七年级下英语unit12What did you do last weekend?导学案 (人教版英语七年级)


Unit 12 What did you do last weekend? 课时1 (A1a-2d)

班级: 姓名: 学号:


一、Key words: camp lake beach sheep as natural visitor tired stay stay up late badminton butterfly

二、Target language: –What did you/he/she/they do last weekend ?

--I/We/He/She/They went boating


三、难点: 用过去时谈论过去发生的事。


1.做作业 2.去电影院

3.去划船 4.去沙滩

5.在湖边露营 6.打羽毛球

7.打排球 8.为考试而学习

9.喂些羊 10.拜访奶奶


1.上周末你做了些什么事? did you ?

2.他去划船了。He 。

3.谁跟他一起去的?who she .?

4.上周末他们去哪里了? they go ?



1. 在书上完成P67的1a 1b 2a 2b部分。

2.合作学习(2c 2d),

1)Pair work完成2c


1. ?

I did my homework

2. ?

They went to a farm

3. ?

She played badminton with her brother.




1. Let’s go c____ __ in the mountains this Sunday,

2. I s ___.for the math test last weekend .


( )1. ----______ did you go on vacation?

----Beijing, the capital of China.

A. How B. When C. Where

( ) 2.My elder sister likes to play ______ basketball but I like to play ______ violin.

A. the the B.the \ C. \ the

( ) 3.I had a(n) in math yesterday.

A. test B. exam C. book


1)I went to the mountains( 改为一般疑问句)

2)Tina visited grandma (对划线部分提问)

3) Did you go to the beach? (肯定回答)

4) Did they go to summer camp? (否定回答)

Unit 12 What did you do last weekend? 课时2 (A2d-3c)

班级: 姓名: 学号:

【学习目标】一、Key words: away run away mouse mice baby shout shou at language

二、Target language: -- What did you/he/she/they do last weekend ?

--I/We/He/She/They went boating

Who visited her grandma ?

Where did she go last weekend?

Who did she go with?

三、掌握和what / where /who/when引导的特殊疑问句。


1. Miss Li is a good (向导)for this tour.

2. I think our English class was (有趣的)

3. The boy 丢失his keys last weekend

4. The food was very (极坏的), so children didn’t like it.

5. it,s important to learn a second (语言) .


1.你的假期过得怎么样? was your ?

2.海滩怎么样? were the ?

3.--那里的人怎么样? --他们很友好。

were the ? They were .

4.他们去了哪里? 他们去划船了了。

did they ? They .







go----- help--------- see-------

make----- cook--------- walk-------

is------ are------- go ---------

study------ do---- swim-----

2, 用was 或 were 将下列句子补充完整

1) I ______ twelve years old last year.

2) -- ______ you at school yesterday? ----Yes, I ______.

3) ---How ______ your cousin? ------He ______ fine.

4) They ______ on the soccer team last summer..

5) There ______ five people in Li Lei’s family in 2004.

6) The weather ______ hot and humid yesterday.

7) Taylor and Royal ______ classmates last term.

8) ---How______the people? ------They ______ great.

3. 单项选择:

( )1) ______ was your vacation ,Mary?

A. How B. What C. Where

( ) 2) It’s a ______ day, so we can’t go to the beach.

A, rain B. raining C. rainy

( ) 3) --- ______ the weather like in Chengdu in spring?

---It’s neither hot nor cold.

A How is B What’s C. Why is

( ) 4) What a ______ house it is! We like it very much.

A terrible B dirty C pretty

( )5)------When did you go last summer holiday?

-----I ______ to the Palace Museum.

A go. B .went C am going

4. 用动词的适当形式填空:

A: Where ______ you ______ on your vacation? (go)

B: I ______ to stores (go), what about you?

A:I ______ at home .(stay)

B: What ______ you ______? (do)

A: Nothing much.

B: Why do you ____ __home? (stay)

A:I just ____ __ to go out.(not want)

Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?课时3 (B1a-1e)

班级: 姓名: 学号:


1学习掌握有关评动作的过去时:sang studied went flew swam had

2 能运用be+形容词来评价事物,如:The people were friendly.

3 熟练地谈论表示过去发生的事件--一般过去时的用法.

【预习内容】一、1a 根据图片用过去时说出动词词组


1、A: was the weather? B:It was sunny.

2、A: did you go on vacation? B:I went to Beijing.

3、A: did you do on vacation? B:I played tennis on vacation.

4、A: did you go? B:I went there on Monday.


2.Match the vocabulary:(1a)

3. Master and use:Where did Vera go on vacation? (1b)

The vocabulary:sang and played the guitar went to the library studied for a test swam in a swimming pool had dinner with


1). Listening: 完成 1b and 1c

2.) Pair work:(完成1d)make a dialogue (talk about what you did last weekend)


1) go______2)have_______ 3)study______

4)fly________5)sing________6)sit_______ 7)do_________8)see______9)play______ 10.camp .

2. 单项选择:

( ) 1. I want to spend a quiet ______ holiday,

A. relaxing B .relaxed C. relax

( ) 2. -----Did you study for exam? ----- ______ .

A. No, I did B. Yes, I did. C. Yes, I didn’t

( ) 3.The news was ______, we were ______to hear it.

A. excited excited B excited exciting C exciting excited

( ) 4. ----- ______ the food there? -------It’s great.

A How was B .What‘s C How is

( ) 5. ______ the weather like in Beijing yesterday

A What was B How was C What is

3. 句型转换;

1. The people in that city were unfriendly(对划线部分提问)

______ ______ the people in that city?

2. Tom did his homework last night. ( 改为一般疑问句)

______Tom ______ his homework last night?

3. He visited the Great Wall last Sunday. (对划线部分提问)

______ ______he ______last Sunday?

4.She wants to be an actress(对划线部分提问)

______ ______she want to be?

5. John wants to eat an apple (同义句)

John ______ ______ ______eat an apple.

Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?课时4 (B32a-3b)

班级: 姓名: 学号:

【学习目标】一、high school ago India put up the tent moon surprise get a surprise snake move shout to start jump up and down wake up into forest ear

二、Target language:1.As a special gift our parents took us to India

2. I was so tired that I went to sleep early

3.We saw a big snake sleeping near the fire

4we can feel things moving


1)高中毕业 ______ ______ 2)作为特殊礼物_____ ______ ______

3)有趣但可怕______ ______ 4)在小村庄露营______ ______

5)生火______ ______ ______6)搭起帐篷_____ ______ ______

7)第二天早上 ______ ______ ______ ______

8)朝帐篷外看______ ______ ______9)朝某人大声叫______ ______ ______

10)开始干某事______ ______ ______ 11,一堂有用的课







1. My friends had fun (play) football.

2. Tina was busy with her work, so she didn’t find her son (watch) TV.

3. Too much work makes him (feel) tired.

4. The child (lost) and I helped him (find) his home.

5. It’s raining, so Tom must (stay) at home all day.


1)He visited his uncle last month.一般疑问句并肯定回答。

________he ________ his uncle last month?------Yes, he ________.

2) They went to the Summer Palace in 2005(划线部分提问)

________ ________ they ________ to the Summer Palace?

3).The food was awful(划线部分提问)

________ ________the food?

4) The teacher found him sleeping. (划线部分提问)

________ ________the teacher ________ him ________?

5) I had no time for lunch.

I ________have ________time ________ ________lunch.

6) I didn’t find my bag.

My bag ________ ________.

7) They sang in the park. They were happy.

They ________ ________ ________in the park.

Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?课时5selfcheck)

班级: 姓名: 学号:

一、 合作探究:PAIR WORK

What did you do?Where did you go? How was your vacation ?

二、 拓展延伸:

1let /make/have使、让 跟动词原形make me_______(feel) happy

2have fun/find跟动词的ing we had great fun _______(play) in the water.

I found a small boy _____(cry) in the corner.

3 decide/want/wouldlike跟to+动词原形we decided_______(play) tennis.

4help…do something/help…with I helped him_____(find) his father.



1.help______2.come______3.stop______ 4.stay______ 5.swim______ 6.have______ 7.find______ 8.make______ 9.decide______ 10.fly______ 11.see______ 12.lose______ 13.walk______ 14.eat______


1.How's the weather? It's ________.(雨) 2. We are studying for________.(考试)

3.They went to ________(参观)the Park last Saturday. 4.Where did you go on ________?(假期)

5.What did she ________(想) of her shoes? 6.How are the people? They are ________.(不友好)

7.I_______(参观) the museum yesterday. 9.I don't like going shopping. It's________(拥挤).

10.At night, I listened to the sound of ______(波浪). 11.She had great ______(困难) finding a job.

12Today the weather is very cool, so we ______(决定) to play tennis.

13.My father likes to take a bus ______(旅行). He thinks it's relaxing.

14.The mooncakes with eggs in them are ______(美味的).


( )1.He ___ go home unit he finished(完成) his work. A. didn't B. did C. doesn't D. does

( )2.---Were there many students there yeaterday? --- ________________.

A.Yes, there was B.Yes, there were C.Yes, there is D. Yes, there are

( )3.He ___ to the zoo yesterday. A. go B. didn't went C. didn't go D. going

( )4.I found a little boy ___ in the street. A. plays B. played C. play D. playing

( )5.The boss(老板) made him ___ 12 hours a day. A. to work B. work C. working D. works

( )6.--Where ___ you go on vcation? --I went to the mountains. A. do B. did C. are D. were

( )7.--Did you go to Center Park? --___. A.Yes, I did B.Yes, you did C.Yes, I didn't D.No, I did

( )8.--___ the weather yesterday? --It was cloudy. A. How's B. What's C.What was D.How was

( )9.We had great fun ___ the water. A. play on B. play in C. playing in D. to play above

( )10.___ Sunday afternoon, we flew kites(放风筝). A. In B. At C. From D. On



1.She ________(go) to Longshan Park last week.

2.Look! Two girls ________(sing) in the room.

3.Buses are always ________.(crowd)

4.Some clothes are expensive, some are ________.(not expensive)

5.How were the people? They were ________.(friend)

6.How is the weather today? It is ________.(rain)

7.Homework is ________ for children. (bore)

8.How are the ________? They are beautiful.(beach)

9.In the afternoon, we went ________.(shop)
