Unit10 I’m going to be a basketball player. Section B 3a-4) 教学案例(人教版英语八年级)


I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1.Knowledge Goals: To master key words and phrases, and then to use the target language to write a short passage about their resolutions in the new year.

   2.Ability Goals: To improve students' ability of reading and writing.

3.Emotional Goal: Students are able to understand that a good plan is not good without carrying it out.

II. Teaching Key Points

Key words and phrases: dream/somewhere/hold art exhibition/artist/a part-time job/save some money/at the same time/ be rich/travel all over the world/retire/yet/at the same time/buy something for somebody/send…to.

III. Teaching Difficult Points

Learn to write a short passage about their resolutions in the future according to what we have learned this lesson and be able to talk about their future jobs with“be going to...”.

IV. Teaching Methods

  Writing method, Reading method, Task-based teaching method.

V. Teaching Aids

Some cards

VI. Teaching Procedures

   Step1 Greeting and free talk

   Step2 Revision

T: Yesterday we have learned sth about New Year’s Resolutions with the pattern of “be going to,” Do you still remember? At this time, I will show Ss some word cards to revise what we have learned.

Ss: …

   Step3 Introduction and new words learning on page 61.

T: Today we go on talking about future intentions. That is What are you going to be when you grow up? and How are you going to do that? Where are you going to work? Now let’s learn some new words about that. e.g. dream, somewhere,…

   Step4 Text presenting (3a)

   Task1: Fast reading:

1).Give each Ss a paper and ask Ss to read 3a quickly and choose the best

main idea of this passage( )

A: It mainly tells us the New Year’s resolutions of readers.

B: Many readers are going to work harder in school.

C: Lots of readers are going to play sports.

D: Some readers are going to eat more vegetables.

2)Check the answers

Task2: Careful reading

1) Fill in the chart:

Who What are they going to do?

Many readers work harder in school

Lots of readers play sports

Some readers eat more vegetalbes

A few readers learn a new language

Some girls exercise more to keep fit

Some parents study the subjects they children learn at school

One old lady leave her job and find a job as a language teacher

2) Check the answers.

Task3 Intensive reading:

Read the passage again and then translate the following


1. 新年的决心_____________________________________________________

2. 在学校更加努力的工作___________________________________________

3. 学习一门新的语言_______________________________________________

4. 保持健康_______________________________________________________

5. 与某人交流_____________________________________________________

6. 作为一名语言教师_______________________________________________

Task4 Translation,listening and reading

pay more attention to the pronunciation and some usages of words and


Task5 Retell.

According to the chart in careful reading, try to retell the passage.

Who What are they going to do?

Many readers work harder in school

Lots of readers play sports

Some readers eat more vegetables

A few readers learn a new language

Some girls exercise more to keep fit

Some parents study the subjects they children learn at school

One old lady leave her job and find a job as a language teacher

Help: Our readers have different New Year’s resolutions. Many readers are going to work harder in school. Lots of readers…


Step5 Practice (3b)

   Ask Ss to look at 2a and 2b on page 62, and then to make a report according to the chart.

Name What are they going to do? How are they going to do it?

Kim make a soccer team practise really hard;

a summer camp;

play soccer every day there.

Lucy learn to play an instrument take piano lessons

Manuel get good grades study hard and do his homework every day.

   Help: Three students made their New Year’s resolutions yesterday.

Kim is ...

Step6 .Production (3c-4)

In this part, I will ask Ss to write a short passage after class.

   Tittle:What are you going to do to make No.6 middle school cleaner?Write down

    some of your resolutions.


Step7 Summary

Step8 Homework

1.Read 3a we have learned in this class fluently and to master some key words

and phrases.

2.Learn to write a short passage about their resolutions(3a-4).