unit1 Topi3 SectionB 教案教学设计(仁爱版英语七年级)


Ⅰ. Teaching aims

1(1) 学习辨认物体及询问如何拼写单词的表达法。

(2) 学习新词 eraser, desk, pen, pencil等。

2. 能够用得体的语言辨认物体。

Ⅱ. The key points and difficult points

1.Key points:(1)Words and expressions : eraser, desk, pen, pencil

(2) Sentences: What’s this/that in English?

How do you spell it?

Can you spell it, please?

2.Difficult points:


III. Teaching procedures

Step1. Warming-up

Step2. Pre – listening

Present pictures of some objects and teach the new words.

T: What’s this in English?/What’s that in English?

Ss: It’s a map./ an eraser./ a pen./ a map/ a desk..

T: How do you spell it (point to a pen)?/ Can you spell it, please?

Ss: P-E-N, pen./ Ss: Yes, P-E-N-C-I-L, pencil.Practice in groups.

Step3. While – listening

Play the tape recorder and finish 1b. Check the answers and then practice the dialogs.

Step4 Practice

1.Make conversations with these words. The sentences in 1a may help you.

2.Listen and finish 2a..

3.Guessing game.

4.Write the sentences, paying attention to the use of capital letters and punctuation.

Step5 Test

Blackboard design

Unit 1 Making New Friends

Topic 3 How old are you?

Section B

It’s a map./ an eraser./ a pen./ a map/ a desk..

P-E-N, pen.

Yes, P-E-N-C-I-L, pencil.

a map/ pen/ pencil/ desk/ toy/ telephone

an eraser/ apple