<<陈老师课堂>>重点难点点拨Unit 13


高二英语 Lesson 49

1. Four American students are comparing notes on famous people. 四个学生正在谈论著名的科学家. compare notes exchange ideas or opinions 谈论;交换意见/看法;对笔记;例如:The students often compare notes after class. 学生们下课后经常对笔记. Mother and Aunt Liu like to compare notes about cooking. 妈妈和刘阿姨喜欢就烹调交换意见. compare…with… 将……与……作比较; compare…to… 将……比着……; compare with / to… 与……相比; 例如:If we compare the new China with the old China, we can see what great changes have taken place since liberation. 如果我们把新中国与旧中国加以比较,我们就能看出解放以来发生了多么巨大的变化. He compares books to friends. 他把书籍比着朋友. London is large, compared to / with Paris. 与巴黎相比,伦敦大一些.(相比较的形容词必须用原级而不用比较级)

2. I’m doing a word puzzle in this newspaper. 我在猜报纸上的字谜. do a word puzzle do a puzzle in words 猜字谜,短语中的puzzle 是名词. a thing that is difficult to understand or answer 例如:The murder case was a puzzle to the police. 这件谋杀案对警察当局来说是个谜. It is a puzzle to me how he could know it. 我不清楚他是怎么知道这件事的. puzzle 也可用着动词. make you think a lot because you don’t understand 例如:This question puzzled all of us. 这个问题难倒了我们所有的人. I was puzzled by his problem and I didn’t know how to answer it. 我被他的问题难住了不知道怎么回答.

3. That fits the puzzle. 这才符合谜底. fit vi. /vt. be the right shape and size for sth. / sb. 例如:This coat fits me well. 这件外套正合身. We will fit the new suit on you. 我们马上给你试穿新衣服. He fitted a new lock on the door. 他给门安装了一把新锁. adj. be fit for sth. / be fit to do sth. 例如: He is fit for the job / position. 他适合于干这项工作. If we go on polluting the world, it won’t be fit to live in. 如果我们继续污染地球,它就不适合我们居住了.

4. What did he do? = What was he? 用于询问某人的身份或职业,意思为“他是干什么的?” 回答可以用 be + 名词,或者用行为动词 + 其他成分,例如:---What does he he do? ---Let me see. Oh, he is a doctor. / he works in a hospital. ---他是干什么的? ---我来瞧瞧. 哦,他是个医生.

5. Read the following and tell your classmates who they are .

A. The man was born in 1847. He was one of the greatest inventors of American history.

He got more than 1000 patents(专利) for his inventions. He sold newspapers on a train when he was very young. He died in 1931. on the evening of the day of his burial, millions of lights all across the United States were put out for one minute at 10 o’clock in honour of him.

B. He is generally known as one of the greatest scientists of all time. Only Albert Einstein,

perhaps, enjoys equal fame. He was born in 1642 in England. He developed the idea of universal gravitation. In his most famous book, <<Principles of Natural Philosophy>>, he explains his ideas on the universe, and give his famous three laws of motion.


<<陈老师课堂>>重点难点点拨 高二英语 Unit 13

Lesson 50

1. By the time he was fourteen years old, he had had learned maths all by himself. 到了14 岁的时候,他就已经自学了数学. by oneself alone, without help 例如: He did it all by himself. 他自己做了那件事. The clock stopped by itself. 钟自己停了.

2. All through his life Einstein was content to spend most of his time alone, although he married twice and had lots of close friends. 虽然他结过两次婚,也有许多亲密的朋友,但是在整个一生中,他愿意单独度过他的大部分时光. content adj. feeling satisfaction 满意的; 愿意的; be content to do sth. / be content with sth. be willing or ready to do sth. 例如: Tom is content with the result of the exam. 汤姆对考试的结果满意. I’m well content to do so. 我愿意干那样的事情. ***形容词content 用well来修饰而不用very来修饰. content vt. to satisfy sb. 使……满足; 例如: We should never content ourselves with book knowledge only. 我们决不能仅仅满足于书本上的知识. Simple praise is enough to content him. 简单的几句赞美的话就足以使他心满意足了.

3. With the pay that he received and saved, he went on with his studies at university, where he received a doctor’s degree in 1905. 用他挣来的工资和积存的钱,他继续读大学,并于1905年获得博士学位. go on with sth. to continue an activity, especially after a break. 继续, 尤指中断后再继续 例如: After a while, he went on with the work. 过了一会儿他继续干活. If we don’t finish the work today, we can go on with it tomorrow.

6. …he began his research and studies which led to his new discoveries in physics. 他开始进行了使他在物理学方面获得新发现的研究工作. lead to 导致; 通向; 例如: Eating too much fat can lead to heart disease. 吃太多的脂肪会导致心脏疾病. Hard work leads to wealth / success. 辛勤劳动导致成功 / 带来财富.

7. At the end of the First World War in 1918, Einstein received worldwide praise for his scientific research. 1918年第一次世界大战结束的时候,爱因斯坦的科学研究受到了世界范围的广泛赞扬. worldwide 世界范围的; schoolwide 全校范围的; 合成形容词: 再如: world–famous; ice-cold; snow-white;

8. In 1933 Einstein and his family left Europe for the USA. 1933年爱因斯坦和他的家人离开欧洲前往美国. leave … for … 离开……前往……; leave for … 到……去; 例如: Mr. Johnson left for Skanghai yesterday. 约翰逊先生昨天动身去上海了. ***leave后面跟 for而不是to. 在英语中, 表示 “往,来” 的动词, 如go, come, return 等后面的介词用to; 表示 “离开, 起行” 的动词, 如 leave, sail, start, head 等后面的介词不用to 而要用for. 例如: They headed straight for the West Park. 他们直奔西公园而去. We started for the cotton field early in the morning. 那天早上我们很早就动身去了棉田.

9. Besides his work in physics, he spent a lot of time working for human rights and progress. 除了在物理学方面的工作之外,他还花了大量的时间为人权和人类的进步而工作. human rights 人权 right n. 正义; 公理 例如: He is too young to know the difference between right and wrong. 他太小了还不能分辨是非. rights 权利 例如: Women must stand up and fight for their rights. 妇女们应该奋起为自己的权利而斗争.


<<陈老师课堂>>重点难点点拨 高二英语 Unit 13

Lesson 51

1. Before Einstein, scientists believed that light travelled through space in a straight line. 在爱因斯坦之前,科学家们认为光是以直线穿过太空的. space 太空; 宇宙空间.(不可数名词) 不加冠词. 例如: The earth moves through space. 地球在太空中运行. The universe exsits in space. 宇宙存在于太空中运行. 空间; 空地. Have you got enough space to work in? 你有足够的地方工作吗?

2. But Einstein was able to prove that light coming from the star was bent as it passed the sun. 然而爱因斯坦却能证明从恒星来的光线当其经过太阳的时候变弯曲了. prove vt. 证明; 例如: Who can prove it? 谁能证明这件事情? This will prove to the world that we are right. 这将向全世界证明我们是正确的. Can you prove where you were on May 10th? 你能证明五月十日那天你在哪儿吗? link-v. 证明是; 事实表明. History proved them wrong. 历史证明他们错了. His advice proved very helpful. 他的建议证明很有帮助的. She proved a very strict teacher. 事实证明她是一位严格的老师.

3. …he could also work out how far the stars would appear to have moved. 他还能把恒星看上去移动了的距离也计算了出来. appear link-v. 似乎是 后接动词不定式或形容词做表语. 例如: He appeared to be very friendly with us. 他对我们显得很友好. You appear to have read the book. 看起来你曾读过这本书. It appears + that 从句 例如: It appears that he is satisfied with the work. 看起来他对这项工作挺满意的. appear与seem的区别: appear给人以外表印象, 含有实际上并非如此之意; seem判断接近于事实. 比较下面的两个句子: He appears quite young. (他实际上并不年轻) He seems quite young. (他的确看上去很年轻)

4. But Eistein stuck to his opinion and went on with his research. 但他坚持他的观点并且继续不断的进行他的研究. stick to sth. 坚持; 坚守(原则, 计划, 决定, 意见, 诺言); 坚持干某事; 例如: Don’t stick to your opinion. 不要坚持己见. He sticks to his ideal. 他忠实于自己的理想. 对比insist on 坚持(主张, 看法); 例如: He insisted on his correctness. 他坚持认为自己是正确的. They insisted on leaving right away. 他们坚持要马上走.

5. From that time on Einstein was greatly respected as the leading scientist of the century. 从那时起,爱因斯坦倍受尊敬,被公认为本世纪最杰出的科学家. 1). respect sb. as… 将某人作为……来尊敬; respect sb. for… 因为……而尊敬某人; 例如: We repected her as a good teacher. 我们把她作为一位优秀的好老师而尊敬她. She was respected by her students for her good teaching. 她因为教学好而受到尊敬. 2). leading adj. 主要的 例如:Who is the leading actor in the film? 谁是这部电影的男主角?China is now playing a leading role in the economy of Asian and the Pacific areas. 中国正在亚太地区经济中发挥着重要作用.

6. As Switzerland did not take sides in the war. 因为瑞士在大战中没有支持任何一方. take sides to support sb. 站在……一方 例如:You mustn’t take sides in the argument. 你绝不可以偏袒争吵中的任何一方. Please take sides with me. 请站在我这边. take the side of sb. = take one’s side = stand on one’s side.

7. What he wanted to see was an end to all the armies of the world. 他想要看到的是,世界上


的一切军队全都消亡. end n. 终点;末端;尽头. cigarette ends 烟头; at the end of 在……尽头; the end of the year 年底; make ends meet 收支相抵; bring …to an end 结束, 完成, 终止; for / to this end 为此; 为了达到这一目的; gain / achieve / obtain / reach / win one’s end 达到目标; an end to … ……的结束; 例如: The Chinese strongly demand an end to all unequal treaties. 中国人民强烈要求废除一切不平等条约.

8. When Germany was ruled by Hitler in the early 1930s, …. 在20世纪30年代初期希特勒统治着德国的时候. rule vt.统治, 控制. n. 规则, 统治; 例如:We hope that our governmentwill rule with justice. 我们希望我们的政府能够公正治国. The United States has been trying to maintain their leading rule in the world.


<<陈老师课堂>>重点难点点拨 高二英语 Unit 13

Lesson 52

1. By the time he was fourteen, Einstein had already taught himself advanced mathematics . 到了14 岁的时候,爱因斯坦就已经自学了高等数学. advance vi./ vt. 推进; 促进; 前进; 例如: His work advanced the science of physics. 他的工作促进了物理学的发展. A month has passed and the work has not advanced. 一个月过去了 而工作却毫无进展. We are advancing along the socialist road. 我们正沿着社会主义道路前进. advanced先进的; 高级的; 例如:an advanced worker 先进工作者; an advanced engineer高工; advanced mathematics 高等数学.

2. He studied hard and took his degree at the end of his course 他勤奋学习并且在课程结束时获得了学位. course n. 过程; 进程; 课程; 一道菜; in the course of discussion 在讨论期间; a short-term course 短训班; radio course in English 英语广播讲座. We had four courses for dinner this evening. 今晚我们吃了四道菜.

language Study:

Noun Clauses as the Subject (主语从句)

主语从句在复合句中做全句的主语. 引导主语从句的连接词有that; whether; who; what;

which; when; where; how; why . 引导主语从句的连接词不能省略. 请注意下面的例句:

1. That she was chosen made us very happy. 她的当选使我们很高兴.

2. Who will go there is not very important. 谁将去那儿并不重要.

3. What we need is more time. 我们所需要的是更多的时间.

4. When they will start has not been decided yet. 他们何时动身还没有决定.

5. Where she has gone is not known yet. 她去了哪儿还不知道

6. How he became a scientist is known to all. 大家都知道他是怎样成为一位科学家的.

上述例句中的主语从句都放在句首. 但有时主语从句放在句首, 会使句子显得笨重, 特别是主语从句太长时. 因此我们常用it做形式主语, 而把主语从句放到句子的后面去. 例如:

7. It is a pity that she has made such a mistake. 真遗憾她犯了这样一个错误.

8. It is strange that he didn’t come yesterday. 真奇怪他昨天没有来.

用it 做形式主语的主语从句常用的句型有:

It is possible / important / necessary / clear that… 很可能…… / 重要的是…… / 必要的是…… / 很清楚…… It is a pity that…. 很遗憾……

It is said / reported / well-known / that… 据说…… / 据报道…… / 众所周知……

It seems / appears / happens that… 显然…… / 似乎是…… / 碰巧……

*** 使用It is possible / important / necessary / clear that…句型时, 从句的谓语用虚拟语气. (should + 动词原形), should可以省略. 例如:

It is necessary that we should learn some English grammar. 我们学一点英语语法很有必要.

*** whether引导的主语从句, 常置于句首, 偶尔也能后置. 例如:

It is not yet known weather / if they will go there. 还不知道他们是否会去那儿

*** If不可以放在句首用来引导主语从句, 但偶见放在主句后面引导主语从句
