Units 8-14重点句型正误例析


作者:綦荣亮 董洪云

1. 图书馆在一家电影院的前面。

误:The library is in the front of a cinema.

正:The library is in front of a cinema.

解析:in the front of... 意为"在......前面"(事物的内部),in front of...意为"在......前面"(事物的外部)。在本句中,由句意判断,应是外部的前面。

2. 刘翔跑得比任何选手都快。

误:Liu Xiang runs faster than any other runners.

正:Liu Xiang runs faster than any other runner.

解析:在表示除自身外与其他人作对比时,应用any other + 名词单数形式。

3. 叫王梅的女孩很聪明。

误:The girl calling Wang Mei is very clever.

正:The girl called Wang Mei is very clever.

解析:表示"某人名叫......"时,应用过去分词来表示。如:The man called Mike is my friend.

4. 莉莉有点害羞。

误:Lily was a bit of shy.

正:Lily was a bit shy.

解析:a bit是副词性词组,可以修饰形容词、副词、动词,意为"一点; 有些";a bit of修饰不可数名词,表示"少量的; 一点"。如:There is a bit of time left.

5. 明天请把你们的英语书带来。

误:Please take your English books here tomorrow.

正:Please bring your English books here tomorrow.

解析:bring与take都有"拿"的意思,bring指"从别处拿来",由远及近;take指"从此处拿走",由近及远,但bring sth with sb和take sth with sb都表示"某人随身携带某物"。

6. 我看见他和他的朋友谈话了。

误:I watched him to talk with his friends.

正:I watched him talk with his friends.

解析:感官动词后面接动词不定式时,应省略to,这类词有see, watch, notice, hear, feel等。

7. 起初,我发现英语很难。

误:At the first, I found English too hard.

正:At first, I found English too hard.

解析:at first表示"起初; 开始的时候",这是固定短语,中间不加the。

8. 他跌倒摔断了腿。

误:He felt down and broke his leg.

正:He fell down and broke his leg.


9. 这里的天气变得越来越暖和。

误:The weather here get warmer and warmer.

正:The weather here gets warmer and warmer.


10. 他们下星期一会等你的。

误:They will wait for you on next Monday.

正:They will wait for you next Monday.

解析:表示"在星期几",星期名词前面应用介词on,但当星期名词前有了next, last, this等词修饰时,不需用介词。

11. 今天晚上有一个会议。

误:There will have a meeting this evening.

正:There will be a meeting this evening.

解析:There be句型表示客观存在,实义动词have表示"拥有",它不可用于There be句型中。

12. 明天北京的天气怎样?

误:How's the weather like in Beijing tomorrow?

正:What's the weather like in Beijing tomorrow?

解析:对天气情况提问可以说:What's the weather like...?或How's the weather...?二者不可混淆。