Unit4 Earyhquakes 导学案 (新课标版英语高一)


Teaching goals

1. Target language

a. Key words and phrases

well, pond, burst, canals, steam, dirt, injure, brick, dam, useless, steel, shock, rescue, quake, electricity, army, shelter, fresh, organize, bury, at an end, dig out, coal mine, in ruins.

b. Key sentences

1. It seemed as if the world was at an end.

2. Then, later that afternoon, another big quake which was almost as strong as the first one shook Tangshan.

3. All hope was not lost.

2. Ability goals

Enable the students to describe the earthquake of Tangshan.

Let the students write a summary of “A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDN”T SLEEP”.

3. Learning ability goals

Help the students learn how to describe the earth of Tangshan.

Help the students master the target language by doing some exercises.

Teaching important points

a. Present a sequence of events to introduce to the students and try to describe an earthquake. Let student pay attention to some useful words sentences and way to describe an earthquake.

b. Let the students know what the correct attitude towards a disaster is and what we should do in a disaster for ourselves and for the other people.

Teaching difficult points

Teach the students how to appreciate an article.

Teaching methods

a. Discussing

b. Skimming and scanning

Teaching aids

A slide projector

Teaching procedures & ways

Step1. Revision

Check the homework with the whole class.

1. He was slightly (受伤) in the accident.

2. I was (震惊) by the way he treated his own mother.

3. The dam _____ (突然破裂) because of the heavy rain.

4. The building was (严重受损) after the earthquake.

5. Twenty miners were (被困入) underground after the accident.

6. Their marriage is (结束).

Step2. Warming-up

Do know Wenchuan Earthquake?

What do you know about another big earthquake which happened in china --- Tangshan earthquake?

Step3. Reading


1.What does the passage mainly talk about?

happened in on .

2.The main idea of each part.


____________ were happening before the earthquake.


____________ happened and caused a lot of loss.


______ came to Tangshan. All hope was not lost.


Fill in the blanks.

Para 1. Signs before the earthquake

The water in the well

Well walls

A smelly gas

The pigs and

the chickens

Mice and fish

In the sky

The water pipe

Para2-3. Damage caused by the earthquake.

Main Idea Details

Damage caused

by earthquake

At _____ am, the __________ earthquake of the 20th century began .

_______ burst from holes in the ground.

Hard hills of the rock became rivers of ____.

________ covered the ground like red autumn leaves.

Two _______ and most of the bridges fell.

The railway tracks were now _________pieces of _______.

______ now filled the wells instead of water.

Water,food,and ___________ were hard to get.


of the nation felt the earthquake .

A huge crack that was kilometres long and meters wide cut across houses.

In terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins.

of the people died or were injured during the earthquake.

The number of people who were killed or injured reached more than .

All of the city’s hospitals, of its factories and buildings and of its homes were gone.

Para 4. Recovery after the earthquake

1.How the army helped the people in Tangshan?

Comprehending:Decide whether they are true or false.

1.People in Tangshan were warned of the earthquake and didn’t go to bed that night.

2.People in Beijing also felt the earthquake.

3.More than 400 000 people were killed in the quake.

4.Many rescue workers and doctors were trapped under the ruins during the aftershock.

5.People tried to get fresh water from under the ground in Tangshan.

Step 4. Post-reading:Retell the story

____________ happened in Tangshan. For a few days, water in the wells _____________. From the ______ of wells __________ come out. Mice, chicken, pigs and even fish became ________. At 3:00 am, everything began to ______. It seemed that the world was _________. _________ of the nation ____ it. ___________ cut across the city. The city lay _______.

Two-thirds of the people _____ or ___________. Then later that afternoon, another big quake ______ Tangshan. People began to wonder ___________________________. But all hope ___________. _______ came to help those ________. Slowly, the city began to _____________.

Step 5. Discussion

What should we do to protect ourselves if an earthquake happened?

Step 6. Homework

Exercises 1, 2 and 3 in the Using language on Page 30.