

<<陈老师课堂>>重点难点点拨 高三英语 Unit 7

Lesson 27

1. In 1177 the capital city of Angkor was seized after a fierce battle and fell into ruins. 1177年,经过一场激烈的战争之后,都城吴哥沦陷了,成了一片废墟。 1). seize vt. (突然)抓住;理解;夺取;攻占;没收;e.g. The cat seized a bird. 那只猫抓住了一只鸟。The policeman seized the thief. 警察抓住了小偷。I can’t quite seize what you said. 我不很理解你说的话。The army seized the power. 军队夺取了政权。 2). fall into ruins 沦为废墟;e.g. 那城堡已经变成一片废墟。fall into 陷入(某种状态);开始……起来;分为……;e.g. Alone in London, without work, without friends, he fell into despair. 他一人在伦敦,没有工作,没有朋友,陷入了绝境。 They fell into a heated discussion of the question. 他们热烈地讨论起这个问题来。The students fell into four groups and had a discussion. 学生们分成四个小组进行讨论。

2. The French, after discovering the ruined temple, did a lot of repair work up until 1970, when the war forced the last of the French workforce to leave. 法国人发现了这座成了废墟的庙宇以后,做了大量的修缮工作,直到1970年为止,这时战争迫使最后一批法国劳务人员离开了那儿。up until 一直到……为止; e.g. Up until yesterday the two sides had agreed on all the items of this contract. 直到昨天,双方才就合同的条款达成一致的意见。**** until 可作为介词或连词,用于肯定句时,谓语动词必须用持续性动词;用在否定句中,谓语动词必须用终止性动词。e.g. The smoke grew heavier and heavier until finally it turned into a terrible genie. 烟雾越来越浓,最后变成了一个可怕的魔鬼。 Don’t leave until I come back. 等我回来后你再走。

3. In 1980, an Indian team visited the temple to prepare a report and found the temple in a poor state. 1980年,印度的一个专家小组为了准备一份修复报告,参观了这座庙宇,发现它已经是破败不堪了。in a poor state of 处于……状态下; e.g. She was in a very calm state of mind. 她的心态非常平静。At that time, the whole country was in a state of war. 那时,整个国家处在战争状态之中。The room is in a very dirty state. 房间里非常地脏。in the same state 老样子

4. Thousands of stone blocks were moved and new roof sections were replaced where necessary. 移动了成千上万的石块,必要的地方还换上了新房顶。 where necessary 是一个省略了的状语从句。在英语中,一些表示时间,条件,让步的状语从句,如果从句的谓语中含有be动词,从句的主语又与主句的主语一致,或是代词it,那么从句的主语和谓语be常常一同省略,这样的从句可以由if; unless; when; while; until; once; though; where; 来引导。e.g. The work was finished sooner than (it was) expected. 这项工作完成得比预期的要快。Don’t speak until (you are) spoken to. 别人让你讲话时你再讲。Turn to your teacher for help when (it is) necessary. 必要的时候可以找你的老师帮忙。He won’t come unless (he is) invited. 除非受到邀请,否则他不会来的。
