Unit 8 First aid


Lesson 29

Teaching aims:

通过本单元教学,让学生掌情态动词must, mustn’t, should/shouldn’t, ought to 的用法;同时让学生了解有关急救的一些基本常识。

Step 1 Revision

1. Check the homework exercises. Get the students to give a talk on Canada, China, hometown

2. Tell the students an accident. Teach and revise some words: headache, knee, injure, etc.

Step 2 Presentation

1. General understanding. Ask the students to listen to the tape and then answer the questions of Ex.1.

2. Listen to the tape again, then ask the students to fill in the blanks according to the dialogue:

1) We _____carry her to the side of the road.

2) Leave her ____she is.

3) You ____move someone if they are badly hurt.

4) We ___must get help.

5) You ____get p if you are badly hurt.

6) I ____go home.

7) I ___cook supper for my grandmother.

8) ___worry about that.

9) Right now need you ___to stay still until people come.

3. Ask the students to read the dialogue and take notes in two columns as following.

Dos Don’ts

Leave the girl where she is carry the girl

Telephone for help move the girl

Tell the girl not to worry let the girl get up

Tell the girl to stray still

Step 3. Dialogue Practice

1. Let the students practise the dialogue in pairs.

2. Ask the students to retell the dialogue.

Step 4. Language points

1. No! Leave her where she is.

* leave Vt. 留下,遗留

There was nothing left after the big fire.


You had better leave the windows open.

His illness has left him weak

They went off and left me sitting there.

The teacher left the classroom, leaving the boy standing in the corner.

2. You mustn’t move someone if they are badly hurt.

My knee hurts, my foot hurts, and my head too.

* hurt vt. 使受伤,使伤害; vi. 感到疼痛 

The girl fell off the bike, and one of her legs hurt.

The girl fell off her. She hurt one of her legs.

* hurt/injure/wound

均可表示“受伤,伤害”。Injure 指意外事故中受伤,如骨折、摔伤等;hurt 既可指肉体上的伤害,也可指精神上的伤害,多指抽象的概念;wound 通常指因割,刺,打,撕裂等而受的伤,特指战斗中的刀枪伤。

The player was injured in his right leg.

More than 300 people were injured in the train accident.

His leg was badly hurt/injured while playing football.

She was badly hurt at his words.

The bullet wounded him in the head.

He was badly wounded in the chest in the fight.

3. I ought to go home.

* ought to = should 应该,语气较重,含“按道理应该。。。”

You should /ought to see the film.

I am going to buy five exercise books. That ought to be enough.

There ought to be more buses during the rush hours.


Ought Jenny to go ? Yes, she ought to go.

Jenny ought to go to see the film last night.

4.aid  帮助,促成,援助

 Your advice aided her to success.

A dictionary is an important aid in learning a new language.

With the aid of a neighbor, she managed to put out the fire.

* aid/help 两者可互换,aid 较为正式、庄重。日常生活中不多用;help 含义较广特别在日常生活中用的较多,几乎能用aid 的地方都可用help 代替。


aid each other

aid somebody to do something

aid sb. with sth.

go/come to aid sb.

with the aid of

call in one’s aid

aid station

4. fall 和knock off

knock off

* 把......敲掉,击到

The thief knocked off him off his feet and ran away.

The little girl was knocked off by a car.

* 停工

My health made me knock off working.

* 下班 

He always knocks off at six in the evening.


The shop assistant knocked ten percent off the bill.


He knocked off a composition in half an hour.

* 完成

I have a lot of work to knock off before I can take my holiday.

5. in five minute/within five minutes

* within five minutes 在五钟之内,不到五分钟

She finished doing her hair within five minutes.

* in five minutes 在五分钟之后,过了五分钟

This job can be done in three days.

She will be back in five minutes.

6. certain /sure

certain 确信无疑的,某个、某些

It is certain that two and two make four.

I am certain that he saw me.

A certain comrade Wang is wanting to see you at the gate of the school.

7. lie, lay

lie --- 1, 说谎,撒谎 lie --- lied, lied, lying 2,躺 lie --- lay, lain, lying

lay --- 1, 放置  2,产  laid, laid, laying

The boy was lying when he said he had laid the eggs laid by the hen in the basket before he lay in bed.

I found the eggs laid by the black hen lying on the floor.

laid on the floor.

laying on the floor.

8. especially / specially

especially 尤其,特别;specially 特地,特意,专门

She likes the countryside, especially in spring.

Smoking is bad for health, especially for young people.

He came here specially to say sorry to her.

She returned to her hometown specially to see her sick mother.

9. heavy

Lead is a heavy mental.

There was a heavy snowfall last night.

The manager has a heavy workload every day.

Father wears a heavy overcoat when it is cold.

The old man has a heavy heart.

He caught a heavy cold.

A heavy meal, a heavy road, a heavy blow, a heavy sky, a heavy crop, a heavy sleep, a heavy drinker, a heavy smoker, a heavy eater, a heavy snowfall, a heavy fire, a heavy task, a heavy heart, a heavy rain, heavy sea, heavy wine.
