

<<陈老师课堂>>重点难点点拨 高三英语 Unit 9

Lesson 33

1. She is at the doctor’s. 她在医生诊疗室里。 at the doctor’s 在医生办公室里; 在英语中,表示“在……家里 / 店铺里 / 办公室里” 常常可以用 “at + 名词所有格” 的省略式。 这个名词前可以用the或人称代词所有格来修饰。e.g. at the barber’s 在理发店; at the baker’s 在面包店; at the chemist’s 在药店; at the dentist’s 在牙医诊所; at the grocer’s 在杂货店; at the photographer’s 在照相馆; at the Zhangs’ 在张家; at Mr. Zhang’s 在张先生家; at my uncle’s 在我叔叔家; I remember seeing you one evening at her aunt’s. 我记得有一天晚上在她姨妈家见过你。

2. I’ve got a pain here too. 我这儿也疼。pain n. vt. 疼痛;使痛苦;使苦恼;e.g. The old man has pains in the chest. 这位老人胸部疼痛。She’s got a pain in the stomach. 她胃疼。 It pains me to have to disobey you, but I must. 不得不违抗你使我感到很痛苦,但是我不得不这样做。Doesn’t your laziness pain your parents? 你的懒惰难道不会使你的父母亲难过吗? n. 努力;辛劳;take pains to do sth. 下功夫做某事;e.g. No pains, no gains. 不劳无获。Our teacher has taken pains to help us with our English studies. 我们老师下了很大的功夫帮助我们学习英语。The soldier was wounded, and in pain. 这位战士受了伤,很疼。 The boy was crying with pain after he broke his arm. 这孩子摔断了胳臂后疼得大哭起来。**** pain 做 “努力;辛劳”时必须用复数。in pain 做表语; with pain 做状语.

3. And I can only move my arm as much as this. 我的手臂只能动到这么大的幅度。as much as 几乎(等于); 尽管; e.g. You as much as promised you would help us. 你几乎答应了要来帮助我们的。The clerk as much as told me that I was a fool. 那个职员言下之意就是说我是傻瓜。(As) Much as I wouldn’t go there, I went. 尽管我不愿意去那儿,可我还是去了。(As) Much as I hate to do it, I will have to stay here for night. 尽管我不愿意,可我不得不呆在这儿过夜。****表示 “尽管” 这层意思时,第一个as可以省略。

4. I was doing some exercises on the high-and-low bars. 我正在进行高低杠练习。exercise (不可数名词)运动;锻炼; (可数名词)早操;体操;练习; take exercise 锻炼;do exercises 做练习;做操;e.g. We get up to take exercise at seven every morning. 我们每天早晨七点钟起床锻炼身体。We do a lot of exercises before the examinations. 考试前我们做大量的练习。

5. Someone was standing too close and I knocked into him and fell over onto my shoulder. 有人站得离我太近,我撞到他的身上后摔倒了,碰了肩膀。knock into … 撞到……上; e.g. He would almost knock into me before he saw me. 他几乎就要撞到我的身上时才看到我。 The hare ran so fast that it knocked into a tree and died. 那只野兔跑得太快,撞到一棵树上丧命了。knock about 冲击;粗暴对待;e.g. I wish the stepmother would stop knocking the child about. 我希


望那位继母不要再虐待那个孩子。The ship was knocked about by the storm. 航船受到暴风雨的冲击。 knock down 使降价;拆掉;撞倒;e.g. These old buildings will sooner or later be knocked down. 这些老房子迟早要拆掉。The housewife managed to knock him down the eggs. 那位家庭主妇设法使他把鸡蛋的价格降了下来。 knock off 敲掉;(削)价;停工; e.g. Knock the dust of your coat. 把大衣上的尘土掸掉。They knocked off 1000 yuan from the price of the computer. 他们把计算机的价格削减了1000元。It’s time to knock off. 该下班了。 knock up (使)筋疲力尽;赶造;敲门叫醒;He sent his son to knock up a drug store and get some medicine. 他叫儿子去敲开一家药店的门买一点药。Zhou Yu had Zhuge Liang knock up one hundred thousand arrows within three days. 周瑜让诸葛亮三天之内赶造十万枝箭。 fall over 摔倒;跌倒;e.g. Jack slipped on a banana skin and fell over. 杰克踩到一块香蕉皮上滑倒了。The old grandma suddenly fell over. 那位老太太突然摔倒了。

6. I think you have been fortunate. 我认为你很幸运。 be fortunate to have done sth. / be fortunate in doing sth 在……方面很幸运; e.g. He was fortunate to have had the chance of doing so. 他真幸运能有机会做那样的事情。You are fortunate to have had the help and guidance of such a man. 有这样的一个人给你帮助和指点,你真幸运。You are fortunate in being able to study here. 能在这儿学习,你们真的很幸运。We were fortunate in finding the cave without any trouble. 我们真幸运,毫不费力地就找到那个山洞。

7. Have you ever used the hot-cloth-and-frozen-peas treatment? 你以前用过热布冷豆治疗法吗?treatment n. 治疗;疗法;

8. And so on and so on. 就这样热敷和冷敷反复交替进行。and so on and so on = again and again / over and over 这里用了两次and so on,意思是 “反复循环地进行…… ”;e.g. We listen to the recording, try to imitate the pronunciation and intonation and make dialogues among ourselves and so on and so on. This is the way we learn spoken English. 我们听录音,尽力模仿语音语调,然后自己编对话,如此循环往复,这就是我们学习英语口语的方法。Life is exactly the same for middle school students. In the morning they have four classes, in the afternoon another four classes and in the evening three hours for self-study and so on and so on. 中学生的生活是一成不变的。上午四节课,下午又四节课,晚上三个小时的自习,如此循环往复。 此外and so on and so on 还可以说成 and so on and so forth 。

9. What does that do? 那起什么作用呢?句子中的第二个do的意思是:产生效果;有益处;起作用;e.g. The new rule may do some good. 新规定可以产生一些良好的效果。The room will do me quite well. 这房子很合适我住。
