九年级Unit1 Topic2 SectionA 英语学案 (仁爱版英语九年级)


主备人张林涛 审核人:肖嫚

学习要点:1。Words :yet,probably,European,population, recent ,policy, neither

2.phrases: call up ,bad luck

3.sentences :1.so do I .

2. we got lost and couldn't find each other.

语法: 现在完成时 学习方法:探究-合作


学习过程: 学生自学单词,请同学们打开课本,自己先拼读sectionA的单词词组。不会的同学,请教其他同学,5分钟后,我们将进行检测,下面学习竞赛开始。还,仍_________,很可能_______,电影院_________百货公司_______附近的,邻近的____________.

听1a听力,回答1b问题; 独立完成1C 。(2分钟)

听听力,完成2, 记重点句子(10分钟) 教师解释补充一些难句子:

一词汇: A:1.They haven’t found the lost boy y______.

2.Michael has _____(刚才)come back from Yunnan.

3.Great changes have ______ ______(发生)in China .

B: 4. Michael has gone to a ______ (shop) cent.

5.I’ve just _______(try) to call you but you weren’t in.

6. They got _____(lose )in the forest .

7.He never wants ______(go ) shopping again.

8.Uncle wang has never ______(be )abroad before .

二、单项选择 ( ) 1. ---Have you read the story-book ______?

---Yes. I have ______ read it.

A. already; already B. yet; yet C. just; already D. yet; just

( ) 2.---My grandma is used to living in the city.

---_______. A. So my grandpa is B. So is my grandpa

C. So my grandpa did D. So did my grandpa

( )3.-- ---______you ____my dictionary ? I want to look up some words

-----No,I haven’t .A .Did , see B. are, seeing C. will see D. Have seen

( )4. ---where‘s Sam?

   ――sorry, I don’t know. You can ______

A . wake him up B. call him up C.build him up D. give him up   

( )5. ---Peter has made great progress in math recently .

---______ , and so have you .

A. so he does B. So he has C. So has he D. So does he

( ) 6. ---I’m not going swimming this afternoon .

---____I have to helpmy mother do some cleaning.

A. So am I B. So I am C., Neither am I D. Neither I am

( )7. ---–Have you returned the library book _______?

---- Yes ,I’ve ______returned it .

A. already; already B. yet ; yet C. yet ; just D. just; already

补全对话: Millie: Have you seen any films these days ,Sandy?

Sandy: No, I haven’t ______________________________________?

Millie: Yes. I have seen one


Millie: It’s about Hong kong .but I forgot the title

Sandy: Did you cousin go with you ?

Millie: ________________________. He has been very busy this week

Sandy: ____________________________________?

Millie: Very much .I learned a lot about Hong Kong ‘s past you should go and watch that film if you want to learn more about Hong Kong

Sandy: __________________________. See you tomorrow.

Millie: See you!


Here is a page from my diary.

Thursday,May the ____ 1,2011. 2

One of my aunts has never had a comfortable pair of shoes on all her life,but often wearing larger shoes walked up 3 down in the past.

Once I asked her 4 , she would say: "The size of shoes are the same price, why not buy big ones?" Every time I retold this story, there were always some people 5 had a good laugh over it.

In fact, there are too many people like my aunt.Such as, a writer who has no thought just write a thick bitter(厚重苦涩的) works; a(n) 6 who has nothing to draw, but painted super-giant draw (超级巨画); a businessman or businesswoman seldom stays at home on business, but there are huge homes.

Many people want to get much 7 ,in fact, he or she is only 8 by the inherent greed (内在贪欲), just like buying a king-size(特大号的) shoes, forget !

9 in the foot.

No matter what shoes to buy, it is the most important to fit your 10 . No matter what you want to get, it is necessary to stop when it is enough. 

1. 2 3. 4. 5. 6___ ______7______ _8____________ _9________ _10___________
