Unit 5 Working hard on the farm


参考教案 教学参考资料 示例三

教学参考资料(Reference for teaching)

补充注释(Additional notes)

1. Am I late?我迟到了吗?

英语的late是个形容词,一定要与“是”动词(the verb“be”)连用,而在汉语中般不用“是”。类似的情况在本单元有十几个,现分列如下:

be late(L.17) be(too)high(L.19)

be(quite)near/far(L.17) be busy(L.19)

be(all) here(L.17) be hard to reach(L.19)

be strong(er) (L.18) be better(than) (L.19)

be careful (L.19) be green/red (L.19)

be OK (L.19) be (quite) small (L.19)

be dangerous(L.19) be much bigger(L.19)

2. We're all here.我们全在这里。(我们都到齐了。)


3.There's Meimei!(=Meimei is there!)梅梅在那边。


4.Can you do this“word ladder”? 你能做这个字梯游戏吗?

这里把this“word ladder”当成一种游戏,动词用了do。

参考教案 Unit 5 Working hard on the farm 教学建议 示例三

教学建议(Suggested teaching notes)


(一)本单元围绕做“比较”(Making comparison)这个题材开展多种教学活动。设置的主要情景是吉姆所在班级的学生去农场摘苹果,从集合坐汽车上农场到摘苹果的劳动情景。在描述故事的过程中很自然地运用已知的语言,特别是现在进行时,而新的语言主要是有关劳动的词语和形容词的比较等级。表示数量的比较要用“多”和“少”。英语形容词原级为many(多的)或some以及few(少的)。many,some的比较级是more(更多的;较多的),最高级是most(最多的)。这是不规则变化。few的比较级是fewer(更少的;较少的),最高级是fewest(最少的),这是规则变化。这两个形容词的比较等级(见第18课)除了在陈述句、一般疑问句中使用外,还可以在以疑问词开始的选择疑问句中使用。如:

Which bus has fewer/more people, the first or the second?

Who has the most/fewest oranges, Lin Tao, Lucy or Ma Lili?

(二)在语音方面,本单元系统归纳了与[&:, &, +(]有关的字母及其字母组合的拼读规则:字母o在开音节及st和ld前读[+(],在闭音节中读[&];o的字母组合oa和ow读[+(];字母组合or,ore,oor和our读[&:];元音字母a在[w]后也读[&];a的字母组合al和au也读[&:]。



本单元的内容与上一单元联系紧密,是它的继续。以插图形式(见第17课和第19课)介绍人们在农场劳动的情况。说明各种劳动的动词及词组大部分都标在第17课的插图上。如:pick apples/put them in a basket; hold/climb(up)/come down the ladder; carry a basket/ give the basket to the girl/man; lift a basket on to the truck; work on the truck; work hard.



Look at the picture. It's a picture of a farm. The people are all working hard on the farm. What is he/she doing? What are the men/women doing? Let's talk about the picture.


A:I see a boy and two girls there.(插图的左上角)

B:What's the girl/one of the girls doing?

C:She's picking apples.

A:What's the boy doing?

B:He's carrying a basket of apples in his right hand.

He's giving the basket to the other girl.

C:What's the other girl doing?

A:She's going to carry the basket from the boy.

A:Where's Lin Tao?

B:He's standing on an apple tree.

A:What's he doing?

B:He's picking apples.

A:What about Li Lei?

B:He's picking apples, too.

A:Is he standing on the tree, too?

B:No, he's sitting on it.

A:Let's look at the middle of the picture now.

B:All right. There are three children there.

C:Do you know them?

A:Yes, they are Kate, Jim and Han Meimei.

B:What's Jim doing?

C:He's holding the ladder for Han Meimei.

A:What's Han Meimei doing?

B:She's climbing the ladder.

C:Why is she doing that?

A:She's going to pick apples on/from that tree.

B:What about Kate?

C:She's carrying a basket.

A:Is it a big one?

B:No, it's quite small.

C:Is it empty?

A:No, it's full of apples.

B:Is she going to carry it to the truck?

C:No, I don't think so.

A:What's she going to do then?

B:I think she's going to lift the basket and put the apples in the big basket.

A:Now look at the right side of the picture.

B:How many trucks are there in the picture?

C:Well, three.

A:How many people are there?

B:Let me see/count....There are twelve.

C:Let's talk about them.

A:Four men are working on the two trucks.

B:Four men are carrying baskets to the trucks.

C:Are there any women working there?

A:Yes, four women are lifting baskets of apples on to the trucks.

B:Where's Polly?

C:It's sitting on the third truck.

A:What's it doing?

B:It's saying:“I want an apple.”

C:Is the third truck full of baskets of apples?

A:I'm not sure. I can see only half of it.




strong[str&R] stronger['str&Rg+] strongest['str&Rgist]

busy['bizi] busier['bizi+] busiest['biziist]

在教学truck(卡车)时,可以复习已学的交通工具:bus, car, jeep, bike, train, ship和plane。



[(+] hole bone cold most goat showed

[&:] hall ball call morn gorge short

[&] hot boss cock mop got shot


结合本单元在农场摘苹果的内容,练习册第20课练习3编配了一首英语歌曲Picking Apples。书上只印了一段歌词,录音带里录了三段。第二段的歌词是把第一段的It's good to …唱成It's better to…以及把on a fine September day用on a fine October day, an apple用apples, it用them来唱,其余的词不变。第三段是把good改为best,把September改为November,把an apple改为apples,把it改为them。这样可以连唱三段。《阅读训练》第19页上还有一首短诗Picking Apples。先默读,后朗读,再背诵。另一首短诗Good, Better, Best在上个单元已介绍过,现在可让学生默读后背诵。



My first letter is in the word“fat”,but not in“at”.My second letter is in“late”,but not in“let”.And my last letter is in“car”and“hard”What's the word?


教科书第20课第2部分还有一个字谜(Word puzzle),由于它的排列形式像个梯子,称它为word ladder。谜底见教学步骤第20课第3步。


左边的字谜中要猜的5个词都是本单元的生词。你可以根据该词的字母数目以及所提供的其中一个字母来猜。先猜已给出第一个字母的3个词。它们是:reach, climb和kilometre。另外两个是strong(第1个)和busy(第3个)。

