七年级新目标英语复习资料 备课资料(新课标版英语七年级)


Unit 1


1、join v.参加;加入 2、or conj.或者,否则

3、tell stories/tell a story 讲故事 4、speak English 讲英语

5、I can dance/swim/sing/paint/draw (can 后接动词原形)

7、 English club art club music club chess club swimming club story –telling club

8、 busy 忙碌的 free 空闲的 9. musician n.音乐家

10. teach v教,讲授 11. write v.写作,写字

12、also 也(肯定句句中) too 也 (肯定句句尾) either 也不 (否定句句尾)

13、show n.演出;表演 We wanted students for the school show.

v.展示; Come and show us .

14、Old people’s home

16、.be good at 擅长… be good with 与…相处得好

18、make friends 交朋友 on the weekend/on weekends 在周末

19、help(sb.)with sth. 在某方面帮助(某人) help sb (to) do sth 帮助某人做某事

20、play the guitar/violin/drums/piano (乐器前面加the)

play basketball/football play chess/jigsaw, (球类前面不加the)


1. -Can you swim? 情态动词can 的用法 3. -What club do you want to join?

-Yes,I can./ No, I can’t. -I want to join the music club.

2. -Can she speak English? 4. -What can you do?

-Yes,she can./ No, she can’t. - I can dance.

5.You are good at telling stories.(be good at sth/doing sth 擅长…)

6. Are you good with old people? (be good with 善于应付…..)

7.Can you play the guitar or dance?(选择疑问句,不用Yes 或No 回答)

8.Please talk to Mr Zhang after school.(talk to/with sb和某人谈话, talk about sth谈论某事)

9.We need you to help with sports for English-speaking students

need sth 需要某事 need(sb) to do 需要(某人)去做某事

help (sb) with sth help sb (to) do sth


1. speak 说某种语言 2. swimming pool 动词ing形式

say 后接说话的内容 English –speaking student做定语放在

talk 谈话,talk to /with sb talk about sth story-telling club 名词的前面

tell 告诉 tell sb sth./tell sth to sb

Eg: What do you want to ? Please me your name.

I can English. I don’t want to to him.

unit 2



2.Job n,工作,可数名词 work n,工作,不可数;v 工作

3.Get up 起床 go to school 去上学 get dressed 穿衣服 brush teeth 刷牙

eat breakfast/lunch/dinner/supper吃早/中/晚饭 have/take a shower 洗淋浴

take a walk 散步 go to bed 睡觉 go home 回家 get home 到家

do one’s homework 做家作

4.radio station 广播电台 radio show 广播节目

5.on school days 在学校日 healthy life 健康的生活

6.get up early 起得早 eat breakfast quickly 吃得快

7.a lot of = lots of 许多 即修饰可数又修饰不可数名词 either…or.. 要么…要么…


1.What time do you usually get up ? what time提问,必须用具体的时间回答,即“点钟”或“几点几分”

I usually get up at six thiry in the morning .在点钟前用at

When does Scott go to work? When 提问既可以用具体时间回答,也可用不具体时间回答

He always goes to work at eleven o’clock.

2.From twelved o’clock to six o’clock in the morning.

2.That’s a funny time for breakfast.那个时间吃早饭真有意思哦! For+ 一日三餐 意为“吃…饭”

3.I’m never late for work.

4.In the evening, I either watch TV or play computergames.

She knows it’s not good for her,but it tasts good!

I usually exercise from six fifteen to seven.


1. 介词at,in,on表示时间的用法:

at 常用于时刻前或一些固定的习惯用语中,at nine o’clock, at night, at noon ,at half past ten

in 用于在月份、季节、年份等前面,也可表示在早中晚上,in May, in summer, in the morning/afternoon/evening,

on用于具体某一天或某一天的早中晚上,如在日期、星期几、节日前,on November 1st

on Monday on Children’s Day

2. 时刻的表达:

整点的表达:六点 six o’clock 6:00


顺读法:先读小时再读分钟5:10 five ten 11:30 eleven thirty 8:46 eight forty six

逆读法:借助to 和past,先读分再读小时 8:05 five past eight 6:10 ten past six

11:50 ten to twelve 1:58 two to two

Unit 3


Take the train/bus/subway/taxi bus ride公交车车程 go on a ropeway乘坐索道

come true实现 think of 认为 Bus stop 公交车站

One Hundred and five 一百零五 two hundred几百时hundred 不加“s ”hundreds of 成百上千

between…and… 在…和…之间 get to school 达到学校 have to 不得不


How do you get to school? How 对交通方式提问,回答分三种:

(1)take a/the +表示交通工具的名词。I take a bus to school.

(2)by +表示交通工具的名词 I go to school by bike

(3)on/in+限定词+表示交通工具的名词 I go to school on my bike.

(4)动词walk/ride/drive/fly +to+地点名词 I ride( my bike)to school.

How does she get to school? She usually takes the bus.

2.How long does it take to get home? It takes …. How long 对一段时间提问,Take 花费

3.How far is it from…to…? It’s about…

4. For many students,it is easy to get to school. It is +adj+to do sth

5.There is a very big river between their school and the village.

6.He is like a father to me.他对我来说,就像父亲一样

7.One 11-year-old boy,crosses the river every school day.

Unit 4 Don’t eat in class.


Dining hall 餐厅 wear a hat 戴帽子 eat outside 在外面吃 arrive /be late for迟到 family rules家规 class rules班规 school rules校规 too many+可数名词 太多 make (one’s) bed 铺床 think about make rules 制定规则 follow rules 遵守规定 on time准时 be/keep quiet 保持安静 do the dishes 洗碗碟 go out 外出

be strict (with sb)(对某人)要求严格 on school nights 在上学期间的晚上 practice the guitar练习弹吉他 get food for my grandfather为我爷爷拿食物 have fun 玩得开心

Keep one’s hair short 留短发 leave 离开 leave sth sp 把某物遗留在某地

Learn to do 学会做某事 bring 带来 take 拿走



Don’t arrive/be late for class. We can’t arrive/be late for class.

Don’t run in the hallways. We can’t arrive/be late for class.

Don’t listen to music.

Don’t fight.

Don’t leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen.

Don’t be noisy.


Wear a uniform in the classroom. We have to /must wear a uniform in the class.

Practice the guitar on weekends.

3.What are the rules?

I have to keep my hair short. Keep +宾语+adj 使。。。保持状态

We must be on time for class.

4.Can we listen to music in the class?

5.I can’t relax either.

语法:in class 在课堂上/in the class 在班上

In hospital 在主要 in the hospital 在医院

2. 肯定的祈使句: 否定的祈使句

(1) 实义动词原形+其他;: (1) Don’t+实义动词+原形;

(2) be动词原形+形容词+其他; (2) Don’t be+形容词+其他;

(3) Let sb do sth. (3) Don’t let sb do sth

(4) No+Ving.

练:(1) My mother said to me, “Tom, _______ in bed.”

A. not read B. doesn’t read C. don’t read D. didn’t read

(2) Don’t __________ (fight). = No __________ (fight).

Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?


Kind of 有几分 be/come from来自 get lost 迷路 Sleep all day 睡一整天 save the elephants 挽救大象 one of Thailand’s symbol 泰国的标志之一 a symbol of good luck 好运的象征

In great danger处于极大的危险cut down 砍倒 lose their home 失去他们的家园 kill elephants for their ivory. Things made of ivory 有象牙制成的东西 over=more than 超出


1.Let’s see the monkeys first.

2.What animals do you like? I like tigers.(elephants/koalas/pandas/lions/giraffes)

3.Why do you like them? Because they’re kind of cute(interesting/cute/fun/smart/beautiful/friendly /shy)

4.Why don’t you like pandas? Because they’re really scary(lazy/boring)

5.Where are they from? They are from South Africa(China/America).

6.He can walk on two legs.

7.That’s a good name for her.

8.I like tigers a lot.

9.An elephant never forgets.

10.Elephants can walk for a long time and never get lost.er

11.They can also remember places with food and water.

12.Isn’t she cut? 否定疑问句

Unit 6 I’m watching TV


Make soup 做汤 read a newspaper读报纸 talk on the phone在电话里聊天

use the computer用电脑 go to the movies去看电影 eat out 出去吃

drink tea 喝茶 swimming pool 游泳池 Meet at my home 在家会面

wash the dishes=do the dishes 洗碗碟 live with和…一起住 Dragon Boat Festival 龙舟节

Make zongzi 包粽子 watch the boat race 看龙舟赛 living room 客厅

any other +可数名词单数(除自己本身之外)的任何一个

wish to do host family寄宿家庭 study for a test 为考试而学习


What are you doing? I’m watching TV.

What is she/he doing? She/He is talking on the phone.

What are they doing?They are washing the dishes.

Do you want to join me for dinner?

Are you doing your homework?

See you tomorrow morning!

What time is it in Beijing?(Tokoy/New York/Sydney)

But there’s still no place like home.但是仍然没有地方想家那么好!


现在进行时: 表示正在进行的、发生的动作

通常在句子中有以下的词:now, look, listen.

句子的结构如下: be (am /is/ are) +动词 ing

肯定句:be + doing 否定句:be not + doing 疑问句:Be + 主语 + doing?

如:肯定句:1. I am listening to the music now.

2. The students are drawing pictures now.

否定句:1.I am not (I’m not)listening to the music now.

2.The students are not(aren’t) drawing pictures now.


1. Listen! Is Amy singing? Yes,she is.\No, she isn’t.

2. What are they doing? They are (They’re) swimming.


1. 在动词后直接加ing,如: go-going , wash-washing,fly-flying

2. 以不发音字母e结尾, 去掉e再加ing,如 :drive-driving, ride-riding,skate-skating,make-making,have-having,write-writing,take-taking, dive-diving,dance-dancing,come-coming

3.双写双写末尾字母,再加ing,如:swim- swimming,run-running,get-getting,put-putting,set-setting



1.Mr Zheng (read) a book now.

2. The rabbits (jump) now.

3.. Look ! Tom and John (swim).

4. My brother (make) a kite in his room now.

5. Look! The bus (stop).

6. Listen! Someone is (come).

7. What is he doing ?He (do) an experiment now.

8. Are they collegting leaves ?No,they’re not. They (collect) stamps now.

9. Where is your mother?She (answer) the phone.



1. play computer games玩电脑游戏 at the park 在公园

2. sound like 听起来像 no problem 没问题

3. have a good time= have a great time=have fun=enjoy oneself 玩得开心

4. take a message捎个口信 give sb a message 捎口信给某人 leave a message 留口信

5. call sb.back给某人回电话 by the pool 在游泳池边

6. right now 现在;马上 drink orang juice 喝橙汁

7. have a great time doing sth. 做某事很开心 on a vacation 度假

8. summer school 暑期学习班 in the moutains 在山里

9. some of my old friends 我的一些老朋友 write to sb. 给某人写信

10. study hard 努力学习 talk on the phone 通过电话交谈

11. just right for sth/doing sth.正好适合做某事eg: The book is just right for students in Grade 7.


1. How’s the weather(in…) ? = What’s the weather like (in…)?

It’s cloudy\sunny\rainy\raining\windy\snowing/snowyfoggy/icy


2. Rick speaking = This is Rick=This is Rick speaking.= It’s Rick 我是瑞克。

打电话时询问对方是谁?用 who is that? 或Is that……?不能用who are you? 或Are you…… ?

3. How’s it going?=How’s everything?情况怎样?

回答:Great \Not(too)bad\ pretty good/just so so/Terrible!/

4. Can I take a message for him? 我能给他捎个口信吗?

5. Could you just tell him to call me back? 你能叫他给我回个电话吗? Tell sb (not) to do sth

6. I’m having a great time visiting my aunt in Canada. 我正在加拿大愉快地拜访我的姨妈。

Have a great time (in) doing sth=have fun (in) doing sth=enjoy oneself (in ) doing sth

7.I’m so happy to see them again. 再次见到他们我是如此的高兴。Be happy to do sth

7. My family and I are on a vacation in the moutians.

8. What are you doing? I’m cooking. What is he\she doing?He\She is ______.

9. What are they doing ? They’re______.

10. I want to call you but my phone isn’t working ,so I’m writing to you.

11. 反意疑问句: It’s hot in your country now, isn’t it?现在在你们国家很热,是吗?


Unit 8


1.地点词:post office/police station/hotel/restaurant/bank/hospital/street/pay pone/park

2.方位介词:across from 在……对面 in front of 在……前面 behind在……后面

next to 在旁边 between…and … 在……和……之间

3.on Green Street在桥街 near here=around here=in the neighborhood在附近

4.far from 离…远 on the (your)left/right

5.the first crossing 第一个十字路口 on the right/left 在右边/左边

6.go along=go down 沿着……走 turn left (at…) turn right (on…)

7.spend time 花时间 sb.spend some time on sth. 某人花时间在某事上

8.climb around到处跑 in life 一生中 be free 免费的

9.look like 看起来像 enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事



1.Is there a bank near here? Yes, there is . \No,there isn’t.

2. Are there any restaurants near here ? Yes ,there are .\No,there aren’t.

3.Where is the hotel\bank \park\post office\police station \hospital\ pay phone ? It’s __________.

4.Is it near the hospital? Yes ,it is. \No, it isn’t.

5.How can I help you ?= What can I help you?=Can I help you?需要我帮忙吗?

6.I love to watch the monkeys climbing around. Watch sb doing sth watch sb do sth

7.To get there,I usually wakl out and turn right on Bridge Road.

8.The best things in life are free.

9.It is very quiet and I enjoy reading there.


1.there be 表示存在,意为某地有某物。Be动词应与紧跟其后的主语的单复数形式保持一致。主语是不可数名词或可数名词单数时用is/was,主语是可数名词复数时用are/were。

2.若there be 结构中有几个并列的主语时,be动词的形式要和与它最近的主语的单复数形式保持一致。

There is a pen and two books on the desk.

There are two boys and a teacher over there.

3.there be 句型的一般疑问句:把be动词提到句首,句末用问号。其肯定回答用Yes, there be;否定回答用 No,there be not.

4.There be的否定是在be后加not。

Is there a bank near here? Yes, there is . \No,there isn’t.

There is not a hotel near here.



1.This is a very i_______ place. 3.What about ______(sing) this song in English?

4.There are a lot of _______(cloud) in the sky 5.Thank you for ________(teach) us so well.

6.The weather __________(be) windy today.

7.There are some students _________(study) in the classroom.

8.It’s five o’clock p.m. The boys ____________(play) volleyball.

9.W_____________ is from November to January in China.

10.The Smiths go to Hawaii on v____. 11.It’s rather h_____ in Wuhan in summer.

12.He’s w____________ black pants today.

15.It often s__________ in the north of China in winter.

16.They enjoy ______________(they) very much in Hawaii.

17.They have a lot of fun __________(dance) at the party

20. It’s ____________ today. The sun is shining brightly in the sky.


( )1-_________ is the weather in Shanghai? -__________windy.

A. What , It’s B. How, It’s C. How, It D. What , It

( )2.-How’s it going with you? - __________.

A.I don’t like it B .I’m studying C. It’s windy D. Not bad

( )3-.Hello! Who’s speaking? -Hi, An. _________ Mary.

A. This B. It’s C. This is D. That is

( )4.Thanks a lot for __________ us at the party.

A. join B. joins C. joining D. to join

( )5.The students are cleaning the classroom. ______ are cleaning the windows, _____ are cleaning the chairs.

A. Some ., another B. Some , others C. Others , the other D. Some ,other

( )6. What_______ your mother do when it’s _________?

A. do, rainy B. does, raining C. does, is raining D. do , raining

( )7.It’s snowing and everyone ________ a good time.

A. having B. is having C. are having D. has

( )8.________ winter it is very cold _________ Moscow.

A. In, at B. In , in C. On, in D. In, on

( )9.What ________ it is today!

A. a nice weather B. nice a weather C. nice weather D. nice day

( )10.A group of _________ lying on the beach.

A. children are B. children is C. childs are D. childs is

( )11. Look at the ________ !It’s_________ heavily now.

A. rain, rain B. raining, raining C. raining , rainy D. rain, raining

( )12.The radio _______ the snow will stop later on.

A. says B. tells C. talks D. speaks

( )13.It’s very dark , but they _______ working in the fields.

A. go on B. get on C. go down D. go

( )14.Here is the weather report __________ the next twenty-four hours.

A. of B. for C. in D. to

( )15. In spring the flowers begin to __________ .

A. turn green B. get back C. come out D. go on

五. 句型转换(10分)

1.It’s windy in spring in Anyang.(对画线提问)

__________ the ___________ in Anyang in spring?

2.Do you often swim on Sundays?(用now 代替on Sundays)

__________ you ____________ now?

3.There is a lot of rain today in Xinxiang.(改为同义句)

_________ very __________ today in Xinxiang .

4.They are on vacation in Chengdu.(对画线部分提问)

___________ _________ they on vacation?

5..it, do , raining, when, do, is , you, what(连词成句)


六. 根据汉语完成句子(20分)


-___________ the weather _________ Shanghai? -It’s very _________.

2.那儿正在下雪吗?不, 在下雨。

-____________ it __________ there? -No, It’s ___________.

3.-你情况怎么样,丹尼?-还行。-______ it ________ with you Danny? -Not ________.


I ________ ____________ that the children can play _________ this __________.


There are _______ ______ _______ people _____beach volleyball _____ the beach.


Look! Every one _________ _________ a good time in the kindergarten.



1. Where is the (邮局)?It’s on (中心大街).

2. Is there a (餐馆)?Yes, (有)

3.There is a (图书馆)near here.

4.Where is the (银行)?It’s across from the (超市).

5.Is there a (公用电话)in front of the (桥)?

No, .(没有)


1.这附近有公用电话吗? a pay phone ?

2.图书馆在哪里?在银行隔壁。 The library? The

3.在公园对面有一家超市。 a supermarket the park.


Where’s ? the restaurant the supermarket

5.在邮局后面是不是有所学校?没有 a school the post office? .


1.Is this a clean street ?No, It’s a street.

2.The supermarket is not big.It’s

3.It’s an hotel.It isn’t new.

4.Is it a park?No,it’s very busy every day.

5.My house is not on the right .It’s on the .


1. (打搅了,请问).Is there a pay phone near here?

2.Please tell me (去…..的路)your house.

3. (沿….走下去)Center Street and the post office is on the right.

4.You can (打的)and (穿过)Six Avenue.

5.I hope you (旅途愉快).




序号 跟在be后 (be+形容词) 跟在have/has后 (have/has+名词)

1 is tall/short/ of medium height

是高的/矮的/中等高度 have long/short /curly/straight hair


2 is heavy/fat, thin,isof medium build

是胖的/瘦的/中等身的 have black/yellow/blond hair


3 is beautiful/ugly/cute

是漂亮/丑陋的/可爱的 have+长短+直卷+颜色+hair

4 have a medium height/build

5 have (two) big eyes/a big nose

6 have a round /long/face


7 Wear sunglasses /jeans/T-shirt

12. a police artist .look like

13. 4.in the end 最后 first of all首先

14. the same way to a little


1. -- What does he look like? (有look,用does/do) –他看起来长得怎么样?

-- He is very tall, and he has short curly hair. --他很高,而且他有短的卷头发。

① 同义句:-- What is he like? (只有like,用is) (用is,like翻译问“像”)

区别:-- What does he like? 他喜欢什么?(用does,like翻译为“喜欢”)

② 区别比较:(1) 他是中等高度/身材:He is of medium height/build. (是of, 前用be动词)

(2) 他有中等高度/身材:He has a medium height/build.(是a, 前用have/has)

a bit+形容词;

3.What do they look like? They’re of medium build.

4.Do they have straight or curly hair? They have curly hair.

5.Is he tall or short ? He is’nt tall or short. He’s of medium height.

6.I may be a little late . maybe:副词,常放在句首, Maybe I’m a little late.

may be:情态动词+be 放在句中

7.They tell him what the criminal looks like. 特殊疑问句作宾语从句,用陈述语气


a little bit+形容词 =

a little+形容词 =

a bit+形容词;


a little+不可数名词 =

a bit of+不可数名词;

如:His hair is a little long. = His hair is a bit long.

He can speak a little English. = He can speak a bit of English.

look like 看起来像 look at看一看

look for 寻找 look after 照看

8.Also, they don’t always remember well.


9.Another woman says, “ He is tall and thin.”

Another三个或三个以上 “任意一个;另一个”

10.The real criminal is a short and heavy old man .





She is a beautiful girl.(定语)

The game is intetesting.(表语)

3.We must keep the class room clean。(宾补)








1.would like =want相要 would like/want sth. 想要某物 would like/want to do sth.想要做某事

2.take one’s order 点菜 . one(large) bowl of 一(大)碗

3.tomato and egg soup番茄鸡蛋汤 specail: n,特色菜;adj,特色的

4.around the world 世界各地 be different from 与……不同

5.the number of ……的数量,谓语动词用单数

a number of + 可数名词的复数: 许多,谓语动词用复数

A number of boys are playing football.许多男生在踢足球。

6.make a wish 许愿 blow out 吹灭

7.in one go =at one go一次性地 get popular 受欢迎

8. cut up 切碎 a symbol of long life 长寿的象征

9. bring good luck to …… 给 ……带来好运 in different countries

10. put a candy in

11.fish.1.鱼肉,不可数 2.鱼的条数,复数:fish 3.鱼的种类,复数:fishes

14. 一碗:a bowl 一大/中/小碗:a big bowl, a medium bowl, a small bowl

两大碗:two big bowls of… 一杯绿茶:a cup of green tea

15. 在饺子店:at the house of dumplings = at the dumping house

在甜品屋:at a dessert house/shop

16. 一些很棒的特色菜:some great specials 特色菜1:Special 1

17. (1) drink v. 喝; 如:What would you like to drink? (2) drink n. 饮料;(复数+s) 如:Cola is a kind of drinks.

18. (1) kind of 有点;(无形式变化) 如:He is kind of lazy.

(2) a kind of 一种;(单数) 如:English is a kind of languages.

(3) kinds of 多种;(复数) 如:There are many kinds of languages in the world.


1. -- What would you like? = What do you want?

-- I’d like some noodles. = I want some noodles.

句型:想要某东西:would like sth = want sth (后跟名词,不加to) 想要做某事:would like to do sth = want to do sth (后跟动词,加to)

练:(1) Do you want ___?A. speak English B. to the new pants C. ho home D. to go to school

(2) Would you like ________ (drink) some green tea?

2. 餐厅英语:

--我能帮您吗?-- Can I help you? = What can I do for you? = What would you like?

--我想要一些面条。-- I’d like some noodles. (I’d = I would)

-- What kind of noodles would you like?

-- I’d like beef and tomato noodles. (名词修饰名词,修饰词注意用“单数”)

–你想要多大碗的面?-- What size bowl of noodles would you like?

--我想要一中碗面。-- I’d like a medium bowl of noodles. (一中碗…)

什么种类:What kind 什么尺寸:What size 一大/小碗面条:a large/small bowl of noodles

3. ---- Would you like a large bowl?

--(接受):-- Yes, please. 或Yes, I’d like/love to. 好的 不能用:Yes, I would.

(拒绝)-- No, thanks. 不,谢谢。

练:-- Would you like some tea? -- ________.

A. Yes, I would B. Yes, please C. No, I don’t D. No, please

4.I’m not sure yet.我还不确定。

5.We’d also like gongbao chiken and some mapo tofu with rich.

6.Is there any meat in the tomato and egg soup? No ,there isn’t any./ No , there’s no meat.

Are there any vetetables in the soup? Yes,there are./No,there aren’t.


如:(1) I would like some beef noodles. (2) I wouldn’t like any chicken noodles.

(3) I didn’t have _______ money for a taxi.

7..May I take your order? 回答,肯定: Yes/Sure/Of course 否定: Sorry,but……/I’m afraid

8.. I like dumplings ,fish and orange juice. I don’t like green tea or porridge



9.The number of the candles is the person’s age.

10. All of these birthday foods may be different.



Vegetables:potatoes tomatoes carrots oinins (可数)

Fruits:apples bananas pears strawberries (可数)

Meet:beef mutton fish chichen pork (不可数)

Dink:green tea soup orange juice water porridge (不可数可数)

1.可数名词可以被 a/an 修饰,且有复数形式,而不可数名词不可以被a/an修饰,且没有复数形式

当名词为: 词尾变化 读 音 例 词

一般情况 加s 在清辅音后读/s/ chips, clocks

在浊辅音或元音后读/z/ boys, sharpeners, sofas, drawers

以s,x,ch,sh结尾的单词 加es /iz/ watches, boxes, classes, brushes

以字母o结尾的单词 加s或es /z/ zoos, photos,(无生命的)

tomatoes, potatoes, heroes


以辅音字母+y结尾的单词 去y 变i加es /z/ dictionaries, strawberries,

以f 或fe结尾的单词 去f或fe 变v 加 es /vz/ leaves(叶子), wives(妻子), halves(半)

2.基数词可以修饰可数名词,不可以直接修饰不可数名词,如:three paper(×)。但不可数名词前加上量词后则可以被基数词修饰。如:a cup of tea, a bowl of soup, a glass of water


Unit 11 How was your school trip?


11.go for a walk 散步 go fising 去钓鱼

12.milk a cow 给奶牛挤奶 go on a school tirp=haved a trip 去旅行

13.ride a horse 骑马 talk with 与…谈话

14.feed chicken 喂鸡 feed A with/on B 用B喂养/饲养 A

15.take some photos 拍一些照片 grow apples 种苹果

16.quite 与 very 的区别 :quite用于a/an 之前,He is quite a clever boy.very用于a/an 之后 He is a very clever boy.

17.show sb. around 带某人参观某地 learn (a lot) about=know about 知道,了解

18.in the countryside 在乡下 pick some apples 摘苹果 take…home

19.so much如此多的+不可数名词 so many +可数名词

20.fire station 消防站 along the way 沿线 buy sb sth buy sth for sb

21.all in all 总之 on the slow train 在慢车上

22.be interested in 对……感兴趣

23.too many people 太多人

24.hear强调听的结果 listen to 强调听的动作

25.not……at all一点也不


1. How was your school trip? It was great!

12. Did you go to the zoo? No, I didn’t . I went to a farm

13. Did you see any cows? Yes, I did. I saw quite a lot.

14. Did Carol ride a horse? No, she didn’t. But she milked a cow.

15. Were the strawberries good? Yes , they were./ No, they weren’t.

16. Lucky you .= You are so lucky. 你真幸运。

17. We got there so fast by train.

18. We had so much fun.





一般情况 +ed

以e字母结尾的辅音 +d

以辅音字母+y结尾 去y变i+ed

重读闭音节结尾的单词,末尾只有一个辅音字母 双写词尾字母+ed


主 语 肯 定 式 否 定 式 疑 问 式

第一、二人称和第三人称复数以及名词复数 I was a student.

We/You/ They were students.

He/ She was a student.

I / We/ You/ They/ liked music.

Many people liked music. I was not a student.

We/You/ They were not students.

He/ She was not a student.

I / We/ You/ They/ didn’t like music.

Many people didn’t like music. Were you a student.

Were you/ they students?

Was he/ she a student?

Did you/ they like music?

Did many people like music?



The police stopped me on my way home last night.


They weren't able to come because they were so busy.

3. 常用于一般过去时的时间状语:

yesterday,three months ago,last year,in 1979,often,always等。

Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?


1. go boating去划船 play badminton 打羽毛球

2. go to the beach 去海滩

3. go to the cinema= go to the movies去看电影

4. camp by the lake 在湖边野营 summer camp 夏令营 go camping 去野营

5. living habits 生活习性

6. stay up late 熬夜

7. run away 逃跑

8. shout at 因生气或愤怒“冲某人大声吼叫” shout to指“对某人大喊大叫”,目的是让人听见。

9. fly a kite 放风筝

10. study for a test为考试而学习

11. high school 中学

12. take…… to …… 带……去……

13. put up 搭起

14. make a fire 生火

15. keep + sb./sth. +adj. 让某人、某物保持某种状态

16. on the first night 在第一个晚上

17. so + adj. +that 太……以至于……

18. wake up把…… 弄醒

19. up and down 上上下下 get a surprise 吃惊

20. When we look out of our tent, we saw a big snake sleeping near the fire.

see sb do sth see sb doing sth


10.What did you do last weekend? I did my homework. / We went boating.

11.Who visited her grandma? Becky did.

12.Where did she go last weekend? She went to a farm.

13.Who did she go with ? She went with her classmates.

14.That’s why it’s import to learn a second language.

15.How interesting!

16.I worked as a guide at the National History Museum.

17.I was so scared that I couldn’t move.

I was so tired that I went to sleep early.

9.There we put up our tents and made a fire to keep us warm and cook food on.

10.They have a butterfly house with over 200 kinds of butterflies.

11.A family of mice were in the kitchen on Saturday morning when they say a big cat.