

<<陈老师课堂>>重点难点点拨 高三英语 Unit 3

Lesson 9

1. Yang Pei and Jackie are going camping in the Australia bush with some other friends.扬培和杰基准备和几个朋友到澳大利亚的丛林里去露营。go camping 去野营,go doing 的结构表示“去干某事”的意思,多指从事与体育,娱乐有关的活动。e.g. go swimming 去游泳;go fishing; 去钓鱼 go boating; 去划船 go drinking; 去喝酒 go dancing; 去跳舞 go eating; 去吃饭 这类结构还可表示某种职业,e,g. go farming; 务农 go nursing; 当护士 go teaching; 从教 go soldiering; 当兵 Did you go climbing last Sunday? 上个星期天你们去爬山了吗? Shall we go fishing tomorrow? 明天我们去钓鱼好吗?camp vi. 野营;宿营;n. 营地; 野营; e.g. They camped in the open air for the night. 他们在露天安营过夜。He is in the camp. 他在野营帐篷中。

2. If you do that, you may start a fire. 如果你那样做,你就会引起火灾。Start 在此句中是“引起”,“引发”的意思。e.g. It was xiao Li who had started the discussion. 是小李引发了这场议论。What started the fire? 火灾是怎样引起的?

3. Put it out in the ashtray. 把它在烟灰缸里灭了。put out 扑灭;灭;出版;发行;激怒;(常用于被动语态) e.g. Be sure to put out the light before you leave. 离开之前务必将灯关掉。Some magazines are put out every week. 有些杂志每周出一期。She was very much put out because we had not invited her to the party.她非常生气,因为我们没有邀请她参加聚会。

4. on the left 与 to the left 的区别:to指较远的距离 e.g. Let me tell you what’s to the left. 我来告诉你左边是什么。Li Mei is on my left. 李玫坐在我的左侧。

5. Missed it. That was lucky. 没撞上,真幸运。miss vt. 错过;没赶上;丢失;想念;e.g. He fired two shots, both missed. 他打了两枪,都没有打中。 We have missed you badly since you left. 自打你走了之后,我们一直非常想念你。 My pen is missing / lost. 我的钢笔丢了。 miss 后面如果接非谓语动词,要接动名词 e.g. I wouldn’t miss seeing the Great Wall. 长城我可不能不看。

6. Will you help me fix up this sheet? 帮我把这块布单子搭好,好吗?fix up 搭起;安装;安排;约定好;提供;处理好;e.g. We will fix up a shed here. 我们将在这儿搭个棚子。 I have fixed up with Mr. Li to meet us at seven o’clock tomorrow morning. 我已经和李先生约好,让他明天早上七点来见我们。The children were fixed up for the night in a hotel. 孩子们被安排到招待所里过夜。

7. Don’t tie it to that old branch. 别结到那根老树枝上。tie … to… 把……栓在……上;He tied the dog to the trees. 他把狗栓在树下。 Sickness tied his father to the bed. 疾病使他爸爸卧床不起。

8. I’m going to go across the river. 我要横渡过河去。go across = cross

9. You can easily die of thirst. 你很可能会渴死。

10. You will get sunburnt. 你会被晒黑。get sunburnt 晒黑; get 是联系动词,经常接动词的过去分词表示被动含义。e.g. get married 结婚 get excited 激动 get drunk 喝醉 get discouraged 泄气
