

<<陈老师课堂>>重点难点点拨 高三英语 Unit 9

Lesson 34

1. At the same time, gymnastics, without equipment, was developed in Sweden as a keep-fit programme for schools. 同时,在瑞士无器械体操运动被列为学校的保健计划。keep-fit adj. 保健的; keep fit 保持健康;e.g. Ms. Qian goes to a keep-fit class and do exercises every day. 钱女士近来进了保健班,每天都锻炼。Keep fit, study well and work hard. 身体好,学习好,工作好。

2. Dance is an important part of training as it prepares you for the types of movements required in gymnastics. 舞蹈是训练中的一个重要部分,因为它为你完成体操所需要的各种动作做了准备。1). prepare sb. for sth. = prepare sb. to do sth. 使某人对……进行准备; e.g. The teacher is preparing his students for the English Contest. 那位老师正在指导学生准备英语竞赛。You should prepare yourselves for the coming examinations. 你们应该对即将到来的考试有所准备。Jack is preparing himself to sit for the examination for Harvard. 杰克正在为哈佛大学的入学开始做准备。Please prepare the table for dinner. 请摆好桌子准备吃饭。 2). require vt 需要;要求;命令;e.g. This suggestion requires carefully thought. 这个建议需要仔细考虑。Your clothes require washing / to be washed. 你的衣服需要洗一洗了。I require you to keep it a secret. 我要求你们对这件事保密。He did this of his own accord. The school didn’t require him to do this. 他这样做是出于自愿,学校并没有要求他这样做。The school requires that each of the teachers and clerks arrive at the office by half past eight. 学校规定要求全体教职员工在八点半钟前到校。The boss requires that all the workers work all night tonight. 老板要求员工们今晚干一个通宵。**** (1). require 后接宾语从句,从句中的谓语用虚拟语气. “(should) + 动词原形”。(2). Require 后接动名词,相等于接动词不定式的被动式。

3. One of the aims is to make the body stronger for jumps and turns and for movements of balance. 目的之一是使体格强健,以适应弹跳,转体及平衡动作。aim n. 目标;目的;Sb’s aim is to do sth. 某人的目标是……;aim in + n./v-ing在……上的目标 / 目的;take aim at 瞄准;v. aim at + n./ v-ing = aim to do 以……为目标;aim sth. at sth./sb. 用……对准/瞄准……;e.g. What is your aim in working so hard? 你学习这么努力,目标是什么?My aim is to complete the task as soon as possible. 我的目的就是尽快完成这项任务。He took aim at the deadly snake with his gun. 他用枪瞄准那条致命的大毒蛇。I aim to be a writer. 我立志当作家。He aimed his gun at the deadly snake. 他用枪瞄准那条致命的大毒蛇。

4. It also helps your body bend forwards, backwards and sideways, and improves the way you hold your body. 舞蹈还可以帮助你的身体前弯,后仰,两侧转动, 而且还可以改进控制体态的方法。forward ; backward ; upward ; downward ;

inward ; outward ; eastward ; northward ; e.g. Let’s look forward to the future.



5. In competitions women perform some of their exercises to music, so dance, gymnastics and music are all connected. 在竞赛中,女子表演的某些体操动作还配有音乐,因此舞蹈,体操和音乐三者融为一体。do sth to music 伴随音乐做某事;They were dancing to light music. 他们随着轻音乐翩翩起舞。The students are doing eye exercises to music. 学生们伴随着音乐在做眼保健操。

6. There are a few simple safety measures to follow while training. 有几点简单的安全措施必须遵守。safety measures 安全措施; measure 作为“措施”时必须用复数形式;take measures 采取措施; The government has suggested measures to solve the problem with pollution. 政府已经提出了解决污染问题的措施。measure n. v. 量具;量器;标准;尺度;测量;Words can not always give the measure of one’s feelings. 语言往往不尽能表达人的感情。This classroom measures five meters across. 这个教室宽5 米。

7. In fact, most gymnasts start with simple exercises while they are still at kindergarten. 事实上,多数体操运动员从幼儿园起就开始简单的训练。start with… = begin with… 以……开始;开始时……;e.g. Dictionaries usually start with the letter A. 词典通常以字母A开始。

8. Gymnasts have to show that they can move neatly and easily, hold a position steady, keep their balance while doing a handstand, and jump both forwards and backwards. 在做双手倒立,前跟翻和后翻的动作时,他们都要能做到干净,利索,稳定和平衡。steady adj. 稳固的;平稳的;e.g. Prices remain steady all the time. 物价一直保持稳定。How can I make the table steady? 我怎样才能把这张桌子放平稳呢?

9. Only women perform on the high-and-low bars, one of which is higher than the other, and the “beam”, which is a length of wood only four inches wide which is fixed at a height of 1.20 meters above the ground. 只有女子参加高低杠(一根杆比另一根杆高)和平衡木的比赛(平衡木是一根只有四英寸宽的木头,安置在离地面1.2米的高度)。 at a height of … 在……的高度;e.g. The plane flew at a height of 8000 meters. 那架飞机是在八千米的高度飞行的。at a speed of … 以……速度;at a depth of …在……深度;at a rate of… 以……比率;

10. Training by yourself in a gym can be highly dangerous. 你独自一人在体育馆训练会有高度危险。highly adv. 高度地(表示抽象概念);而high表示具体的高度。e.g. We think highly of his research in this field. 我们对他在这一方面的研究评价很高。The bird is flying high in the sky. 那只鸟在天上高高飞翔。deep deeply ; wide widely ; close closely ;

11. Wear tight clothing without collars or belts so that it doesn’t catch on any of the equipment. 要穿无领,无腰带的紧身衣,以免挂住器械。catch vi. vt. 抓住;钩住;e.g. Her dress caught on a nail sticking out of the door. = A nail sticking out of the door caught her dress. 她的衣服被门上的一根钉子挂住了。
