

<<陈老师课堂>>重点难点点拨 高三英语 Unit 12

Lesson 45

1. I’ve got three weeks altogether. 我一共要住三个星期。altogether adv. 完全;总共;总的来说;总而言之;e.g. I forgot it altogether. 我把这事儿全忘了。There are 52 English books altogether. 这儿一共有52本英语书。Altogether, the achievements gained during the past twenty years in our country are very great. 总的来说,二十年来我国取得的成就是巨大的。all together 全部;所有的;e.g. The students are here all together. 学生们全都到齐了。He put the books all together into the bag. 他把所有的书都放进了书包。

2. Ours is a fairly new country, so our cities and towns are modern. 我们的国家还相当年轻,所以我们的城镇比较现代化。fairly与rather的区别:1). 从程度上看,fairly轻于rather. e.g. It is a fairly easy book. 这本书比较浅。---- It is a rather easy book. 这本书太浅了。 He speaks English fairly well. 他的英语还行。---- He speaks English rather well. 他的英语真棒。 2). fairly 表示对事物的赞赏;rather 表示对事物的不赞赏;e.g. It is fairly warm today. 今天的天气真暖和。---- It is rather cold today. 今天的天气真冷。You did fairly well, but he did rather badly. 你做得相当好而他则做得非常地差。

3. Why don’t you hire a car and drive around for a couple of weeks. 为什么你不租一辆出租车开上两三周呢?couple n. 夫妇;一对;一双;(可以分开来) e.g. The old couple have got on well with each other all their life. 那对老夫妇一生相敬如宾。 a couple of 两三个;几个;a couple of hours 两三个小时; five couples rabbits 五对兔子; He will be back in a couple of days. 他两三天后就回来。 **** pair 指的是两件不能分开使用的东西;如鞋,袜,手套等;也可以是一件东西,如裤子,剪刀,钳子等。 e.g. a pair of gloves 一副手套;a pair of trousers 一条裤子;a pair of scissors 一把剪刀;

4. You need a driving permit. 你需要有本驾驶执照。 permit n. 执照;许可证; e.g. He has a special permit to fish in this river. 他有在这条河里捕鱼的特殊许可证。Bring your driving permit with you, otherwise, you can’t get into the city. 把驾照带上,不然你不能进入市区。vt. 许可;答应; e.g. If time permits, I’ll visit him this afternoon. 如果时间允许,我今天下午去看望他。Smoking is not permitted in this bus. 公共汽车上不许吸烟。permission n. 允许; e.g. May I have a permission to go home early? 我可以早点回家吗?

5. Do what you feel like. 你想干什么就干什么吧。feel like 想要,后接名词,代词,动名词。 e.g. She felt like having a good rest. 她想好好休息一下。Do you feel like a movie? 想去看电影吗?It feels like rain. 好像要下雨了。I feel like catching cold. 我好像是感冒了。

6. I’d come too if I had time to spare. 我要是能抽出时间的话我也会去的。 spare vt. 匀出; 挤出;节省;e.g. Can you spare me a few minutes ? I want your advice. 你能否挤出几分钟吗?我想请教你。He asked me to spare him a ticket. 他让我


匀出一张票给他。I am afraid I can’t spare the weekend. I will be on duty. 恐怕

这个周末我没有空,我要值班。 spare no efforts / pains 不遗余力; spare no

expense 不惜工本; We hope that readers will not spare their comments. 我们

希望读者们毫无保留地提出意见。 adj. 多余的;剩余的 e.g. in spare time 在

业余时间内,spare parts 备用零件,a spare key 一把备用钥匙.

7. I say, shall we go downtown this evening? 喂,咱们今天晚上到市区去好吗?句中的I say 属于 “引人注意/表示惊奇” 的用语,相当于汉语中的 “喂,唷,嗨”。美语中直接说say; 英语中还可以表示“难过, 反感”等情绪。e.g. I say, Lao Wang, I want to have a word with you. 喂,老王,我想和你说几句话。I say, what a watermelon! 唷,好大的西瓜呀! I say, Li Hua, who’s that girl in the red dress? 嘿,李华,那个穿红衣服的女孩子是谁?--- My mother is ill. --- I say, I am sorry to hear that. --- 我妈妈病了。--- 呀,听到这个我很难过。 I say, you’ve gone too far! 嘿,你太过分了。
