高中英语基础知识考点 教学案例(译林牛津版英语高一)


236.因..感激某人 be grateful to sb for sth/be thankful to sb for sth

237.养成..习惯 form/get into the habit of doing sth

改掉习惯 break/get rid og the habit of doing sth

238.cut sth in half=cut sth into halves

239.帮忙 lend a hand to sb 上交 hand in

240.hang 悬挂-hung-hung/hang 上吊-hanged-hanged

241.碰巧做某事 happen to do sth/碰巧… It (so) happens that…/

某事碰巧发生某人身上 Sth happen to sb

242.Hardly…when…/no sooner…than…(置于句首,前分句倒装,前句用Had done,后句过去时)

Hardly had he left When I came

243.在某方面有问题 have trouble with sth/

让某人做某事 have sb do sth=let sb do sth=make sb do sth

让某事被做 have sth done 使..处于某种状态 have sth doing

与…有关 have something to do with

244.收到某人来信 hear from sb

听见某人做某事(全过程) hear sb do 听见某人做某事(片段) hear sb doing

245.激烈的讨论 heated discussion

246.大雨/雪 heavy rain/snow

247.帮助某人摆脱困境 help sb out 帮助某人做某事 help sb with sth=help sb(to) do sth

有用的 be of help=be helpful 在..的帮助下 with the help of

248.犹豫做某事 hesitate to do sth

249.高度评价 think/speak highly of

250.举起/耽搁 hold up 别挂断 hold on 阻挡 hold back

251.为了纪念 in honour of

252.无论多困难 however difficult=whatever difficulty/

无论…however+形容词/副词 =whatever+名词

253.匆忙做某事 hurry to do sth=do sth in a hurry

254.对..有大概的了解 get a rough/general idea of sth

255.不良作用 ill effect 副作用 side effect

256.设想做某事 imagine doing sth

257.对..产生影响 have an impact/influence on 给某人留下好印象 give sb a good impression

258.在某人20几岁时 in one’s twenties

259.depend on依靠=rely on be independent of 不依赖别人的,.独立的

260.把某事通知某人 inform sb of sth 使某人得到通知 keep sb informed of sth

261.比…次等 be inferior to 比…高等 be senior to 比…低 be junior to

262.坚持做某事 insist on doing sth

坚决要求做 insist that+句子(用should+V)

坚持..观点 insist that+句子(事实情况)

263.打算做某事 plan to do=mean to do= intend to do

264.对..感兴趣 take/show interest in=be interested in

265.参军 join the army 成为一员 join sb 积极参加 join in=take part in

266.和某人开玩笑 play a joke on sb 嘲笑某人 laugh at sb=make fun of sb

267.靠左行驶 keep to the left

阻止某人做某事keep sb from doing sth=prevent sb (from)doing sth=stop sb (from)doing sth

与..保持一致 keep up with 赶上 catch up with 勿踏草坪 keep off the grass

268.拆毁 knock sth down=pull sth down 撞倒某人 knock sb down

269.认识某人 know sb 了解某人 know about/of sb

270.一门关于..的知识 a knowledge of English

271.缺少 lack sth=be lacking in sth=be short of sth 由于缺乏 for lack of=be in absence of

272.持续 last for=run for=continue for=last

273.开会迟到 be late for meeting 晚做作业 be late with hoework

晚些到arrive late lately=recently(句子用现在完成时) later on稍后

274.同一类的 of a kind

275.lie 位于/躺-lay-lain lay 放置,孵蛋-laid-laid

276.通向,导致 lead to=result in

277.从错误中吸取教训 learn from one’s mistake 给某人一个教训teach sb. a lesson

278.请假 ask for leave 让某人独自呆着 leave sb. alone

279.抽出空闲时间 spare one’s leisure/free time

280.想要做…feel like doing=would like to do sth

281.很可能 be likely to do sth./It is likely that…

282.坐落在…be located in/by/on/near…

283.严密保管某物 keep sth under lock and key

284.look after 照顾 look around 环顾 look up 查询

look out 小心 look into 深入调查 look for 寻找

285.灰心 lose heart

286.茫然不知所措 be at a loss

287.使某人发疯 drive sb mad

288.主修 major in

289.大多数 the majority of…

290.make off with money 携款而逃 make out 辨认出 make up 编造,化妆

make up for ,弥补 be made up of 由…组成(物理变化)

be made up from 由…组成(化学变化)be made into 制成…

make it possible to do …/that+句子 使…成为可能

291.manage to do 没法成功做某事 try to do 尽力去做某事

292.用这种方式 in the way=in this manner=by the method

293.与…结婚 marry sb. =be married to sb.

294.做某事无关紧要 it doesn’t matter that…

295.怎么了?what’s the matter/the trouble/wrong with sb?

296.mean to do sth 打算做… mean doing sth 意味着…

What do you mean by doing sth.?指…

Every means +单数 All means +复数 by means of 通过,利用

297.提及做某事 mention doing sth

298.给某人留个条 leave a message for sb

299.在…中间 in the middle of

300.避免做某事 miss doing sth

301.错误的 by mistake 把…误以为… mistake A for B

302.没有心情做某事 be in no mood to do sth.

303.越来越多 more and more 越来越挤 more and more crowded

越…就越… the+比较级…the+比较级… more than+数词=over 超过

no more than =only

304.moreover 而且,此外 unless 除非 therefore 因此 in that =because 因为 otherwise=or 否则 once 一旦,曾经 that is to say 就是说

305.must be doing 一定正在做… must have done 过去一定做过…

can’t/couldn’t have done 过去一定没做过… should have done 本该做而未做…

306.be native to 土产的

307.如果有必要的话 if necessary 未必,不一定 not necessarily

308.没必要做某事 There is no need to do sth …

309.neither A nor B either A or B not only A not also B 谓语动词看B

A as well as B A together with B A with B 谓语动词看A

310.对…紧张 be nervous about…

311.不是别的,正是… no other than

312.注意 take notice of

313.到目前为止 by now=so far(句子用现在完成时) now that =since既然

314.反对某人做某事 object to doing sth

315.be obliged to do sth. 被迫做某事 be obliged to sb for doing sth. 因某事感谢某人

316.observe a rule 遵守规则

317.在…场合 on the occasion of/in the situation

318.某人从未想到…It never occurred to sb that

319.对…开放 be open to sth. 把…对公众开放 open sth to the public

320.依照某人的看法 in one’s opinion

321.在…对面 be opposite to…

322.整齐 keep sth in order 混乱 out of order

目的在于 in order to do=so as to do

in order that+句子(can/could/may/might+ V) in order not to do=so as not to do

323.换言之 in other words 总而言之 in a word

324.喝着茶聊天 discuss sth over tea

325.在…中起作用 play a part in…

326.挑剔 be particular about…

327.pass away 去世 pass by 路过 pass on 传递

328.看见 case,point,pause,situation选where

329.特别的 be peculiar to

330.百分之四十 forty percentage of…

331.天气允许的话 weather permitting=If weather permits

332.说服某人做某事 persuade sb to do sth 说服某人别做某事 persuade sb out of doing sth

333.pick out 挑选出 pick the flower 摘花 pick up 捡起,无意间学会,接某人

334.按计划 as planned

335.受…欢迎 be popular with

336.人口多 the large population

337.没有…可能性 There is no possibility of doing

338.尽可能快 as soon as possible

339.练习做某事 practice doing sth

340.因为某事表扬某人 praise sb for doing sth

341.比起…更喜欢 prefer doing to doing prefer to do sth rather than do sth

342.perpare sth 直接准备… prepare for sth 为…做准备(间接的)

为某事做准备 make preparations for sth

343.出席 be present at 目前 at present=now(进行时) 不久 presently=soon(将来时) 当前的政府 the present government 在座所有人 everyone present

344.假装做某事 pretend to do pretend to be doing pretend to have done

345.以…自豪 be proud of=take pride in

346.profit 利润 interest 利益

347.promote 促进,发扬

348.保护某人免受…的伤害 protect sb from sth

349.证明是 turn out to be +形容词/n=prove(to be)+形容词/n

350.故意的 on purpose

351.put away 收好,放好 put down 写下,记下 put off 推迟 put out 熄灭

put up 举起,建造 put up with 容忍

352.在某方面迅速 be quick at (doing) sth

353.raise 举起(及物) rise 上升(不及物,指价格和太阳上升)

354.乐于做某事 be ready to do sth

355.sb realize one’s dream=the dream come true

356.reasonable 合理的,公道的

357.recall 回想 remind sb of sth 使某人想起…

358.refer to 提到,参考,查阅

359.refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事 reject doing sth 正式反对某事

360.regret to do (与说有关的V)talk/inform/say regret doing 后悔做…

remember/forget to do 记得去做某事(没做) remember/forget doing 记得做过某事

try to do sth 尽力去做某事情 try doing sth 试用另一种方法

361.与…有关 be related to

362.relieve 缓解 relax 放松 release 释放

363.remain to be done 有待…

364.在维修中 under repair

365.抵制做某事 resist doing sth 防水 be resistant to water

366.the rest=the others(特指剩余的那些)

367.as a result 因此 as a result of 由于 result from 由于 result in 导致

368.冒险做某事 risk doing sth=run the risk of doing sth

369.为…留下空间 make room for…

370.交通高峰期 rush hour

371.on sale 廉价出售 for sale 上市=on the market

372.stand for 代表

373.search for sth=look for sth 寻找… search sb 搜身 search for sb=look for sb 寻找某人

be in search of 寻找

374.seat oneself 就座(表动作) be seated 表状态

看见seated, missing, lost必选

375.be second to none不亚于任何人 a second time 又一次再一次

376.see sb off给某人送行

负责--- I’ll see to it that(用一般现在时)

377.make sense有意义

378.sensible 明智的 It is sensible of sb to do sth sensitive敏感的 be sensitive to

379.开始着手做某事情set about doing=set out to do=get down to doing

Set off 出发,启程 set sth aside把…放置在一边 set up=build建立

380. sign 招牌,手势,标记 signal 信号 signature 签名

381. sometime 某个时候(将来时,过去时) 用when提问

Some time一段时间(完成时) 用how long提问

Sometimes有时(一般现在时) 用how soon提问

Some times几次(完成时) 用how many times提问

382. sooner or later 迟早 some other day 某一天 看见以上两个时间状语用将来时

看见the other day 用过去时

383. sb spend money on sth sb spend money in doing sth

384. 在现场 on the spot=on the scene

385. 用…代替… substitute A for B= replace B with A

386. such a beautiful girl= so beautiful a girl

Such…as 例如… such…that…如此…以致于

387.突然地 all of a sudden

388.suggest doing sth 建议做某事情

sb suggest that+句子(用should+动词原形)表示建议

sth suggest that+句子(事实情况)表示表明,暗示

389.养活一家人 support a family

390.确保 Make sure that+句子(一般现在时)

某人一定会做…be sure to do sth… 某人对…有把握be sure of doing…

391.使某人惊讶to one`s surprise

392.take in吸收 take off 飞机起飞,脱下衣服 take on呈现,雇佣

take up从事,占据,选学

393.量体温 take one`s temperature

394.think of sb想到某事情 think about sb为某人着想 think over仔细考虑

think+it+形容词+to do/that 认为…怎么样

395.young though he is=young as he is

396.turn to sb for help向某人求救 turn on打开 turn off 关掉

turn up 音量开大,出现 turn down 音量开小,拒绝

397.make oneself understood/heard

398.It is not until …that…直到…才 The reason why…is that…

399.不值钱的valueless worthless

非常值钱的priceless valuable invaluable


401.visit sp=pay a visit to sp

402.等待某人做某事情 wait for sb to do sth

403.各行各业 all walks of life

404.警告某人某事情warn sb of sth warn sb to do sth warn sb not to do sth


406.被广泛使用be widely used

407.有消息传来 word came that 保守诺言keep one`s word

408.值得做某事be worth doing/be worthy of+n/.be worthy of being done/be worthy to be done

409.积极参加体育活动 take part in the sports activities