unit 2SectionA 2a-2c 教案教学设计(新课标版英语八年级)


Subject SectionA 2a-2c Designer

Topic Health Checker Hou Kewu

The date of ready class 2008/09/6

Teaching Aids Vocabulary cards Tape recorder

Teaching Aims Knowledge and

skills Talk about health .

Give advice


and methods Do pair work, role play

Practice listening and speaking.

Emotion, attitudes and value Help students form polite habits.

Keep healthy lifestyle.

Difficulties and Focus Express unfit statement.

Make a suggestion.

Master the target structure.

Teaching and studying

Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Remarks


Ask Ss to touch the part of body which teacher told Ss.

Ⅱ. Review

Point one student come to the Bb and act out an illness and ask others to make conversations.

III. Presentation.

(2a) 1. Read each item to the class, ask students to repeat each one.

2. play the recording the first time. Say, the first has been done for you, the boy has a toothache and the advice is to see a dentist.

3. Play the recording a second time. This time students draw lines to mach the problems and the advice.

4. Check the answers.

(2b) 1.This time listen for the missing words on the black lines.

Touch the part which teacher told.

Pair work

Listen and match

Listen and write

Listen and write

2. Play the recording one time only.

3. Check the answers

4. Ask students to do pair work to act the conversations.

(2c) 1. Point out the sample conversation in the box. Have two students read the dialogue to the class.

2. Say, now practice the conversation in activity 2b. take turns having the problems and giving advice

3. as students work, move around the room, monitoring the conversations and offering assistance as needed.

4. ask a few pairs of students present their conversations to the class.

(Grammar Focus)

1.have(has) a +疾病名词:患…病。不能用进行时 have a headache, have a sore back., have a cough, have a cold, have a fever

2.ache, sore:均可用来表示身体某部位的疼痛。Ache为名词,放在表示身体某部位的名词后,构成一个合成词:headache, toothache, heartache, stomachache;sore 为形容词,放在名词前,构成名词短语。Sore back, sore throat,

3.情态动词:should应该+动原 shouldn’t+动原


Make more conversations to use target language. pair work

Check answers

Read and listen

pair work

Ex. in class:


1 喝大量水 2 热茶 3 太糟糕 4好主意 5 怎么了

6.躺下休息 7 看牙医 8 两星期前 9 带蜂蜜的水

The design of the

blackboard Unit2 What’s the matter?(II)

What’s the matter? I have a headache.

I have a headache. You should go to bed early.

Maybe you should see a doctor. Shouldn’t=should not

That’s a good idea.