Unit 4 Feed the world


Teaching objectives and demands:

1. Words and expressions:

Café; menu; oxen; waitress; wipe; ham; hot dog; sauce; pie; jam; regret; now and again; help oneself to; goose; geese; farmland; day by day; agricultural; irrigate; salty; pest; storage; ruin; damp; in a word; loss; whichever; ownership; politician; in debt; repay; cash crop; raise; butcher; hilly; mountainous; make sense; jar; solve; spoon

2. The daily expressions in communication:

What would you like to…?

Would you like something to eat?

I’d like…

Help yourself to some…

I’m full, thank you.

3. Grammar: Noun Clause.

4. Language use: The students are supposed to learn something about the food problem; the shrinking of the farmland; the population problem and the like.

Teaching time: 5 periods

Lesson 13

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Revision

(1) Check the homework exercises.

(2) Find out how much the Ss know about western food.

What kind of food do people eat in the west? Tell me the words for some western food.

Hamburger, ham salad, chocolate, sandwich, bread, ice cream, jam juice, apple pie, steak, beef, hot dog, pizza, pasta, French fries, potato salad, fried chicken,

Step 2. Presentation

SB Page 19, Part 1. Tell the students to talk about the picture and ask the students where they think Wang Bin and Carl were.

Step 3. Listening

Now listen to the dialogue and find out this information:

What are Wang Bing’s plans for the future? (He’s going to start work at the Farm Institute next month)

Step 4. Reading

Now read the dialog and find the answers to the questions:

Where were they? (In a restaurant)

What was Wang Bing going to eat? (Hot dog and potato salad)

Where was Wang Bing going to work? (At a Farm institute)

What does Wang Bing ask Carl to do before he moves? (Invite him to dinner at his house)

Step 5 Language points

(1) Have you ordered yet? 您点菜了吗?

I’ll take your order. (= write down which food you want and pass it to the kitchen)


Shall we order our dinner now? 订饭菜

(2) Yes, I sure am.

在美国英语中sure或surely常用来表示“当然(可以)”的意思,相当于英国英语中的of course或certainly。如:

----Can I borrow your bicycle? --------我可以借用你的自行车吗?


----Is he tall? --------Yes, he sure is. (=Sure/ Surely, he is.) ≠ He is sure.


(3) went without breakfast= didn’t have breakfast

Some of the students often get up late and go without breakfast.

(4) All the same. = Even though虽然;还是;仍然

It was raining hard, but we got there in time all the same. 但我们还是准时到达那里。

Thank you, all the same.尽管如此,还是要谢谢你。

(5) (every)now and again /then“不时地;偶尔”,可与from time to time换用。

I still see her for lunch every now and again /then,but not as often as I used to.


(6) fix a date确定日期,例如:

The scientists fixed the date of an excavation. 科学家确定出土文物的时期。

Let's fix a date for the meeting.让我们决定会期。

Step 5. Practice

SB P19, Part 2. Tell the students this part is compiled to practice the expressions usually used between a customer and a waiter or a waitress.

Step 6. Consolidation

WB Ex.1, get the students to do this exercise orally in pairs to consolidate the dialogue that we learned in Part 1.

Step 7. Workbook

Workbook Lesson 13, Exx.2 and 3. Get the students to do the exercises individually and then check the answers with the students.


(1) Finish off the exercises of Lesson 13 in the workbook.

(2) Preview the next lesson if the students have time.

Lesson 14 Feed the World (1)

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Revision

(1) Check the homework exercises.

(2) Revise the key points of Lesson13.

Step 2. Background information

In 1994, Professor Pimentel of Cornell University warned of the following problems in providing enough food for the world’s growing population:

*By 2100 the population will be 12-15 billion, or seven times its sustainable level. *Farmers are abandoning 25 million acres each year because of soil loss or water logging. *The declining fertility of the soil will lower food production by 20% in the next 25 years. *Topsoil is being lost 40 times faster than it can be replace. *Crop losses destroyed by pests have increase four times in the last 50 years.


It is generally agreed that only 5,000,000-10,000,000 humans (i.e., one one-thousandth of the present world population) were supportable before the agricultural revolution of about10,000 years ago. By the beginning of the Christian era, 8,000 years later, the human population approximated 300,000,000. The world population, which did not reach its first 1,000,000,000 until about 1800, added another 1,000,000,000 persons by 1930, the third was added by 1960, the fourth by 1974, and the fifth before 1990. On October 12, 1999, the world population reached 6 billion.

Step 3. Scanning

Now get the students to read the text and answer the following questions:

① Why is the area of farmland in the world getting smaller?

(It is being built on; it is being lost by the actions of the wind and the rain; land is becoming too salty)

② What are some of the ways of increasing food production?

(You can increase the area of farmland by irrigation;

You can build dams and water your fields;

You can pump water from low-lying areas;

You can develop new plants which produce heavier crops;

You can develop new plants which grow in poor soil;

You can develop new plants that are less likely to be attacked by pests and diseases.)

Step 4. Note making

Tell the students to read the text more carefully to find out the specific information. Then fill in the blanks with appropriate information from the text.


a. FAO: The Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations was founded in 1945 and has its headquarters in Rome. It has 158 members. The purpose of the organization is to improve rural conditions, agricultural production and distribution, and to raise nutritional levels.

b. In storage: while it is being stored.

c. Damp= fairly wet. The atmosphere can be very damp during the rainy season and grain can start to go bad.

d. Starve to death: die because they do don not have enough to eat.

e. Low-lying arrears: many of these areas are below sea level.

Step 5. Reference

SB P20, Part 4. Get the students to tell which words and phrases do the words printed in bold in the text referred to. Do orally with the class if time permits.

Step 6. Consolidation

Ask Ss to say what is happening about farmland and food production in China. Get them to give specific examples, for example the Three Gorges project and other changes in Changde. Are there any other reasons why food production is increasing or decreasing?

Step 7 Language points

1. It is thought that one billion people, that is half the world's workers, earn their living by farming. 据认为有十亿人,也就是全世界劳动人口的一半,是靠务农谋生的。

① 本句的句型结构是 It is thought + that-clause。

It is thought + that-clause 的意思大体相当于 People think + that-clause。(人们认为......,据认为......)。例如:

It is thought that our basketball team will certainly win. (= People think that our basketball team will certainly win.) 据认为(人们认为),我们的篮球队肯定会获胜。

It is thought + that-clause 句型结构中的谓语动词 think 还可以换用下列动词:

believe, know, report, say, suggest等,构成 It is believed / known / reported /said / suggested + that-clause 句型,分别相当于 People believe/know/report/say/suggest + that-clause的意思。

② earn one's living 是“谋生”、“挣钱过活”的意思。例如:

He began to earn his living at the age of twelve. 他12岁就开始自谋生活。

They earned their living by hunting. 他们靠打猎谋生。

She earned a hard living (by) washing ten hours a day.

2. For one thing, two thirds of the earth's surface is water, although this does provide a lot of food in the form of fish. 首先,地球表面的三分之二是水,尽管水的确提供了大量的可作食物的鱼类。

for one thing 作“首先”,“一则”解,用来列举理由。后面有时跟 for another (其次,再则)。例如:I can't go. For one thing, I have no money; for another, I have no time. 我去不成。一则没有钱,再则没有时间。

We should invite Jenny to the party. For one thing, she is fond of dancing and singing.我们应当邀请珍妮来参加晚会,理由之一是她喜欢唱歌跳舞。

I don't want to buy the coat. For one thing, I don't like the colour, and for another, the price is too high.我不想买这件外衣。一来我不喜欢这个颜色,再说价格也太贵了。

3. And the area is becoming smaller day by day.

day by day表示“逐着每天(变化)的”。例如:

The young tree grows taller and thicker day by day.长得一天比一天高/粗了。

Her mother grows older and weaker day by day.她母亲一天一天地衰老了,【注意】day after day意为“一天又一天地”,表示每天都要重复。例如:

We have taught middle school English day after day.我们天天教中学英语。

I have given lectures day after day.我天天都去讲课。

4.First, it is being built on. 第一,在耕地上搞建筑。

本句中的 it 指上文的 farmland, is being built 是现在进行时的被动语态(be + being + p.p.),后跟介词 on。全句的意思相当于Various kinds of buildings are being built on the farmland.

注意:原句中的介词 on 不可省略。类似的例句如下,其中的介词不可省略。

All the most urgent matters are now being attended to. (= We are now attending to all the most urgent matters.) 最紧急的事情现在全都在处理中。

This question is being much talked about. (=People are talking much about this question.)人们对这个在议论纷纷。

5. In a word, hunger is a big problem in the world today.

1)in a word作“总之”,“简言之”,“一言以蔽之”解。如:

In a word, we should work harder than ever. 总之,我们应当比过去更加努力工作。

In a word you didn't fully understand the teacher's explanation, so you made quite a few mistakes in your written work.总之,你没有完全理解老师的解释,所以你的作业有很多错误。

2)in words意为“用语言”。如:

He couldn't express his gratitude in words.他无法用语言来表达他的感激之情。

I don't want you to promise me in words that you'll be good.


3)in other words表示“换言之,“换句话说”。如:

In other words, we can finish the work on time only in this way.换句话说,只有这样我们才能准时完成工作。

In other words, you have broken the law.换言之,你违法了。


keep one's word to sb.(对某人)信守诺言,break one's word失信,eat one's words承认说错话have a word with sb., 与某人谈话,have words with sb,与某人口角。如:

I'll never break my word. 我决不食言。

I want to have a word with him.我想跟他谈谈话。

Jack often has words with his neighbours.杰克经常与他的邻居发生口角。

I said yesterday that you had stolen my car. Now I'm eating my words.


He is an honest man who always keeps his word.他是一个诚实的人,很守信用。

Never break your word, or no one will trust you.不要食言,否则没有人会信任你。

Step 7. Workbook

Get the students to do the wb exercises individually and then check the answers with the class.


Lesson 15 Feed the World (2)

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Revision

(1) Check the homework exercises.

(2) Ask Ss to tell 10 things that they have learnt so far in this unit.

Step 2. Presentation

In which country or countries in the world are people hungry today? (Africa, EU, DPRK, Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea, Angola, Afghanistan)

Why are people hungry in the world?

Because there is not enough farmland to produce enough food, and what makes it worse is that the limited farmland is being lost. There are wars, natural disasters; The world population is increasing too fast. All this leads to starvation.

You’re going to read a text about world hunger. How many countries or groups of countries are mentioned in the text? (Five kinds of countries.)

Read the passage quickly to find out the answers.

Step 3.Reading

Tell the students to read the text carefully and answer the questions on Wb P87. Do orally with the class.

Reasons for hunger

In EU: 1) Farmers are paid not to grow crops.

2) Food is bought and thrown away

In Indian: Land is owned by rich landowners

In less-developed: Farmers are forced to plant cash crops

Western countries: Grain is fed to beef cattle


a. The European Union: The EU, previously known as the EEC (European Economic Community) and later the EC (European Community), was originally formed in 1967. It comprises a group of European countries that is still being enlarged. The main aspects of the EU are a common external tariff, a common agricultural policy, a monetary policy, and the absence of customs controls on trade between member states.

b. The right to sell their crops to the EU: In an attempt to balance supply and demand, the EU guarantees prices of certain crops to farmers, even if there is a surplus.

c. Paid by the EU for not growing crops: This scheme is called set-aside. The purpose is to compensate farmers who take land out of food production in a situation where more food is produced than is consumed.

d. Cash crop: a crop that is sold rather than to be used by the people growing it, such as, tobacco, sugarcane, cocoa, coffee, cotton, soybean and so on.


1. What do farmers in the EU do if they provide too many crops? What happens to the crops? (sell their crops to the EU and the EU throws them away)

2. What can farmers receive from the EU if they leave some of their fields free and do not plant anything? What do you think of the policy?

(money: 1) lose interest in planting; 2) lead to the reduction of food production; 3) make people go hungry; 4) make the countries poor)

3. Is it possible to grow crops in hilly, dry or mountainous areas? How can we make good sense of them? (impossible; keep sheep or goats)

4. What can you do to help people who’re hungry?

(First, help them with the advanced agricultural technology to develop new plants which produce heavier crops;

Second, save every grain of rice. When you throw away the food which you don’t eat up, please think that many people in the world are hungry. Form the habit of saving everything.)

Main idea:

Par 1: Human beings have made some incorrect decisions.

Par 2: In EU and the USA, food is too much and some is thrown away.

Par 3: Farmers in some countries are not masters of the land they farm. So they

lack initiative.

Par 4: Many less-developed countries are in debt and the farmers are forced to

Grow cash crops to pay off the government’s debts.

Par 5: Too much grain is used to raise beef cattle.

Step 4. Language points

1. What can be done in order to make sure that no one in the world goes hungry?


go hungry 作“挨饿”解。 go + adj. 表示“转变成......”,go 是连系动词,作“变得”解。这个结构常表示变坏。例如:

The machines go wrong. 机器出了毛病。

He went almost mad when he heard the news. 他听到这个消息时几乎发疯了。

His illness is going worse. 他的病情正在恶化。

2. 在课文的第三段有二个含有虚拟语气的句子:

If the peasants could farm the land themselves, food production would be much higher. 倘若农民能够自己种田,那么粮食产量就会高得多。

They would not vote to lose their land and wealth, even if it resulted in a fairer society.使自己的土地和财产遭受损失的事,他们是不会投赞成票的,即使这样做的能导致一个更为公平的社会。第二个句子都使用了虚拟语气,即:对当前的情况作相反的假定。在这种句子中,条件从句的谓语用一般过去时(be动词用were),如第1)句中的 could farm, 第2)句中的 resulted in, 第3)句中的 were grown; 主句用 would / could / might + 动词原形。例如:

I'm busy. If I had time, I would go. 我现在很忙。如果我有时间,我是会去的。

So you have to leave. How nice it would be if you could stay a bit longer!

那么你不得不走。 要地你能多呆一会儿该多好!

If everyone in the country knew first aid, many lives would be saved.


If I were you, I would not give up. 如果我是你,我就不会放弃。

What would happen if she were told about it? 如果她知道这事,会发生什么情况呢?

3. even if it resulted in a fairer society.

result in和result from的用法区别

1)result in可用来表示“引起、导致或造成(某种结果)”,如:

The traffic accident resulted in three deaths.这起交通事故造成三人死亡。

Hard work results in success.努力工作就能成功。


Sickness often results from eating too much. 疾病往往因为吃得太多。

The accident resulted from carelessness.事故因粗心而产生。

4. Many less-developed countries are in debt because they borrowed money from richer countries in order to develop industry.许多不太发达的国家都欠了债,因为它们从较富裕的国家借了钱来发展工业。

① less-developed 是一个“副词 + 过去分词”的结构,作定语。

② (be) in debt 作“欠债”解。例如:

He was in debt when he was poor, but has been out of debt since he got rich.


They owe everybody money, so they are badly in debt. 他们负债太重。

【注意】类似的有:in trouble(处在困境中),in danger(处在危险之中),in charge(管理,负责),in common(共有,共同),in detail(详细地),in general(通常,一般地说),in fact(事实上),in line(站队),in love(相爱),in mind(意欲,心想),in need(需要),in order(有秩序地),in surprise(惊奇地), in  tears(在哭泣), in  touch(保持联系), in pubic(公开地,当众)等。例如:

5. Many western countries raise and butcher a large number of beef cattle. 许多西方国家饲养并屠宰大量的肉牛。

句中 raise 作“养育子女”,“饲养(牲畜)”解。例如:

Both the husband and wife had to work hard to raise their children.


A large number of pigs and ducks are raised on this farm.饲养了大量的猪和鸭子。

6. it makes very good sense to keep sheep or goats.

make sense意为“有意义”(=have a meaning that can be understood);“讲得通”。

What you say doesn't make sense.你的话毫无意义。

This sentence doesn't make any sense.这个句子完全讲不通。

Step 5. Practice---- grammar revision

SB P23, Part 2~4,

Step 6. Workbook

Workbook Lesson 15, Ex. 2~3.


(1) Finish off the exercises of Lesson 15 in the workbook.

(2) Revise the grammar of noun clauses.

Lesson 16

Teaching procedures

Step 1. Revision

(1) Check the homework exercises. (2) Revise the previous two lessons.

Step 2. Listening

(1) Pre-listening: Tell the students turn to Page 136 and read the instructions to get a gist of the listening passage.

(2) While-listening:

① Play the tape for the students to answer the questions. ② Check the answers with the students.

(3) Post listening activity: get the students to talk about the listening passage.

Step 3. Checkpoints

Go through Checkpoint 4 with the students. Get the students to make up sentences using the useful expressions if time permits.

Step 4. Word study

SB P24, Part 2. Read the instructions and get students to fill in the blanks with the words given in the box. Check the answers with the students after they finish them.

Step 5. Writing

SB P24, Part 3. Read the instructions and tell the students to develop a paragraph by completing the notes from the text. Assign the work as their homework.

Step 6. Workbook

Workbook Lesson 16. Ex. 1~3. Get the students to do the two exercises and then check the answers with the students.


(1) Finish off the wb exercises of Lesson 16.

(2) Revise the key points of this unit. (3) Writing: See Step 5.


例1  单项选择:

 ______ she was chosen head of the factory made news.

A.Which B.That C.What D.It

分析  此题中正确答案是B(That),句中that(conj.) 引导主语从句出现在句首。可转换为It made news that she was chosen head of the factory.选项A中的which不可作连词,不能引出主语从句。选项C中的what和选项D中的it都不符合题意。如:

That the prisoner had escaped was not made known.(=It was not made known that the prisoner had escaped.)囚犯逃跑的消息没有公开。

例2  单项选择:

____that the troops have already crossed the border.

A.People are believed B.It believed C.It is believed D.It was believing

分析  此题中正确答案是C(It is believed),句中先行词it是形式主语,代替真正主语that-clause,意思相当于People believe + that-clause。选项A用被动语态,显然错误,选项B和选项D都不对。结构中believe可换用think, say, know, report, suggest等动词,构成It +be +thought/said/known/reported/suggested +that-clause句型。如:

It is thought that we are facing a great problem to feed the world.(=People think that we are facing a great problem to feed the world.)据认为(人们认为),我们正面临着解决世界人口吃饭的大问题。

例3  单项选择:

So you have to leave, how nice it ______ if you could stay a bit longer.

A.would be B.be C.is D.was

分析  此题中正确答案是A(would be),使用的是虚拟语气,表示和现在情况相反的假设,从句谓语用过去式,主句用would,谓语由could/might +动词原形构成。因此B,C,D都是错误选项。如:

If everyone in the country knew first aid, many lives would be saved.如果每个国民都懂得急救,那么许多人的生命就可以得救了。

例4  单句改错:

----Is he handsome?

----Yes, he is sure.

分析  此题中he is sure. 应改为he sure is. 或者Sure, he is, sure是副词。表示当然英俊的意思。而he is sure. 中的sure是形容词,作“肯定”,“有把握”解。如:

----Are you tired?你累了吗?

----Yes, I sure am.当然,我的确很累。

例5  单句改错:

All the most urgent matters have been attended.

分析  此题中attended后应加上介词to,短语动词attend to意为处理,办理,照看。短语动词和固定搭配中的介词或副词是不可缺少的组成部分,构成被动语态时不可遗漏介(副)词。如:

Children are  taken  good care  of in  the  nurseries. 孩子们在托儿所里受到很好照管。(不可遗漏介词of)

Comrade Lei Feng was brought up by the Party.雷锋同志是党培养起来的。(不可遗漏副词up)

We should first find a room to live in.我们应首先找房间居住。(不可遗漏介词in)

例6  单句改错:

No matter whichever road you take, the drive won't be more than an hour.

分析  此题中No matter whichever中应去掉no matter,单用whichever或者用no matter which引出让步状语从句,意为无论哪一个,不管哪一个。如:

Whichever side wins, I shall be satisfied.(=No matter which side wins, I shall be satisfied.)不论哪一方取得胜利,我都满意。


题1  ----When shall we meet again?

----Make it ______ day you like, it's all the same to me.


A.one B.any C.another D.some

分析  one day表示“某一天”,可用在一般过去时,当它用在将来时的句中,可与some day互换,another day指另一天。原题中it's all the same to me 和you like暗示,只能选any day“即你喜欢定在哪一天都行或随便哪一天都行”。例如:

I think he will succeed one day(some day).

You can take any book you like.

答案  选B。

题2  It was only when I reread his poems recently ______ I began to appreciate their beauty.   (98年高考题)

A.unitl B.that C.then D.so

分析  本题考查强调句型,强调句型中如果被强调的成分是状语,只用that,不用where或when。例如:

It was in the classroom that we held the meeting.

It was not until he came back that I went to bed.

答案  选B。

题3  I hate ______ when people talk with their mouths full.


A.it B.that C.these D.them

分析  本题考查代词it的用法,it作代词,可用于指人、天气、距离、时间等等,但是代词it用于某些习语中,没有什么特别的意思。例如:

①That's the best of it.那最好了。

②Keep at it =Keep at whatever you're doing.继续下去,别放弃。

③Now, you'll catch it!(You'll be punished. etc) 现在你可倒霉了!

答案 选A