Unit 7topic 3 Everyone had a good time.--sectionA 教案教学设计(仁爱版英语七年级)


Section A

Ⅰ. Material analysis

本节课是第七单元话题三的第一课时,主要活动是1a和3a。通过Ben和Jane谈论朋友们在康康的生日聚会上所做的事情,复习表达过去经历的用法,让学生感知、熟悉并掌握怎样描述生日活动及朋友们在生日活动中做了什么。并继续学习含有行为动词的一般过去时以及规则动词变成过去式的变化规则。语音板块将让学生了解并能辨别元音字母u及辅音字母组合sh, th 在单词中的读音规则。

Ⅱ. Teaching aims

1. Knowledge aims

能根据已学语音、音标及发音规则,正确朗读下列词汇并运用于情景对话中:magic, trick, enjoy, himself, yesterday等;


-Did you sing a song at the party? -Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t.

-What did Sally do? -She danced.





(4)结尾是辅音字母+y的动词,先变y 为i再加ed。


2. Skill aims






3. Emotional aims


Ⅲ. The key points and difficult points

1. Key points


How was Kangkang’s birthday party?

-Did you sing a song at the party? -Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t.

-What did Sally do? -She danced.


2. Difficult points


Ⅳ. Learning strategies


Ⅴ. Teaching aids


Ⅵ. Teaching procedures

Step Interaction patterns Student activity Teacher activity

Introduction (6 minutes) 1.The whole class work.

2.Individual work.

3.Individual work. 1.Focus their attention on the teacher and make sentences using can/can’t/could/ couldn’t ...

2.Answer the questions:

Yes, I/he/she can/ could.

No, I/he/she can’t. /couldn’t.

3.Describe the pictures: sing a song, play the piano, perform magic tricks and so on. 1.Greet students and let students make sentences with I can/ can’t/could/ couldn’t ...

2. Ask some students to answer the questions: Can/Could you/she/he.....?

3.Show the pictures in 1a and let students describe the pictures with phrases.


(15 minutes) 1.Individual work.

2.Individual work.

3.Individual work.

4.Pair work and individual work.

1.Do 1a. Read 1a by yourselves.

2.Point out some questions in 1a: e.g.

Did you sing a song ...? Yes, I did. /No, I didn’t. Did 的用法是怎样的?

3.Look and try to remember the key sentences:

How was...? Did you sing...? Yes, I did./No,I didn’t. What did Sally do?

4.Read out the dialog in pairs; Read after the tape carefully; Retell the dialog using your own words. 1.Create a situation: How was kangkang’s birthday party? What did they do at the birthday party? Do you know? Then let students read 1a by themselves.

2.Let students point out the questions in 1a and give the answers to students.

3.Point out the key sentences on the screen and let students try to remember them.(老师讲解一般过去时及其句型结构)

4.Let students read 1a again and choose some pairs to read it out in class. Play the tape again and let students read after the tape.

Consolidation (8 minutes) 1.Individual work.

2.Pair work.

3.Pair work.

4.Individual work. 1.Do 1b. By yourselves.

2.Ask and answer in pairs:

A: Did Jane sing a song?

B: Yes, she did.

3.Do 1c. Talk about the things they did:

A:Did you/ Tom/ Jane dance at the party?

B:Yes, I / he/ she did.

A:What did you/ Jane/...do?

B:I/He/She ...

4.Do 2. Listen and circle the programs. Then check the answers in class. Listen again and try to fill in the blanks. Listen to the teacher. 1.Give students 1min to do 1b by themselves.

2.Choose two students to ask and answer in pairs to check the answers in 1b.

3.Let students work in pairs and talk about what the children did at kangkang’s birthday party.

4.Point out the program list on the screen and play the tape. Present the past tense of the words and explain the words.


(10 minutes)

1.Individual work.

2.The whole class work.

3.The whole class work.

4.Individual work.

1.Do 3a. Read the words on the cards.

2.Read after the tape and pay attention to the sounds.

3.Read after the tape again.

4.Do 3b. Listen and circle the word with the different sound for the colored letters in each group. Then listen again and check your answers. 1.Show the word cards to students and let them try to read them. Then play the tape.

2.Let students read after the tape.

3.Point out the pronunciation of “u” and let students read after the tape again.(老师可用相同的方法教授其他语音知识)

4.Play the tape. Let students listen again and check their answers.


(6 minutes) Group work. Make up short dialogs in groups;

S1:How was... birthday?

S2:It was very nice

S3: Did ...? Yes, ... did.

S1: Did...?

S2:No, ... didn’t ...

Then report your short dialogs. 1.Show some boys’ and girls’ pictures and their actions on the screen. Let students make up short dialogs in groups. Then choose some students from each group to give a report;

2.Assign the homework:

Try to recite 1a in Section A;

Write a passage about your own birthday party;

Preview the words and 1a in Section B.

Teaching reflection:


Ⅶ. Blackboard design

Topic 3 Everyone had a good time.

Section A

1. -How was Kangkang’s birthday party? magic

-It was very nice. enjoy oneself

2. -Did you...? yesterday

-Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.

3. -What did ...do?
