Unit 7 A Birthday Party Topic 1 When were you born? 教案教学设计(仁爱版英语七年级)


一. 教材分析

《When were you born?》是仁爱版第一册第7单元第一话题, 它分为A-D部分。它主要是介绍如何运用基数词和序数词。通过对它们的学习和应用达到充分交际的目的,使学生充分的理解和掌握它们的广泛性和实用性。同时学生还要掌握一般过去时在句子中的应用。

二. 教学设计的理念

仁爱版的英语新教材被称之为 “Project English ”, 即:“任务型英语教学” 简单地说就是强调“做中学”的语言教学方法,因此教师应依据课程的总体目标,并结合教学内容,创造性地设计贴近学生实际的各种各样的教学活动,为学生提供尽可能多的机会,吸引和组织他们积极参与。使学生尝试使用真实的有意义的语言。使学生以具体的任务为载体,以完成任务为动力,把知识和技能融为一体,通过思考,调查,讨论,交流和合作等方式,用所学语言去做事情,在做事情过程中自然地使用语言,在使用语言的做事情的过程中发展和完善自己的语言能力。启迪学生的思维,激活他们的想象力和创造力,培养他们的灵感,宏扬他们的个性。加强师生,生生之间的交流与合作,加强团队精神。促使学生树立正确的人生观和知识观。

三. 教学目标


1. 掌握基数词和序数词特点和用法

2. 培养学生视、听、说、唱的能力。

3. 养学生的实践能力和合作精神:让学生进行一系列的调查活动,促进学生间的交流,加深相互间的了解,同时提高英语口语表达能力和交际能力。






四. 教学难点


五. 教学方式的构建

1. 倡导学生主动参与,乐于探究的精神。体现以学生为主体的共同发展的原则。

2. 使用多媒体,增强趣味性,加大课堂容量,提高课堂效率。

3. 师生共同收集相关资料,共享信息。加强动手开发资源与合作的能力。

4. 鼓励学生参与并完成任务活动,学而至用。

5. 采用多种教学方法:如情景法、视听法、小组活动法、游戏法、讨论法等,活跃课堂气氛,提高教学效果。

七.教学过程 :



Teach how to use Cardinal numbers and Ordinal numbers and grasp the phrases and Useful expressions

2.Training the students′ability of listening, speaking and communication.

3.Educate the students to love and know each other better

Key points 1Words and phrases

2,Useful expressions

Difficult point how to use Cardinal numbers and Ordinal numbers

Teaching tools 1,Blackboard 2,Cards 3, Recorder


methods The methods of discussion talking and making a survey

Teaching steps

steps Teacher Students Time


Report: say something about birthday party


Make a survey :

Months and numbers

Step3 Presentation:

practice the dialogue of 1a

Step4 (1) read and learn

Listen and check

(2)Listen and fill in the chart

Step5 A guessing game

(according what they can do to guess their job )

Step6 Consolidation

Do some exercises

(practise numbers Greeting to the students.

Guide the students

Ask some questions

Make chart and guide the students

Play the tape and guide the students

Play the tape again and correct mistake Guide the students

Greeting to the teacher.

Give a talk

Listen and answer

Discuss and fill in the form

Listen ,pick out the

useful expressions ,then act it out

(1)listen and give the right choice

(2)listen and fill in the chart

Play the game in pairs

and describe the shapes)

Step7 Homework

Write a composition about their favourite subjects)

Give them some help and check

Doing and Writing

Practice the dialo

Blackboard Design

Unit 7 topic 1When were you born??Section C

What’s the shape of your present?

1.What color is it?

2.What shape is it?

3.How long is it?

4.How wide is it?

5.What do we use it for?



Teach how to useCardina land Ordinal numbers and grasp the phrases and Useful expressions

2.Training the students′ability of listening, speaking and communication.

3.Educate the students to be friendly to others and learn more skills

Key points 1Words and phrases

2,Useful expressions

Difficult point how to use cardinal and ordinal numbers

Teaching tools 1,Blackboard 2,Cards 3, Recorder


methods The methods of discussion talking and making a survey

Teaching steps



Report: read the composition about their favourite subjects


Revision :

1Words and phrases

2,Useful expressions

3recite the dialogue

Step3 Presentation:

complete the passage and make true or false.

Step4 (1) work alone

Fill in the blank


Step5 A guessing game

(guess what animals she/he is )

Step6 Consolidation

Make a survey Teacher

Greeting to the students.

Guide the students

Ask some questions

Guide the students

Play the tape and guide the students

(1) Show the passage and help

(2) Show sentencesand pictures

Guide the students

Greeting to the teacher.

Listen and correct

the mistakes

ask and answer in pairs

recite the dialogue in group of three

Listen ,make true or false,pick out the

useful expressions ,then act it out

(1) fill in the blank

(2) match the sentences with the pictures

Playing and guessing


Step8 Homework

Write a composition about describe one,s birthday Give them some help and check

Give the task

How many students can grasp the simple past and numbers

Make a survey and fill in the blanks

Blackboard Design

Unit 7 topic 1 When were you born?Section D

Simple past:1When was your daugher born?

2What’s the shape of your present?

3Will it be fun?

4How wide /long is it?

5It’s rond.