Module 6 Unit2 Word Power Emotions 学案设计(译林牛津版英语高二)


Word Power Emotions

东流中学 张郁

Teaching Aims:

1. Help students grasp words related to emotions.

2. Make students know how to express the emotions.

3. Get students to learn what happiness really means.

Teaching important and difficult points:

Make students know the noun form of the adjective words.

Make students to fill in the blanks and do an interview by using some emotional words.

Teaching Methods:

Discussion in pairs or in groups; task-based in-class activities; competition ; interview; writing; singing

Teaching Aids: A multimedia classroom; two pieces of music

Teaching Procedures:

StepⅠ Lead-in.

1.Make students know the teacher’s feeling: nervous but happy

2.Get students to answer the following questions:

How is your feeling/ emotion now ? Why?

StepⅡ Brainstorming

Show students some pictures and ask them to guess the feeling of each picture.

Step Ⅲ Consolidation

1.Task One: Form-Filling (Competition)

Ask students to fill in the form with correct noun forms of some adjective words.

2.Task Two: Blank-Filling (Competition)

Ask students to use some emotional words to fill in blanks

3.Task Three: Interview (Pair Work)

Ask students to give Flora a short interview about the speech competition.

Step Ⅳ Vocabulary Extension (Group Work)

Ask students to list more words related to emotions: happiness, sadness, anxiety, anger, others

Step V Writing (Individual Work)

Ask students to write their happiness with one sentence.

Step VI Singing

Ask students to sing the song- if you are emotional -to review the words they had learnt.

Step VII Homework

1. Give the words related to emotions correct noun forms

2. Ask students to write an e-mail to express their emotions about the class.