

<<陈老师课堂>>重点难点点拨 高三英语 Unit 10

Lesson 39

1. And he was sure to make a lot of money. 他相信能赚一大笔钱。make money 赚钱;e.g. These people are just interested in making money. 这些人只想着赚钱。He makes a lot of money in his job. 他干的工作挣钱不少。make 与point(分), mark(分数), work-point(工分)连用时表示 “挣得”, “得到”;e.g. They made good marks at school. 他们在学校成绩很好。I made more than 4000 work-points in 1975. 一九七五年我挣了四千多个工分。

2. The moment he entered the room, Bill fixed the chain across the door. 比尔一进房间,就用链条把门扣上。 the moment 引导的句子是时间状语从句,其作用相当于as soon as 一……就;e.g. The moment I see him, I’ll tell him. 我一见到他,就告诉他。 She promised to phone me the moment she got home. 她答应一到家就给我打电话。**** 时间状语从句除了由when, before, as soon as, while, since 等引导外,还可由the moment, the minute, each time, every time, next time, the last time, the first time, immediately, instantly 等用做连词来引导。下面的句子都是时间状语从句: Every time he came to Kuitun, he would come to see me. 每次他来奎屯,他总会来看望我的。 A shower of rain poured me instantly I opened the door. 我一打开大门,一阵大雨就迎面浇来。 Be sure to call on me next time you come here. 下次来这儿请一定来找我。 I made quite a few friends the last time I returned Nantong. 上次我回南通时交了不少朋友。 He rushed out of the room immediately he heard the cry for help. 他一听到呼救声就冲出了房子。 Each time I catch a cold, I have pain in my back. 我每回感冒背都疼痛。

3. Then quickly and quietly he pushed a table against the door. 接着他迅速轻轻地推过一张桌子,把门顶住。 against 倚;靠着;顶着;对抗;e.g. He put the ladder against the wall. 他把梯子靠在墙上。 The Ship sailed against the tide. 轮船逆流而上。 We will fight against the national splittist. 我们将与民族分裂主义分子斗争到底。

4. It was perfect for a trick like this. 它完全适合于这种计谋的实施。be perfect for… 对……十分理想;e.g. The weather is perfect for sports meeting. 这天气完全适合于举行运动会。The big house is prefect for our large family. 这幢大房子对我们这个大家庭来说是非常理想的。

5. The two men forced open the door of Room 411, broke off the chain and pushed the table to one side. 那两个人砸开了411房间的门,弄断了链条,把桌子推到了一边。1). 句中的force 表示“强行”(打开,砸开)时,常常与lock, door, window等连用. e.g. He had forgotten his key and had to force the door. 他忘了带钥匙了,因此只好把门撬开。The thieves forced the lock of the lady’s jewel case. 那些贼砸开了那位女士珍宝箱的锁。2). break off vi./vt. 折断;中断;停止;解除;e.g. Don’t break the branches off of the young tree. 不要折断那棵


小树的树枝。Shall we break off our discussion and have a rest? 我们中断谈话,休息一下好吗?He broke off all relations with her. 他与她断绝了一切关系。The fight broke off shortly after sunset. 太阳落山后不久,战斗就停止了。

6. Twelve more steps led up to another door, on the other side of which was Room 511. 又有一段12级的台阶通向另一个门,这门的对面是511房间。lead to 通向;通往高处用 lead up to;通往低处用 lead down to; e.g. Here is two paths. One leads up to the hill. The other leads down to the river. 这儿有两条小路。一条通山上;另一条通下面的那条河。He had locked the door that led to the garden. 他把通向花园的门锁上了。All roads lead to Rome. 条条大道通罗马/行行出状元。 All this has led to great progress in agriculture in the area. 所有的这一切使这个地区的农业得到了巨大的发展。 lead 作 “带领”, “引导” 解释时, 不能 接动词不定式做宾语补足语,只能用介词短语来表示。e.g. He led me into a back room. 他领我进了内屋。(不能说:He led me to go into a back room.)
