

<<陈老师课堂>>重点难点点拨 高三英语 Unit 12

Lesson 46

1. Some birds will fly away to the south when the weather turns cold. 有些鸟儿在天气转冷时就向南方飞去。1). fly away 飞离;(远距离) e.g. When flying a kite, he had his kite flown away by the strong wind. 放风筝时,他的风筝被大风刮走了。The bird shook its wings and flew away. 那只鸟振翅飞走了。 fly off 飞离;(近距离) e.g. The bird flew off the tree. 这只鸟儿从树上飞走了。2). weather 天气;某一地区短时间内的天气情况,如刮风,下雨,阴天,冰雹等,没有规律可言;climate 气候;某一地区常年的气象情况,如温度,湿度,降雨量等,有一定的规律可言。e.g. Many crops depends on weather. 许多农作物要依赖天气。The weather has changed again. 天气又变了。 A drier climate would be good for your health. 干爽的气候对你的健康有好处。The climate of Ili is enjoyable all the year round. 伊犁的气候一年四季都令人愉快。weather 不可数名词,但是指“各种各样的天气”时,可用复数。 Our air forces can fly in all weathers. 我国空军能够在各种各样的情况下起飞。It is such fine weather that I suggest going outing. 天气如此之好,我建议外出郊游。

2. A good many animals sleep under the snow. 许多动物睡在雪下。a good / great many 大量的;许多的;修饰可数名词复数。 e.g. On our way to the hotel, I asked him a good many questions. 在去旅馆的途中,我问了他许多问题。When we arrived we found that there were a good many people already there. 我们到达时发现那儿已经有了许多人了。 表示 “其中有许多” 可用 a good many of e.g. A good many of beggars are blind. 乞丐中有许多人是盲人。A great many of them couldn’t pass the examination this time. 他们中有许多人这次考试没有及格。**** a great many of the students = a great many students; 复数名词前如果有物主代词,指示代词以及定冠词,a good many 后面 + of 。

3. Then it has no choice but to lie down and sleep. 于是它别无选择,只好躺下睡觉。but 用于no, all, nobody, none之后,表示“除……之外” e.g. Who but he would do such a thing! 除了他之外,谁还会干这样的事! None but disaster would come from such a plan. 这个计划只有招致灾祸,别无益处。**** but前面如有实义动词do的相应形式,后面的动词不定式省略to; but前面如果没有实义动词do的相应形式,后面的动词不定式必须带to; e.g. She will do anything but do farming work. 她什么都愿意干,就是不愿意干农活。---- I have no choice but to wait here. 我别无选择只好在这儿等待。 He had nothing to do but read novels. 他什么事情也没有做,就是看小说。---- I have no desire but to lead a quiet life. 我别无他求,只想过一种平静的生活。**** last but one 倒数第二; last but two倒数第三; **** but 还可以做关系代词,引导定语从句,其意义相当于who not / that not; e.g. There is no one of us but wishes to go there. 我们人人都想去那儿。

4. Hibernation is more than sleep. 冬眠不仅仅是睡觉。more than 不仅仅;不只


是;超过;e.g. His trip to Beijing was more than sightseeing. 他的北京之行不

仅仅是旅游观光。Beijing Weekend is more than a newspaper, it can help us to learn English. <<北京周末>>不仅仅是一份报纸,它对我们学英语很有帮助。*** no more than (后接基数词)只有;仅仅;not more than (后接基数词)至多;不超过;no less than 至少有; not less than 不少于;e.g. He has no more than 20 yuan in his pocket. 他身上只有20元钱。---- He can’t be more than thirty. 他不到30岁。He walks no less than five miles to school.她要走5 英里到学校。---- She has not less than three pens. 她至少有3枝钢笔。

5. The answer lies in two facts可以从两方面的事实中得到答案。 lie in = exist in 在于;(指事实) e.g. Hard work leads to success while failure often lies in laziness. 勤奋工作导致成功而失败往往在于懒惰。 The trouble lies in the engine. 毛病出在发动机上。The only way out we get rid of poverty lies in the development of education. 我们摆脱贫困的唯一出路在于发展教育. 睡懒觉;Mother let us lie in, but I got up for breakfast. 妈妈允许我们睡懒觉,但我为了吃早饭还是起床了。 **** lie with 在于;(指责任) e.g. The final decision lies with the committees. 最后由委员会作出决定。 Again we failed, and this failure lay with me. 我们又失败了,这一次责任在我。

6. The first is that it has stored supplies of fat in its body during the summer and autumn. 第一在夏秋两季,动物的体内储存了大量的脂肪。supplies of / a supply of 大量的;大批的; 既可以接可数名词,也可以接不可数名词。e.g. Have you got enough supplies of food? 你有足够的食品储备吗?

7. Some animals, including some bears, only half-hibernate. 有些动物,包括一些熊, 只是半冬眠。half-hibernate 半冬眠(复合动词)。 类似的复合词有: half-brother(异父母兄弟); half-price; half-way; half-hearted; half-mast (下半旗); half-breed (混血儿); half-cook (半熟); half-open; half-close;

8. It hides large quantities of nuts inside trees. 松鼠把大量的坚果藏在树里面。large / small quantities of = a large / small quantity of 大 / 少量的; 既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词。用来做主语时,谓语动词与quantity的单/复数保持一致。e.g. He lost a large quantity of blood. 他失去了大量的血。 Please put a small quantity of sugar in my milk. 请在我的牛奶里放少许白糖。A large quantity of books was sent to the library. 大量的图书被送往图书馆。Quantities of food were on the table. 桌子上摆放着不少的食物。 ****表示“许多 / 大量” 的其它短语: many a + 单数可数名词,谓语动词用单数。 e.g. Many a student is in the classroom. 许多学生在教室里。 an amount of / amounts of + 不可数名词,谓语动词用单数。 e.g. He gave us an amount of / amounts of advice. 他给我们提了许多建议。 a number of / numbers of + 复数可数名词,谓语动词用复数。 e.g. A number of / Numbers of cars were destroyed in the earthquake. 许多车在地震中被毁了。 a great deal of + 不可数名词,谓语动词用单数。 e.g. A great deal of water has been polluted here. 这儿大量的水被污染了。 此外,a lot of / lots of 以及 plenty of 既可以修饰可数名词也可以修饰不可数名词。
