七下U7T1导学案 (仁爱版英语七年级)


Unit 7 Topic 1 When were you born? 导学案

Section A

一. 单词。

1.一月-----十二月 2. 作家,作者 3. (长篇)小说 4. (am, is的过去式)是

5. (are的过去式)是 6. 出生 7. 迷;风扇 8. 千



2. 她在哪里出生?在英国的威尔士。

3. 你真是她的超级粉丝。



( ) 1. - _____ is your brother’s birthday ? -His birthday is _____ July 19th.

A. What; in B. When; on C. Where; at D. How; for

( ) 2. - Happy birthday to you, Lily. - _____________

A. The same to you. B. Thank you. C. You’re welcome. D. OK.

( ) 3.We read “2008” _____________ .

A. two thousand and eight B. two thousands and eight

C. two thousands and eighty D. two thousand and eighty

( )4. - _____ you at school yesterday? -No, I _____ at home.

A. Was; was B. Were; were C. Were; was D. Was; were

( )5. -When was your mother born? ---- She was born__

A. on September B. yes, she is. C. in Henan D. on December 22nd, 1780.

( )6. Kangkang was born May the eighteenth.

A. in B. on C. at D. for


five, have, go , write

1. He is a great _________ in China.

2. What’s the date today? It’s May ______.

3. She wants ______ a party for me.

4. Would you like ________ fishing with me?

Section B

一. 单词。

1. 日期;约会 2. 日历 3. 计划,打算 4. 庆祝

5. 聚会,宴会;党派 6.第四 --第十 7. 第十二 8. 第二十


1. 康康,你什么时候生日? 5月13号。 2.今天几号了?5月8号。

3. 你的生日快到了。 4. 让我看下日历。 5. 你准备怎么庆祝生日?


三. 请根据书中第二部分,根据分组情况,总结基数词变序数词的规律

1.A组: one---________ two_________ _________---third

2.B组: eight--_________ nine--__________ five/twelve--________/_________

3.C组:twenty---_______ thirty---___________ ninety---____________

4.D组:其余数词seven--_____________ twenty-one---_____________




( )1. -How old are the twins? -They are _____ .A. twelfth B. twelve C. twelveth

( )2. Kangkang’s birthday, I’ll buy some dolls him.

A. On, to B. In, to C. On, for D. At; in

( ) 3.The boy is only ____and today is his_____ birthday.

A. nine; nine B. ninth; nine C. nine; ninth D. ninth; ninth

( ) 4. - ______________ - It was August 1st.

A. What was the date yesterday? B. When is today?

C. How was yesterday? D. What day was it yesterday?

( ) 5. Here is a present _____ Jane. A. of B. for C. about D. at

( ) 6. Mrs. Brown wants _____ a new dress ______ her daughter.

A. to buy; to B. to buy; for C. buying; to D. buying; for


1. There are some new words in Lesson 4.(同义句)

There are some new words in ____ _____ lesson.

2. Yesterday was April 22nd. (划线提问) ____ was the ___ yesterday?

3. Kangkang was born in Beijing on May 18th.(划线提问)

____ and ___ was Kangkang born?

5. I want to buy a flower for my mother. (划线提问)

What ____ you _____ to buy for your mother?

6.I was born on July 7th, 1990.(对画线部分提问)

________ _________ you born?

Section C


1. 礼物 2. n. 形状v. 使成为……形状 3. 球;舞会 4. 担心;害怕

5. 明星 6. 老鼠(单数,复数)7. n. 正方形;广场;平方 adj. 正方形的

8. n. 圆,圆圈 v. 圈出 9. 三角形 10. 长方形 11. n. 椭圆 adj. 椭圆形的

12. 厘米


1. 给…生日礼物 2…的形状 3.我猜到了。 4.我能看看吗?恐怕你不能。

5. 我们用它做什么? 我们用它做… 6. 它像什么? 它像花。

7. 它是什么形状? 它是三角形状。 8.它多长/宽? 它6.4 厘米长/宽。


一. 选择最佳选项。

( ) 1 When is _____________ birthday ?

A. Lucy B. Lucy’s C. Lucys D. Lucys’

( ) 2. I buy flowers _______ your birthday. A. on B. for C. of D. with

( ) 3. - What’s the shape the desk?-It’s rectangular.

A. with B. in C. of D. at

( ) 4. - _____ is your teacher’s desk? -It’s about 140 centimeters long.

A. How far B. How many C. How wide D. How long

( ) 5.Let me have a look _____ your ID card, please.

A. in B. an C. at D. /

( ) 6.- What do you use the pencil-box_______?

- We use it ________ keep pencils and rules.

A. for; for B. to; to C. for; to D. to; for

二. 根据句意或首字母,在空白处填入适当的词。

1. My friends give me many _____ on my birthday.

2. - What _____ is the machine? -It’s a circle.

3. - What is it? -It’s black.

4. The sun like a c________. 5. I think many girls like d_____.


1. I think babies like dolls. (改为否定句)

I think babies dolls.

2. Our classroom is eight meters wide. (对画线部分提问)

is classroom?

3. What shape is your present? (改为同义句)

_____ _____ _____ of your present?

4. We use the MP3 to listen to the music.(对画线部分提问)

_____ do we use the MP3 ?

Section D


1. 计划做… 2.大餐 3. 为…买… 4. 一块生日蛋糕

5. 对于布朗夫人来说,那将是美好的一天。


一. 请选出最佳选项。

( ) 1. -Here is a present _____ Jane. -That will be a surprise _____ her.

A. of; to B. for; for C. about; for D. at; to

( ) 2. Mrs. Brown wants _____ a new dress _____ her daughter.

A. to buy; to B. to buy; for C. buying; to D. buying; for

( ) 3.There are ___________months in a year. __________ month is December.

A. twelfth , Twelfth B. twelve , Twelve

C. twelfth , The twelfth D. twelve , The twelfth

( ) 4. Were born is September, 2000?

A. your mother B. them C. they D. he

( ) 5. ______ you born in Hubei? -yes, I _____.

A. are; am B .do; do C. are; are D. were; was


1. ---______ ______ _______ ________?(今天几号) -it’s May 13th.

2. What shape is your MP4? (同义句转换)

 _______  the ______  of  your MP4?

3. --- What’s ______ ______ ______ your ________? ----It’s square.

4. --- _____ ______(多宽) is your ruler? -20cm.

5._____ ______your daughter_______(你女儿出生在什么地方)?

---She was born in Beijing .


A: Let’s go. B: I’m going out to buy a birthday cake for my mother.

C: I want to buy a sweater for myself.

D: Why are you here? E: What would you like to buy?

G: I’m afraid. H: You are right.

(Outside the door of a supermarket, Danny met LiMing)

D: Hello, Li Ming, glad to see you.

L: Me too. 1 ?

D: 2 , tomorrow is her birthday.

L: Happy birthday to your mother.

D: Thank you. 3 ?

L: 4

D: Would you mind going together?

L: Never. 5

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.