<<陈老师课堂>>重点难点点拨 高三英语 Unit 3


Lesson 10

1. Once they were known as “aborigines”, which means “the first people of a country”, 这些人曾被称为“土著人”,意思是“一个地方最早的居民”,be known as … 大家公认……; 被称为……;be known for… 因……而著名; be known to…为……所知; be known by… 凭……可知道; e.g. Mr. Wang is known as an authority on Mathematics in our school. 王老师被认为我校的数学权威。Mr.Chen is known to everyone as a good headmaster. 人人都知道陈先生是个好校长。Guilin is known for its beautiful sceneries. 桂林以风景优美而出名。This fact is known to us all. 这个事实众所周知。A bird is known by its note and a man by his talk. 闻其鸣而知其鸟,听其声而知其人。

2. They developed a strong system of society. 他们形成了一种牢固的社会制度。develop vt. 发育;成长;发生;冲洗(胶卷);e.g. Plants develop from seeds. 植物由种子发育而成。He developed a cough. 他咳嗽起来了。

3. Their spiritual faith and their gods were very important to them, and knowledge, customs and memories were handed down by the elders of the race. 对他们来说,他们的宗教信仰,他们信奉的神是非常重要的;他们的知识,生活习惯以及他们所怀念的事情都是由他们的祖先传授下来的。 hand down 把传下来 e.g. The story was handed down from generation to generation. 这个故事世代相传。 Our forefathers have handed a rich national culture down to us. 我们的祖先给我们留下了丰富多彩的民族文化。In poor families, clothes may be handed down from the elder child to the younger. 在穷人家庭中,大孩子穿过的衣服小的接着穿。

4. Kooris developed a way of life that was suitable for this hot and in many places dry country. 古利人形成了一种适合于这个炎热并在许多地方非常干燥的国家的生活方式。be suitable for 对于……适合的;适宜于…… e.g. I don’t think he is suitable for the post. 我认为他不适合干这个工作。Do you think this present is suitable for a little boy? 你认为这件礼物送给小婴儿合适吗?***suitable 与 fit 的区别: suitable后面可接for sth.和to sb.; 而fit做形容词只能接介词for,而且句子的主语必须是人 e.g. The manager isn’t fit for his position. 经理不胜任他的职务。The work was not suitable to me. 那工作不适合我干。

5. a curiously shaped piece of wood 一块形状奇特的木头

6. They lived by hunting animals, birds and fish, and by gathering roots, nuts and wild fruits.他们靠打猎,捕鸟,打鱼生活,靠采集芦根,坚果以及野生水果生活。live by 以……为生, by后接动名词表示方式或手段;live on 以……为主食; 以……为生,on后面接名词表示主食或生活来源 e.g. Teachers live by teaching and farmers live by farming. 教师靠教书为生,农民靠种地为生。They live on a small income. 他们靠微薄的收入维持生活。

7. They became experienced at finding underground springs. 他们寻找地下泉水很有经验。become experienced at / in (doing) sth. 逐渐积累经验; be experienced at / in sth对有经验(表示状态)e.g. His uncle is experienced at / in repairing cars. 他叔叔修理汽车很有经验。 He is quite experienced in this kind of work.. 他干这类工作相当有经验。underground adj. 地下的;不公开的;adv.秘密地;n. 地下铁道; e.g. underground movement 地下活动 This news has been passed on underground. 这个消息已经被秘密地传开了。 She likes


to travel by underground. 她喜欢乘地铁。

8. As a result, the Kooris have been able to live for thousands of years in a desert land in which a foreigner would quickly starve or die from lack of water. 所以古利人能够在一个外国人可能会很快饿死或者因为缺水而死去的沙漠土地上生存数千年之久。starve vt.(使)饿; (使)饿死;starve to death饿死; starve for / be starved of 渴望; 急需; e.g. They got lost in the desert and starved to death. 他们在沙漠中迷路饿死了。The lonely boy is starving for friendship. 那个孤独的男孩子渴望得到友谊。the lack of water缺水 The plants died for lack of water. 那些植物因缺水而死。

9. Just over 200 years ago Kooris made up 100% of the population, but today they only made up a little over 1% of the population. 就在两百多年前,古利人占人口的100%,但今天他们只占人口的1% 稍多一些。 make up 组成;构成;占……; 编造; e.g. Workers and peasants make up the majority the population of our country. 工人农民占我国人口的大多数。Eleven players make up a football team. 十一名队员组成一支足球队。 He is good at making up an excuse. 他擅长于编造借口。This makes up 12% of their total income. 这是他们总收入的百分之十二。make up for 弥补;补偿; e.g. Have a good sleep and it can make up for a tiring day. 好好睡一觉就可以补足劳累的一天。We have to drive fast to make up the hours we lost. 我们必须把车开快一些,把耽误的时间补回来。

10. Kooris do not believe in owning possessions or land and they could not understand how settlers took land as their own..古利人不赞成私人拥有财产和土地,所以他们无法理解移民们是如何把土地据为己有的。 believe in 在这个句子中的意思是“主张”;“赞成”;“觉得好”后接动名词。 e.g. I believe in keeping early hours.我主张早睡早起。He believed in Lesson 10 being taught on the translation method. 他觉得第十课用翻译法教学比较好。

11. Education was intended for white settlers only. 教育只是为白人移民而设立的。 intend vt.打算;设计;intend for打算;设计; e.g. He intended to study abroad next year. 他打算明年去国外留学。 He intended his son to be a doctor. 他打算让儿子当医生。 This book is intended for the students of Senior Three. 这本书是专门为高三学生编写的。 What he said was intended for someone else, not for you. 他的话是说给另外一个人听的,不是针对你的。
