

<<陈老师课堂>>重点难点点拨 高三英语 Unit 8

Lesson 31

1. …but towards the end of our crossing a terrible storm came up and the ship would have sunk with all on board but for the efforts of the captain. 但是在横渡航程将要结束时出现了可怕的大风暴,要不是船长的努力,我们就会连船带人都沉没了。1). come up 出现;走上前;提出;发芽;e.g. I’ll let you know if anything comes up. 如果发生什么事,我会让你知道的。A beggar came up to us and asked for money while we were waiting for the train. 我们候车的时候,一位乞丐走过来要钱。The seeds I planted last week hasn’t come up. 我上周种的种子还没发芽。 2). but for 如果不是;e.g. I would not have succeeded but for your help. 要不是你帮忙的话,我是不会成功的。But for the snow we would have had a very pleasant journey. 要不是下雪的话,我们旅行会很愉快的。

2. But after pumping for one whole night, they were losing the battle against the rising water and were on the point of giving up. 但是在经过一整夜的抽水之后,他们没有能战胜不断上升的水,他们快要放弃努力了。on the point of doing 正要去做……; e.g. We were on the point of calling him up when he came. 我们刚准备去叫他这时他来了。I was on the point of leaving when it began to rain. 我正准备离开,这时天下起了雨。

3. The captain, as soon as he realized the situation, took charge . 船长一看到这种情况就采取了紧急措施。take charge 负责(人做主语); 不受控制(物做主语); e.g. Mr Jiang was sent to No 3 Middle School to take charge 蒋主任被派去负责三中的工作。The driving belt took charge and ran out. 传送带不受控制,脱了出来。Miss Liu takes charge of Class 1 Grade 3. 刘老师负责管理高三(1)班。

4. His strong will doubled their efforts. 他的坚强意志使他们加倍努力。

5. How the men pumped like crazy! 水手们拼命地抽着水。crazy adj. 疯狂的;狂热的;like crazy 拼命地; 疯狂地; e.g. You are crazy to do so. 你这么做简直是疯了。In order to finish his task on time, he works like crazy. 为了准时完成任务,他拼命地工作。be crazy on / about (dong) sth. 醉心于……;e.g. He is recently crazy on playing football. 他最近特别喜欢踢足球。

6. I asked him whether there was any hope of saving the ship. 我问他有没有希望拯救这艘船。there be … hope / chance of … 有……的希望/机遇;e.g. There is every hope of his getting well. 他肯定有希望好起来的。Is there any hope of getting there in time? 还有希望按时到达那儿吗?There is often a chance of the week defeating the strong. 弱者常常有可能战胜强者。

7. Neither I nor any of the sailors will leave the ship so long as it remains above the surface of the sea. 只要这艘船还在海面上,我以及我的水手都不会离开船一步。so long as 只要;e.g. We can surely overcome all the difficulties so long as we are closely united. 只要我们紧密地团结在一起,我们就一定能够克服一切困难。
