:Yes, Er, What would you like?

C:I don’t know.

B:Well, Would you like something to drink? What about a glass of milk?

C:No ,thanks. I think I’d like a bottle of orange.

这一组对话中的something to drink这一句话不要看成是一般疑问句型。这是一种表示请示或者建议的特殊句型,因此不能用anything。还有类似的表示建议的句子:

Would you like something to eat? 你要不要吃点什么?

Could you tell me something about your class? 你可以告诉我有关你们班里的事情吗?

这里的Would like是“想要”的意思,比want要婉转,客气些。比如服务员询问顾客想要什么等场合,常说“What would you like?”回答时用I’d (would) like….。

例如:①A:What would you like? 你想要什么?B:I ‘d like an eraser. 我想要一块橡皮。

②A:What would you like to drink? 您想喝点什么?

B:I’d (would) like to have a cup of tea. 我想喝杯茶。

③A:Would you like a glass of milk? 您想喝杯牛奶吗?

B:Yes, please. 是的,请给我拿一杯吧。

No, thanks. 不喝,谢谢您。


刚才我们讲到不可数名词常与There are句型连用。

比如:There is some orange in the bottle. 这个瓶子时有些桔汁。

There are two cups of coffee on the table. 桌子上有两杯咖啡。

在特殊疑问句中它们常与How many和How much连用。

例如:①How much milk is there in the bottle? 牛奶不可数,因此用How much来表示多少。回答:There is a little milk in the bottle. 瓶子里有一点牛奶。

②How many bottles of milk are there in the box?这个箱子里有多少瓶牛奶?

回答:There are five bottles of milk in the box. 这个箱子里有五瓶牛奶。

③How many bananas can you see in the basket? 你能看见蓝子里有多少香蕉?

回答:I can see many bananas in the basket. 我看见蓝子里有许多香蕉。

以上三组问答中用了相同的句型,但要注意不同的问题要用不同的回答方式。这是在应用中经济出现的问题。How many+可数名词的复数形式。How much+不可数名词。

Ⅲ. 练习部分


⒈a cup of tea _____ ⒉a glass of milk ______

⒊a bottle of water _____ ⒋two pieces of bread ____

⒌three pieces of meat ______ ⒍a bottle of orange _____

⒎some cakes ______ ⒏some rice _______

⒐What about some cakes? ______ ⒑something to drink _______

⒒something to eat ________ ⒓Would you like to _______?


⒈How many ______ can you see in the basket?

A. rice B. meat C. apples D. food

⒉I’d like a bottle of milk. ________ you?

A. How B. What about C. What D. Are

⒊I ______ a new watch. ______ you like it ?

A. am, Do B. have, Do C. has, Are

⒋I would like ______.

A. two glasses of waters B. two glass of water

C. two glasses of water D. two glasses water


⒈can, see, I, some, cakes, boxes, of, on, table, the.

⒉Would, you, like, how, bananas, many.

⒊Would, like, I, orange, an, some, pears, and.


A:What would you like?

B:I’d like a skirt.

A:What about this white one?

B:No, I don’t like it much. That yellow one’s nice.

A:Here you are.

B:Yes, Good, How much is it?

A:25 yuan.

B:Here’s the money(钱).

A:Thank you. Bye.





C:⒈I can see some boxes of cakes an the table.

⒉How many bananas would you like?

⒊I would like an orange and some pears.









