新目标英语八年级下册第一单元第三课时 教案教学设计(人教版英语八年级)


年级 八年级 学科 英语 主备人 何晓燕 二次备课人


名称、课题 Unit1 What’s the matter?

课时划分 7 课时 教学课时 第 3 课时 总备课数 第3课时

标 知识目标: 1.New words and phrases in this period.

2Reading and writing materials.

能力目标:Reading skill.

Writing skill.

Communicative competence.

情感、态度与价值观: Give good advice when someone needs your help.

教学重点 1. Be able to understand the passage about the accident.

2. Learn to talk about health problems and accidents and give advice by using “should/ shouldn’t”.

教学难点 1. Learn to talk about health problems and accidents and give appropriate advice.

2. Learn how to get information from the passage and train students’ reading and writing skills.

Reading practice.

Oral practice.

教法 The activity teaching method, the cooperative learning method, and the task-based language teaching method.

学法 Practice , pair work

教学准备 Ppt ,text

教 学 过 程 个 性 化 设 计

Step 1 Warming-up (about 5 minutes)

T: Greet the class as usual, then point to a student and say: You look pale. What’ s the matter? Help the student answer “I have a cold.” and give him/ her some advice like “You should drink more water”.

Show some pictures about health problems and ask students to work in pairs like this:

S1: What’s the matter?

S2: I have a …

S1: You should … (Help them use “You shouldn’t …”)

Have three pairs act out their conversations in class.

Step2 .play the tape. Read the passage. Do you think it comes from a passage or a book?How do you know?

Step3 Read the text again and check the things that happened in the story.

Step4. Discuss the questions with a partner.

Step5. Difficulties.

1. see sb. doing sth. See sb. do sth.

2. on the side of 3.go along ,go down 4. shout for help 5. what happened?

6. without thinking 7.to one’s surprise 8. expect sb. to do sth. 9.think about saving a life

10.宾语从句。 11. need to do sth. 12. agree to do sth, agree that

13.get into trouble

Step 6.Summary and Homework.(PPT)

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